The sun ... I should stop using the state of the sun to mark time. It is too boring. Every day, it emerges from the same place, walks the same path, and then says goodbye to the world in the same place, never changes, It won't change. It's too boring to think of anything to describe it. Bayi Chinese Network? W㈧WW. 81ZW. COM


"Where are we going?" Wess said goodbye to the Western celestial bodies on the co-pilot, and looked at the Eastern celestial bodies. "It's night, we should go home."

James, who was in control of the steering wheel, glanced. "Are you a primitive man, are you controlled by the sun. Hey." The tone was not good.

Wes pursed his lips, bowed his head as if thinking something, and stared sideways at James. "James, I tried it. I've tried very hard to make our partner go smoothly. We are friends, right, Good friends, we should be happy and relaxed to work together, because we have a tacit understanding, we care for each other, we understand each other. But you, you ... "began to shake his head, and at the same time emphasized the tone," You did not try! "

Let's put it this way, the working condition of these new partners is very bad today. |

In the morning, I was beaten up. I did n’t say anything when I saw Zach. The demarcation point was that the two men formally went to the southeast to investigate the case. In the afternoon after coming out of Brian ’s house, two detectives visited the whole building and asked for clues about the murder.

In other words, an afternoon was wasted.

Is it useful to visit, when the murderer killed, the murderer also went to the neighborhood and told the neighborhood ‘I ’m going to kill someone, and you must tell my police whereabouts I ’m going to ask! ’

Okay, this is too radical, but there is a reason-

James frowned and was driving, so he was looking at the road ahead, "Try? Your attempt is to give up!"

"Give up?" Weiss didn't understand. "What did I give up?"

"All!" James honked his horn irritably. At peak times, and still on the main road, the place where James is going will be announced soon, no hurry.

"Uh, for example?" Although Weiss may be more impatient than James, he is at least more mature than James and he knows how to communicate. Ask if you do n’t understand, silence is the worst.

"For example, you would not shut up about looking for vampires, looking for demons, and looking for aliens!"

Wes froze for a moment. James did n’t frame him. Wes was really, well, positive. After realizing that he and James were wasting time visiting those tenants, he made this suggestion: 'James, we are wasting time, most people. I ’m not familiar with this new Republican who moved in here. They ca n’t give us any useful advice. We should go find evil (magic) ... Sgal (considering James ’rejection of demons), Madison is right, We should go to the soul of this victim. ’

Needless to say, the result of this suggestion was rejected, and the two detectives still wasted an afternoon doing useless work. The information received is, for example, "Republican? Is there a Republican in our building?" For example, "Oh! I have seen him a few times, he seems to like to say 'How are you?" And only Pick up 'I'm fine too' weird. "For example," Can't believe he is dead, how can I tell my child? Uh ... I can never find such a cheap babysitter, uh, a male babysitter ... " Like this "...

To be fair, James and Weiss still got some intelligence in the case of a lot of indifference, and even ridicule that the police came to the southeast. For example, the Republican ’s federal language is not fluent, he rarely goes out, and has no amateur activities , Occasionally helping people take care of children.

Most of the time wasted, the two detectives were trying to communicate with the child who was looked after by this Republican.

Obviously, this Republican who is not familiar with Barton, the way to help people take care of children is to tell stories and tell the stories of another country. What disappointed James and Weiss was that the Republicans did not tell their own stories. They were all strange stories similar to the federal legend. Coax the children. Therefore, the two detectives failed to obtain any clues from the interaction between the Republican and the child that could help them find the murderer.

This afternoon, after all, was still wasted. If James accepts Weiss ’s suggestion, they may have asked everything from the mouth of the Republican ’s soul now, instead of still starting from now. Incompetent.

After a moment of stunned anger, Wes stared at James, "Am I wrong? Don't we need help? James, someone died, cruelly killed! I didn't mind leaving a strong Personal style logo! "The victim was chopped after death." This only shows that this will not be the only murder! The murderer will act again! "Understand that if the murder is not carried out again, the meaning of that person's style is in where? Is n’t it just to let people know ‘Hey, I did it’!

Wes continued, "I don't know when, there will be new victims! James! We are racing against time! We are still on the starting line! We need help!"

Hey ... how many times have we described and defined James' character. He is the kind of person, kind of-"We need help! But we don't need interracial!"

"God!" Weiss turned his head silently. "This is where you are upset? Interracial can stop a cruel murderer faster than we can?"

"Yes!" James violated a driving rule and glared at Wes. "We are police! This is our job, not alien!"

"My God, James Lance!" Rare, Weiss called his full name, "Can you grow up? It's not time to show your self-esteem ..."

Was interrupted, "That's it! If the aliens are so powerful, why don't they come to be the police! Why don't they take the initiative to protect the world! Why don't they take the initiative to harm the society!" Oh! Wonderful, we might be able to learn more about James ’childish way of thinking," Did you watch vampires as police? Have you seen demons as police ?! You do n’t! We are police, we are humans ! We are protecting our world! What are interracials doing? ** They do n’t eat people everywhere. We also want to thank them for letting go! So Lao Tzu is in self-esteem! Because of self-esteem!

Weiss probably didn't expect to excite James like this, but he froze again, bowing his head and frowning. Can you say that James is not telling the truth? It seems not.

The car was quiet for a while, not long, broken by Weiss ’s life sigh, "You are still very naive. Their Lord does not take the initiative to help that is their business, but please do not ask them to help, it is our choice." Weiss Puckering his eyes at James, "I can ask them to help, we can ask them to help, then we should please. This is their duty to live in this world, just like any ordinary citizen, we are Police, we have the right to let the capable people help. "

"Huh." This is just disdain.

Weiss pouted, "And you don't have to be so extreme, aliens take the initiative, like Zack ..."

James is hammering the horn.

Weiss shook his head, "You don't want to listen, you have to listen, the truth is there. If someone sticks to you to help, you hate it and accept it. You have to admit that he is very useful. Now the person who is actively helping is not , You do n’t have to be hypocritical, you know all his relationships, you know who to do with what, do n’t waste the relationships you know. ”And the final emphasis,“ especially in this kind of situation is likely to reappear When the victim! Put away your self-esteem! Do something for this world! "

James held the steering wheel for a while, then started doing things that made Weiss roll his eyes.

Do you know the kind of warning lights placed on the roof of the car, the kind of things that whine whine. Um, James flipped this thing out of the trunk, put it on the roof, opened it, and honked his horn.

The effect is that every car owner who has a little sense of social responsibility, and the humans who are rushing home on the peak road, are trying to move the police car out of the road.

James glared at Wes. "We humans! No alien help!"

In this situation, Weiss didn't know what else to say. Emotions will be complicated, hey.

Forget it, this way, James can reach his goal faster. Especially in this kind of time when humans should be controlled by the sun like primitive people, it is a good thing to enter the city hall, which should be the safest place in the city, as soon as possible.

Why James is going to the city hall and explain while he is still driving.

The wasted afternoon only proved one thing. Although this republican victim is a federal citizen, there is no social relationship in the Federation or in Barton. It can be said that he hasn't had time to establish his own social relationship here. He has no friends, relatives, or enemies. Uh, how are you? I ’m also very good. Can someone have an enemy who will kill you.

To put it simply, when James asked the interviewees, ‘who do you think would want to hurt him’, James would only get the answer ‘I ’m not familiar with him, I do n’t know’.

But this republican did not fall from the sky, he had a social relationship, but he was not around the place where he lived. It was just a few sheets of paper, because it had no use for his current life and was preserved and sealed in writing. You can do this Say, after all, these pieces of paper are the ultimate human **, everything about people. These pieces of paper are called archives.

James needs this person's file. Due to the immigrant status of the Republicans, the information collected by the police station is too limited, almost except that the age of the name is blank, James needs to know more.

As Weiss just said, the police have the right to allow capable citizens to cooperate with themselves to maintain the right to world peace ... James just knows a person who has the ability to obtain all the detailed documents of a citizen, Mayor Anthony.

Weiss was right, they needed to race against time, and although the two were still on the starting line, looking at James, his preparatory moves had been completed, he had crossed those tedious things, staring at how to get there The end is near.

Not to mention the closer route of the alien race, James didn't listen. The above is proof.


Weiss really didn't want to go in with James, because just entering the door, there was already a conflict--

After work, the city hall is closed and no more visitors are received. But look at what James did, the police badge is not good enough to start signing up, "I am Lance! I want to see Mayor Ann Anthony! His car is still here! I know he is still here! You May I go in or explain to the mayor why the car parked in the parking space will be issued a ticket! "

Incredible? No, this is the police's right! The kind of abuse.

Weiss was really worried that James would say something inexplicable in front of the mayor and followed James in. Hey, look at James's clear footsteps. He knows where he should go in this structure.

Ignore boring moves. James Weiss stood in front of the mayor's office. Does anyone remember Gina's desk here, yes, that vase-like female secretary.

James's face was completely gloomy, because the female secretary at that time was sitting there with a look of dementia, not even blocking the visitor's consciousness!

The office door opened.

Squinting in the dark circles, Eli Torredo smiled at James, "Wow ~ What a surprise! Are you here for me ~ Partner ~"


Weiss turned his head and left, very decisively. This has nothing to do with self-esteem, only to cherish your life!

James didn't stop Wes, but he forgot. James ’s brain capacity, we ’ve already seen it this morning, right? Once a thread with high priority appears, he ca n’t handle other threads—

"Why are you here !!!"

"Time's up ~" Eli watched Wess leave without expressing any opinion. Instead, he turned to glance at Anthony, who was rubbing his face at the desk. Eli ’s time did not say that there is no sun in the sky now, but, “Zac ’s friend, Alpha Benjamin, human Anthony. I ’ve seen Benjamin, and unfortunately, he has never given me a clear answer (Benjamin I told Zack that he only accepted the coexistence agreement and kept silent for all other things proposed by Eli)), I think it ’s time to meet this mayor and get some new opinions ~ "No James How much time reflected, "Why are you here? Wouldn't it be really eager to see me? Ha ha, I'm shy ~" said, one finger was still on the pale face, and a hand powder , "Oh ~ not so obvious ~ The price this style needs to pay ~"

"Yes!" This is an unexpected exhibition-Mayor Anthony stopped rubbing his emotions, "Detective! Why do you come here?" Was a question, after the discomfort that seemed to be interrupted , Irritable questioning.

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