As soon as Cyrus came home from work, Zac went back to the office and called Drake. Zac has two things to ask.

"What is cancer?" Zac was too lazy to lay it out, and asked directly, because the feeling that Cyrus had just returned to work today made Zac feel a little strange.

Even after Zac forcibly found some work for Cyrus-this will be said later. Anyway, even if Cyrus does work, Zac feels a strange feeling. Zac can only guess that he made a mistake he didn't notice when answering the question.

Drake over there for a while froze for a while, "Did anyone you know get cancer?"

"No." Zac pursed his lips and asked in a different way-Zac suddenly realized that even if Drake told him what cancer was, he didn't understand it. "I suddenly heard it today. It is said that vampires are cancers of this world. I do n’t know how to respond. Do you have any insights? "

"What ?!" Derrick's microphone dropped once, and then returned to his mouth after a random touch. "Who, who said you that?"

Zac corrected it. "It's not me. I'm talking about vampires." But Drake's reaction has made Zac a little bit more. "Is this a bad statement? Like comparing vampires to social borers? Is it derogatory? "James once said Zac, Zac remembered.

"Uh ..." Derek seemed a little confused. "Yeah, not really, it depends on the context ..." The whitewashing efforts were too obvious.

Zac said directly, "You don't have to take care of my feelings, say your opinion."

"Uh ... me, I don't think vampires are like cancer ..." After all, Drake is professional. "But if I were to deny the similarity between the two, I, I couldn't help it."

"Let's talk ~" Zac's emotions were fairly relaxed.

"Uh ..." It feels like this conversation is over. Drake over the earpiece will have a sore throat. This pronunciation finished by squeezing the vocal cords is repeated too many times. "Vampires and cancer are definitely a certain The changes in the original part of the ecosystem, right, changes, are not foreign objects. "

"Uh huh." Zac tilted his head for a moment, "Vampires were once humans, and humans are a native part of this world, so vampires are also a part of this world, not alien species. Oh, I can accept this Saying ~ "

"Uh ... yes. Cancer ... To be precise, so are cancer cells. They were once normal body cells."

I started to go to places where Zack could not understand. Organs, tissues ... are still in Zack ’s scope. After all, vampires are capable of recognizing a creature ’s death. This means that vampires know which organ of a creature, To what extent the tissue is damaged will determine the speed at which this creature dies.

As for cells? For the vampire, it is beyond the outline.

However, relying on Zac ’s IQ and thinking in context, Zac can still understand the meaning of Derek ’s expression, “So this 'cancer cell' used to be a normal human body until, as you said, they have changed. "Forgive Zac-Zac frowned." Don't tell some people now that there are more organs than me. I can't accept it. "

"Uh ..." Derek was a little bit uncomfortable. "No, no one has more organs than a four-century person (Zac)." Take a deep breath and continue to compare cancer and vampires with his specialty. , And copying ... well, that is the way to reproduce yourself, the same as your vampires. "

Zac breathed a sigh of relief knowing that there is not much human growth now. If anyone is curious about Zac ’s mood, I will explain: Zac is worried that in his immortal life, at some point in the future, the human form will be completely out of Zac ’s aesthetic ... What he ca n’t accept is This one.

According to Drake's words, Zach tried to translate into what he understood, "Vampires survive on the blood of other creatures, the inheritance of vampires, or the reproduction you say, is the transformation of other creatures, especially humans with souls.

Derek cooperated, "The cancer cells themselves do not get the nutrients to maintain their own survival ... the way. Because cancer cells are not tissues with normal functions in the organism, they maintain the existing nutrients, all from the normal work of the biological body system. , Biological tissue with nutrient extraction channels. "

Vampires don't farm, and vampires eat farming farmers. That's easy to understand.

Derek continued, "Then it's" reproduction "is to transform the normal tissue of the organism itself into cancer cells."

Vampires don't 'do' little vampires, vampires transform other humans. Continuing the example of a farmer, wow, there are fewer farmers in the world and more vampires.

"Oh." Zac raised an eyebrow. "Sounds like this cancer cell and a vampire." Pause, "It's exactly the same." Sure enough, it was the answer to Ceres's question.

Drake on the other side of the earpiece seemed anxious. "Yeah, I can't say that ..."

"Does cancer cells have completely different characteristics from vampires?" Zack asked.

"Uh, uh ..." This question is too difficult. Drake can't resist the pressure. "At least the vampire won't destroy the world, right! Cancer, it will kill people!"

Zac pouted, remembering that he had just told Ceris Giovanni's 'great ideal'.

"If the ecosystem corresponding to cancer is a human body, the one corresponding to a vampire must be this world. Oh, who knows." Zack did not intentionally want to be so objective, only when the life of this species of vampires is eternal Under the standard situation, Zach felt that at some point in the future, he was destined to see the conclusion. Now I am anxious to wash my species, is it too lowly to be proud of my eternal life.

We don't have to forcibly agree with the vampire's way of thinking.

Zac does n’t need Drake, the human being, to continue to suffocate the facts. The second question of this call is, “You used to be a doctor in the central part. I ’m asking you about the situation in a central hospital.”

"You, you ask." Drake sighed in a complex mood.

"I heard that most of the hospitals in the central part will prepare the blood bank of the Indians for the Indians. Is this true?"

"Yeah." At least there are no human-shaped non-human creatures and diseases that stump modern medicine. For Derek, this is an easy question. He answered very simply.

"Why?" Zac frowned.

"Why?" Derek seemed to be asking himself, "This ... I haven't studied it in detail ... Probably some religious needs. The Lord's faith also has similar needs."

"Is there any faith in the Lord?" Zac was surprised.

"Yes, some people in special churches don't accept organ transplants, and some people still refuse blood transfusions." Derek's voice was helpless. "In the final analysis, doctors are not compulsory in treating patients. This is how the disclaimer agreement that violates the doctor's advice comes. Doctors cannot force patients to cooperate with the treatment process ... "

Derek seemed to talk about some helplessness in his career and began to verbose. Zac did n’t listen. In recalling the doctrine of the faith of the Holy Lord, there is indeed something in the Holy Scripture that emphasizes the integrity of the human body. What everyone is familiar with is that ‘the Lord made humans in his own image’. This kind of content is regarded as the truth by some believers, and it is possible to refuse to change everything in the body.

In the century when Zac left the Federation and the century in which human civilization progressed drastically, the belief situation in the central part of the Federation seemed to have more things that Zac was not familiar with.

Zac interrupted the long-winded Drake, "Yes, I know." Zac can barely understand the situation of the Lord's faith, but it is impossible to understand the belief in the wizards of the Indians-witch When did the belief in surgery conflict with blood (blood transfusion)? I can't ask Drake, "Thank you for these two questions. I won't continue to delay your appointment."

It's not abrupt, it's Zac who heard the background sound during the phone call. Apparently ~ Ms. Quinn's caregiver, now Miss Amanda, who is a nurse, has an appointment with Drake for dinner. When I was at Serixkop cancer cell just now, Amanda's voice appeared once, asking what color tie Derrick would wear, she wanted to match the skirt ~

So ~ this is a very formal date ~

Zach gave encouragement before Drake embarrassed, "Come on ~ Grande's brother ~" hung up.

Go directly out of the office, go downstairs, and concentrate on the back porch to listen to the situation around Grande. Zac wants to avoid the journalists sitting outside and visit his neighbors. Regarding the question of witchcraft faith, do n’t ask Boge who?

Zac appeared directly in the witchcraft laboratory in the backyard of the Bourges family. As soon as he fixed his body, he was hugged by a ‘little’ human and a very powerful wizard, Andrew Quinn, “tugging”

Zac pointed out that it was Mrs. Tikunin who had embraced her grandson and asked Andrew to stare at himself, "What about your parents?"

"Bedroom ~" Andrew gave Zac a direction.

Even for the Southern District people, it is not time to go to bed yet, and the thimble reminded Zac that the direction of the bedroom was released from the witchcraft of prying eyes. Zac knew that he would not see Pooch for the time being. " What are you doing here? "

"I'm inventing my own witchcraft ~" Andrew twisted in Zac's arms, guiding Zac in a certain direction.

Zac allowed it, and walked to a workbench that was clearly made for Andrew, frowning at a pile of semi-finished witchcraft props, "What kind of witchcraft are you inventing?"

"Summoning ~" Andrew seemed to be happy to explain Zac's creation, picking up a toy similar to a flashlight in Zac's arms, "This should summon the soul of my ancestors." The small face was disappointed, "but Failed. "Turned on the switch.

If it were not for Sam to tell Zac in advance that there would be no danger, a wizard who did not know the depth would use witchcraft props in front of Zac's face? Zac may directly kill each other.

A dark red mantra similar to a flashlight column was projected on the ground, and Zack looked at it for a while, "I didn't see anything called."

Andrew held his mouth and photographed the prop in his hand. It's not as good as the TV reception, you will kick.

Zac looked again, and the dark red spell began to tangle, slowly, but more and more clearly. Zac began to retreat. "Your ancestor is Alpha." The tangled image of the spell is a wolf lying on the ground.

"A dead Alpha." Andrew still pouted, apparently, the talented little wizard was not satisfied with the result of his creation.

Andrew lost the ‘Flashlight’ in his hand, and the spell disappeared. The little guy found a comfortable posture in Zac's arms, "I want a living ancestor, not a dead Alpha. I failed."

Zac felt that it was enough to provide his own arms, and he did n’t have to deliberately comfort, "Then you are doomed to failure, I do n’t think your ancestors are alive."

"Nah ~ you didn't understand what I mean ~" Andrew took Zac's face, not heavy. Normal kids are coquettish to the neighbor's uncle. "I want an ancestor who can talk ~ You know Do you think my mother ’s greatest regret is that she does n’t know which In’an surname her blood comes from? ”“ Pulling a small corner of her mouth, “Father (Pochi) always used this to mock her mother.”

Zac does n’t want to evaluate the life of the couple in the neighbor ’s house. What kind of thing is Pooch and how the family is formed? We are all clear. There is no need to blame.

Andrew continues to explain the reasons for his creation, "I want to help my mother find the surname she should have. I need someone who can talk to the souls of ancestors and tell me what his surname is."

Andrew was uncomfortable ... spitting on the ground, "But I don't know why, every time I call, this dead soul will be." Alpha's wolf body is the dead soul, this need not be explained, " Huh, the dead Alpha hijack! "

Zac decided not to discipline his children about the upbringing of their children, but, Andrew, Zac definitely didn't want to hug anymore. Let Andrew go down to the ground, and then slightly back away from the place where he was spitting, "What does it mean to hijack?"

"It means hijacking ~" Andrew opened his hands, pressed against Zac, and asked to continue to be hugged. "I want to summon the ancestor after this Alpha-its descendants, the target of witchcraft was forcibly rewritten, and it was It! I want to summon the ancestors before it, its parents, the target of witchcraft is still forcibly rewritten, and it is still it! I can do nothing more than this nasty guy! "

Andrew posted, Zac continued to retreat.

"You should probably be respectful, after all, it is obviously your ancestor." Zach just suggested.

"It's so dead, I can't hear it ~"

Can't refute.

When Zac was posted, he was about to decide to abandon this visit.

"Andrew! What are you doing! Why don't you say it when the guests come!" Pooch appeared, watching him look sweaty and disheveled. He actually had a face that blamed his son for not telling?

"What about mommy?" Andrew ignored the blame.

"Take a shower." Poche blushed, and after glaring at Zach, he began to adjust his appearance.

Andrew had a new goal and ran away, and free Poche shouted behind him with an irritable expression, "Go to your own bathroom! Do not bother your mother!"

Looking at the direction of Andrew's running, it can be confirmed that Poki did not have the dignity of his father.

Zac looked at all of this silently, very kindly, without revealing a bit of judgment. "I'm just here to ask you something. Is there a blood provision in witchcraft faith?"

Pooch gave Zac an impatient look while tidying up his appearance. "You need to be specific. There are many places where blood is used in witchcraft beliefs." His eyes turned to the 'flashlight' that Andrew just showed, Such as this toy. "

The call will use blood, and Zac knows this. Everyone remembers that Spella called her papa in the basement of her house at midnight, using the sheep blood.

"It's not witchcraft, it's pure doctrine of faith. For example, if the In'an need blood transfusion, do they have to use the In'an blood bank."

"No." Pooch answered very simply. "The teachings of the witchcraft faith are simple." Maliciously glanced at Zach, "Don't disturb the existing life in this nature."

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