Because of tomorrow's events, high school students are not greedy for today's party, and when the sky starts to get dull, they go home separately.

It is worth mentioning that at the end of the party, Mr. Smith appeared, as if his baby daughter had been away from home for more than a month. The normal operation was the same. What does Delhi do. ​​"

"No!" Kepler also simply, "I want money, republican money, cash, a lot! Grande can't help me!"

Then Mr. Smith nodded with Zac. "After tomorrow, I will send someone to Grande to collect her (Kepler) things." Leading Kepler away.

This has nothing to say to the father and daughter.

But Grande ’s siblings are actually not so good. “Alice and Maya are going to go with us today!” Lola announced the fact early, “Luggage preparation is not needed for you!” Alice and Maya.

Zac and Benjamin drove back to Grande themselves.

Note that it is back to Grande. Benjamin did not return to his ancestors office, because Zac did not promise to be the godfather of his future children!

This is not the childish attachment of Benjamin. Do n’t think that Benjamin and Zac, both with Grande ’s surname, are really brothers. Benjamin's children will naturally get this uncle Zack. Do not! Bold no!

Benjamin Grande and Zachary Grande are both powerful identities of these two aliens during this time! No one will take Grande's identity for a lifetime!

If Benjamin wants his child to have a relationship with Zac, he must force the vampire, who is in full swing, to promise himself to be the godfather of the child!

"You no longer have a place to stay in Grande." Seeing Benjamin arriving at Grande, he didn't mean to leave, Zac informed.

Benjamin's answer was that he walked to Roy Zmithi and said nothing.

Roy Zmithi bypassed Benjamin, "I'll accompany Corden to guard the spirit."

Zac didn't give up, "Bill! I've arranged accommodation for you today, you slept with Roy Zmich ..."

"Don't! I hate the smell of Zmish!" And, "Hi! Benjamin! We have the opportunity to cooperate again ~~"

Gee! Do n’t forget that Benjamin had an interracial commission with Slime!

unwise. Zac simply ignored Benjamin, entered Grande, closed all entrances, entered the basement, and went directly to the vampire's sleep.

This feeling. The new day begins.

Zac was still awakened by Benjamin. The palm of Alpha's skin touched Zac's face, and with the blood of the dead in the werewolf's skin, he awakened the vampire's survival instinct, and awakened Zac from the suspended life.

Zac, still stiff, patted Benjamin's palm directly, "Don't disgust me."

Alpha ’s skin was recovered, “Funeral, and then I ’ll go to Massa Port to deliver Alice and Maya.” It ’s Grande ’s agenda today, and after that, he handed Zac a bottle of blood, just like the old days I miss ... No, Zac misses the old days when Louise handed her breakfast! Not Benjamin! The position must be firm!

Benjamin was rather bland, watching Zac recover a little bit of physiological function, "Slimbir has taken his body to the church, the ceremonial process is walking normally. He is a very capable employee, you should thank me for sending you Here comes such a competent employee. "

Benjamin really didn't intend to make Zac easy. This was the topic from the beginning!

Zack did not want to respond.

"Do you owe me a favor, how do you pay me back?"

Zac couldn't hold it back either, "This is how you came up with it all night? With that look, I just wanted to use my slime to convince me?"

Among the countless reasons Benjamin could convince Zac, Benjamin picked the worst card!

"No." Benjamin actually denied, "but my goal has been achieved, you are already angry."

What, what? ?

Benjamin continued to look at Zac indifferently, "Imagine that I will always be angry with you before the children of Mokawi and I have you as his godfather." In Zac's incredible eyes, Benjamin added a sentence "I'm not good at sensationalism, it's what I'm good at, and angers vampires." After making up, he took away the bottle of wine that Zac still held in his hand, "Look."

Let Zack look around.

Zac almost squirted out the food that had just entered his throat—what about the blood tank in the basement? Gone? ! None of them!

"Sam!" Zac screamed.

"Sorry! You are sleeping! If he directly threatens your life, I can't help it!"


Zac is also superfluous! Is it useful to blame Sam? Sam and Benjamin went deep!

Zac, who gave up his blame, went out of Grande, went to Grande ’s sheepfold for food, and saw the wronged Serris, “Yes, I ’m sorry, Benjamin bleed all the sheep in advance. If you eat, you are in danger to these little guys ... "

Does the relationship between Cyrus and Benjamin need to be explained?

Zac gloomy straight west! No more! Blood control and go! Benjamin has the ability to keep Zac hungry! Zac went crazy and Anthony came to rule Benjamin!

A high-standard funeral is in progress. Master Zac Grande greeted the gold owner of the funeral and learned a lot about his satisfaction with the funeral-the main reason is to supervise the body made by Slimebeer. .

Then go back to Grande. When preparing to go to Port Massa, Benjamin appeared again.

"After I left Grande, you didn't add any clothes."

Zac looked at his empty wardrobe and stared at Benjamin, who was wearing layers of tight clothes. "My clothes!" I couldn't help it anymore. "Not your size!"

Yes, Benjamin destroyed all Zac's clothes.

Benjamin moved his body and continued to break his tight clothes in Zla's crackle, while, "I know, vampire, your body is immortal, but look at me? Am I again? Get stronger, look ... "Muscular arms arched in front of Zac.

Zac ran out of Grande, got into the car, started, and left Grande.

The direction is North District, but the destination is not yet Massa Port, it is a Kozil store on Liszt Street.

In front of high school students, Zac is not going to wear the same clothes for two consecutive days of appearances. Zac wants to shop.

The heart reader Morrillin knew Zac ’s intentions, and before Zac got out of the car, he personally handed a set of Kozil men ’s clothing to Zac, “I do n’t know what you are doing, but Benjamin Just 200 meters behind you, keep approaching, run, Zac. "

Zac gave up the car and traveled through the dark alleys of the most prosperous street in Barton North.

Actually meaningless.

Benjamin knew where Zac would eventually appear--

Port of massa.

The high school students have completed the assembly, and Zac, who makes no sense of the detour, also missed the free time for the school guide to give students and parents free farewell.

When Zack ripped off Kozil's trademark and stood in front of Alice, Benjamin said, "Don't talk about the nonsense of safety, I already said it."

"The two of you ..." Alice squeezed, "It's alright ..."

What happened, Alice knew, because Benjamin and Matthew said when Zac did n’t come.

Honest Matthew Lotte, "Great! Benjamin is going to have children! Zac will definitely agree! They are the best brothers!"

No one has Matthew's optimism. Although it is not good to say so, a group of high school students are more thorough than Matthew on the understanding of Zack ...

What the old saying is, if you treat the world kindly, the world will treat you kindly. Matthew is a kind person. When he sees a person, he is also a kind person. But high schools? They are also kind, but the long-term weekend gathering is to explore every secret high school group of humans or aliens in Barton. Kindness is not their only trait.

So they understand that the complex side of the world, and for these high school students, the most complex representative of the world is probably Zac.

Alice supported me, "I, I gave the room I vacated during the summer vacation to Brother Benjamin."

Zac didn't have time to respond, "You guys have to get along well ..." Alice rushed into the high school students' team ...

In Zac's expectation, there were countless farewells to be explained, and that's the end.

Zac stood amidst the same parents who saw him off, and was comforted by passers-by parents who did n’t understand Zac ’s state of mind at all. ! Should be proud !!! "


Zach walked back to Liszt Street to pick up the car on the street.

"The last time we walked on the streets of Barton like this, it should be when we first came to this city." Benjamin said. "Anthony won't let us take his patrol car." When Anthony was a policeman .

Don't get me wrong, Benjamin hasn't changed his policy of 'persuading' Zac. This is not sensational. Benjamin said that he is not good at sensationalism. and so--

"Hey!" Benjamin waved to the side of the street. "Hey! James! Weiss! Here!"

opportunity? No no no!

James and Wes stopped the car and came over without knowing what would happen. The combination of these four will appear on the streets of Barton, there will be no good things.

James: "What do you mean, how do you walk here? (In the words, it means not being honest in your interracial nest!)" Immediately, his face was gloomy, "It won't be your policeman, roll call Want me and Wes to come here! "

"It's me." Benjamin himself took this 'contribution'. "I didn't say that on the phone, there might be a horrible case in this movie."

Weiss observed Zac and Benjamin's complexions next to him, as he always did.

James, "What about the horrible case ?!" Gloomy, pay attention to the sullenness of your image outside.

"Zac is hungry." Benjamin approached James. "He needs food, and Grandry has no food."

Zac looked sideways at Benjamin, "Are you a little too far, Benjamin."

"I said." Benjamin ignored Zac. "This is what I'm good at." Then, to James, "You know what to do, detective."

James, who really knew what to do, was ready to pull Zac. But James was also being pulled by Weiss at the same time. "Don't ..." Weiss really was the partner to rely on. "Don't join in this matter James ..." Weiss clearly saw between Zac and Benjamin have what.

"I'm too lazy to participate!" James broke away from Wes. After all, on the street, all four must pay attention to the impact. When James grabbed Zac's arm, "You follow me!" With a tone that cannot be refused, and then to Wes, "You stare at him!" (Benjamin)

The situation turned Zach into James's car, and Wes pulled Benjamin and Liszt Park's car.

Zac was forcibly placed on the co-pilot, and James was a little sensible after all, "Go to the southeast," General "has your food ..." James said when he said that the vampire's food Comfortable.

Zac didn't reply, and it was decided by James.

"What are you two doing ?!" James will surely ask.

"He and Mocavi have children." Zac replied.

James continued driving without reacting.

Zac pouted, "Vampires don't have the ability to combine with the opposite **** to reproduce offspring, and werewolves don't have this ability!" Gee, if this kind of common sense is not spoken, James, a human, may not really understand!

"Oh." James still didn't respond, just with a sullen face, "Then how do they have children?"

"How do I know." Zac looked out of the window, just a moment later, there was already a car driven by Benjamin in the rearview mirror.

Hey, we didn't expect Weiss to control Benjamin.

"Then what will their children be? Vampires, werewolves, or something weird? Hey, like that Shane?"

"Humph." Zack laughed, mockingly, "they didn't know the two guys who made new lives."

James still didn't have any violent reaction unexpectedly, just whispered, "It's worse than Andrew anyway. After all, it is the children of Mokawi and Benjamin. At least it can be controlled! Not as useless as Mu En and Bo Qi!"

Zac opened his mouth and said nothing.

James Tien Andrew should have been unintentional. The massacre of a child with an unbalanced education is the most uncomfortable case James has recently dealt with. Even the strange thing in his mouth, Shane, did not cause an incident that could not be rationalized to Patton society.

For James, this should be the most intuitive idea of ​​abnormal children at this stage of his life-is it important for anyone to discipline such children?

This idea is actually very uncomfortable, for James himself.

Zac said, "Benjamin wants me to be the godfather of his children, because he and Mokawi are not confident in managing their children."

James was quiet for a long time, "Please tell me you agreed."

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