The Record of Unusual Creature

Chapter 1352 - Discussions and Information on the Gloom Mountains

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Bringing a “survivor delegation” of nearly a hundred people from another world concerned Hao Ren. It was a matter of wide repercussions. Its significance was beyond the imagination of ordinary people. To the supernatural races on Earth, it was a root-seeking journey, an opportunity to discover their origin, learn the truth, and ponder about the future, and even lay the foundation for returning to their homeworld in the future. To the natives of the Plane of Dreams, mainly those in Holletta, the trip had a more practical impact.

Sent to another world by the goddess 10,000 years ago, this group of otherwordlings had forgotten entirely about this planet. Their names were not even found in the oldest historical records. They stayed on a world called Earth for 10,000 years and developed a very different culture and worldviews. Now, these survivors were coming back. Though not a permanent return, there was this possibility. It was no small matter.

On a lighter note, the plan would give the king of Holletta a couple of weeks of sleepless nights.

Becky could not think of these issues, but not Marshal Ophra. Ophra was a military commander and had been in the political arena of Holletta for many years, she had some political insights. Becky soon informed the female marshal and invited her over.

Ophra was still as heroic as always, and still wearing the same tight-fitting women’s armor. Compared with Becky who joined the military halfway, this veteran marshal exuded a strong aura of a soldier. She was a little surprised to see Hao Ren and his entourage. Recalling the epic events and the time spent with these foreigners, the female marshal was nervous for a while.

At first, she thought that there was still some remnant of the First Born on the planet.

Marshal Ophra took a while to digest the information, which was beyond her. But Ophra and Hao Ren had been in operation together. Ophra knew about the alien world and culture, and space-time travel, she had quickly figure out the whole matter. Her first question was very practical. “Do they want to return to this world?”

“That may happen in the future. Even on that day, I expect that only some people will choose to return to their homeworld,” Hao Ren replied. “The Wall of Reality is far from stable enough to allow all the otherworldlings on Earth to return. So this time I can only bring about 100 people, of which races from Holletta are only a part. More are from other planets in this universe—those planets that have been destroyed, or evolved so much that they were no longer habitable for these people.”

“Those who decide to return,” Marshal Ophra placed her hands under the chin and looked straight into Hao Ren’s eyes. “In what manner will they return? Do they want to rebuild their kingdom, restore the society of the Magic Empire, reclaim their ancestral land, or integrate into our present world and become a citizen of this continent? I know these are of the future, but I am very curious now. I believe the King will be more curious than I do. I need something that I can report to him.”

Hao Ren smiled. He understood what Ophra was worried about. “You worries are unfounded. Of course, it would be weird if you have not thought about these. But you don’t have to be anxious. The number of survivors is far fewer than what you imagine. They have experienced a long civil war called the Mythological War. Those who have survived the war and lived until this day are even rarer. They have lost their cultural heritage and history. I believe that even if people are willing to return to the Plane of Dreams, they wouldn’t think of rebuilding something like the empire of 10,000 years ago. After all, they don’t know what the Magical Empire was all about. Of course, I can’t deny that the return of these survivors would impact your people, that’s why I’m listening to all views. I will guarantee that their return would only proceed after both sides reach a mutual understanding and that I would be in full control of the process—if anyone is willing to return.”

When Hao Ren finished, Lily said, “You shouldn’t resent them. After all, you were all compatriots 10,000 years ago. It is not easy for them to find a way home, you shouldn’t put up a sullen face.”

Marshal Ohpra smiled. “Personally, I am happy to see the return of my long lost people. But as the guardian of the kingdom, I have to consider something more practical.”

She tried to explain her attitude.

“There is room for discussion for things that will only happen in the future. The key now is the upcoming ‘study group,’ one hundred people, short visit. I believe there is no pressure on the kingdom, but I still need the cooperation from the palace.” Hao Ren knocked on the table. “Holletta is the only more well-preserved planet after the catastrophe. It has a whole ecology. This planet is our most important stop. I need to let those ‘tourists’ understand all aspects of this world in the shortest time. I need information about all races, cultures, and historical periods. I need your astrological record and the legends about the ancient disasters of 10,000 years ago. The werewolves, blood clan, dwarves, elves; all races are to send a representative.”

Hao Ren added. “It’s also an opportunity for you to show your strength and cultural charm. You don’t want to let your people that living in exile look down on their homeworld, do you?”

Ophra could have cared less about what Hao Ren said. To her, the return of the survivors was only significant, and the reception and arrangement of a small study group was not something that warranted the attention of the king. But Ophra now found that Hao Ren’s face turned solemn. So she asked, “Is there something more to this matter than meets the eye?”

Hao Ren looked at Ophra for a few seconds before he said, “It’s a test, something about the goddess of creation. You are all the goddess’ people, don’t forget that.”

“Understood.” Marshal Ophra nodded slowly. “I will tell the king and try to have his attention.”

“He will pay attention.” Vivian laughed. “You old king is not a muddlehead. He knows what a group of ‘tourists’ comes from the other world means.”

“Maybe.” Marshal Ophra’s reply was ambiguous.

“Like I said before, I need your help.” Hao Ren continued. “I need you to gather the Ancients, those original demon hunters who have never been affected by the Wall of Reality. They may be the key to unlocking many ancient mysteries.”

“No problem,” Marshal Ophra replied. “The Ancient in Holletta are scattered everywhere, but we have our unique communication channel. It’s a piece of cake for contacting our people. I believe that they will not mind lending you the savior a helping hand.”

So they had reached an understanding. Hao Ren handed over all the information he had prepared to Ohpra, who would hand over it to King Mhoren. Hao Ren then looked at Becky and asked about the Gloom Mountains.

“Gloom Mountains?” Becky’s eyebrows arched. “Well, yeah, I have escorted a bunch of experts and scholars to go there. There have been a few strange things happening in the mountains recently.”

“Strange thing?” Hao Ren leaned forward. “Can you tell me about it? I asked your steward before, but he was not very clear about it.”

“It’s bizarre.” Becky blinked. “You should have already gathered intelligence on the Gloom Mountains. It is a place with many relics and ruins of the ancient Magical Empire. The place is not as well-known as Dragonspine Ridge, but ruins and relics are aplenty. Many ancient creatures have mutated under the influence of the negative-energy environment. So it was a dangerous place. Usually, only the experienced adventurers and the Royal Knights will venture into it. But there is an ancient energy vortex called Lorissian Wall shrouding the entire mountain range, the dangerous radiation and magic creatures in the mountains will not come out. So there are still some human villages near the mountains.”

Becky’s description of the Gloom Mountains was much more detailed than that of her steward. She apparently had done her homework. Becky seemed to have gained a lot of experience while being a Royal Knight all this time.

After detailing the backgrounds of the Gloom Mountains, Becky then told of the ‘strange things.’

“Initially, the supernatural forces of the Gloom Mountains were contained by the energy field near the mountains. But not long ago, there was a sudden strong energy burst in the mountains. This spike of energy has interfered with the operation of the astrological tower in the Royal City. And then a large number of witness reports of strange events in the village near the mountains has surfaced. Some villagers said that they saw large expanses of light columns on the mountain at night, just like the legendary ancient Magic Empire. But another village a few kilometers away, no one saw the light columns. The hunters at the foothill said that they heard rumbling sound came from the underground. Some explorers and mercenaries who ventured into the mountains reported that they saw hordes of people in the woods, wearing the armor of some unknown kingdom. But those figures disappeared very quickly. There are many more reported strange phenomena, which are mostly of auditory hallucinations and illusions. Because of the experience of the First Born, the king is very concerned about the strange phenomena in the Gloom Mountains and has ordered the Royal Mage Guild to form an investigation team consists of senior mages to check out the situation.”

“Is the investigation team still in the mountains?”

“Yup,” Becky replied. “They have set up an observation camp, and a team of high-ranking knights is there with them.”

“Do you think this incident as something to do with the First Born?” Marshal Ophra became worried. She asked when Hao Ren was quiet.

“I don’t think so.” Hao Ren shook his head. “The First Born has been completely removed, and the monitoring instruments have not found any remaining tissues of the First Born in the underground. Most likely, this incident has nothing to do with the First Born. When was the exact time the energy burst occurred?”

Becky thought for a moment it and told Hao Ren the date.

Hao Ren quickly rummaged in his mind for the corresponding day.

It was the day when Lockmarton was wiped out, and the world of Collow returned to the main material universe.

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