The Record of Unusual Creature

Chapter 1381 - Eva’s Little Gift

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

A few kilometers away from the floating city cluster, Katreina and Shaqira stood amid the rolling waves with Eva’s embodiment. Hao Ren and his team arrived and did not see the rest of the people. Those must have gone to visit the ruins in the deep sea with the other sirens.

“What happened?” Hao Ren stood on the waves in the shape of a boat rolled up by Nangong Wuyue. He went up to Katreina briskly. “Is Eva looking for me?”

Hao Ren was surprised because Eva had been behaving like a child who did not know about the world. She did not look like she had thoughts of her own and would actively engage others.

Katreina flipped around in the water energetically, her beautiful mermaid tail reflecting the sunlight in the waves. The siren queen, who was all smiles, seemed to be in a good mood. “It is not a big deal. Eva was delighted after receiving the gifts we brought, and she asked me what a gift is for a long time. Now she wants one for you.”

“For me?” Hao Ren was even more surprised. “Why not for you?”

“We have received ours,” said a smiling Shaqira, who had swum over. “It is the stone from the bottom of the sea of Io, and crafts dug out of the ancient siren city. Eva treated them like treasure. Like us, she has a hobby of collecting all kinds of strange things.”

“Ahh, I see.” Hao Ren nodded, and he could not help but be curious about what gift it would be. “What is she going to give me?”

“We have no idea. Eva said that she would bring it out when you come.” Katreina smiled and waved her hand, then slammed her tail in the direction of Eva. “Eva, Hao Ren is here. Where is your gift?”

Eva quickly ‘swam’ along the surging wave, like a playful wave rolling over the water. She then circled Hao Ren and said, “Gift! Gift! Gift!”s

As she spoke, the sound of the wave became even louder than before. Immediately, a large amount of bubble emerged from the surface and rolled on the waves. An object that gleamed under the sunlight came out from the sea surface.

“Whoa, it is big and beautiful.” Hao Ren could care less what Eva had prepared for him. He never expected anything, especially when he saw the gifts that the sirens had brought. Hao Ren would not take it too seriously at the strange mindset of these creatures. But he choked when he got a closer look at the thing that came out of the water. “Wait a minute. Where did you find this thing?”

Hao Ren saw the sea waves carried a large crystal, lifted it on the air, and brought before him in a way that defied the law of physics. The crystal was translucently white, about two meters tall, and an irregular polyhedron. It had a faint glow on the surface. At first, it seemed that it was reflecting sunlight, but after taking a closer look, the crystal was actually putting out the light. Hao Ren looked carefully; there were moving light inside the crystal as if it was something alive. The light danced in the crystal and changed its movement continuously in a dazzling manner.

It was indeed not something that the sirens could create.

Hao Ren had seen a similar thing earlier—in Collow, the crystal mountain of Asurmen, the ancient starship of the Denizens of Stars. The spaceship was made of this self-illuminating sacred crystal.

Not only Hao Ren but Lily had recognized the material of the crystal. After all, collecting beautiful stones was her hobby, and she still regretted not managing to knock a piece of crystal off the Asurmen. The husky maiden immediately circled the crystal and examined it before running back up Hao Ren. She grabbed Hao Ren’s arms and shouted, “Mr. Landlord, Me. Landlord! This thing looks like those on the Asurmen!”

Lily shook Hao Ren so hard that he felt like he was in a ‘vibrate mode.’ It took Hao Ren some struggling to break free from the grip. “Wait, wait, wait! I know, I know! Don’t shake my arms. You are going to break them.”

“Where did you find this crystal?” After letting the excited dog maiden calm down, Hao Ren turned to ask Eva.

“It fell from the sky.” Eva then thought for a moment, and when she finally spoke, her voice was mixed with the sound of water. “Swoop— it came down. Pia— it fell into the water, Whoa, high waves! It sank to the bottom!”

Eva was still cumbersome in her communication skill and mentally immature. Her words were fragmented, but Hao Ren had no problem understanding her. After all, he was living with a bunch of weirdoes. He frowned. “It fell from the sky? Did you see anything else pass by? For example, a spaceship—the thing that we take? The iron islands were also a spaceship before.”

“I did not see it,” Eva said after thinking for a while.

“The debris may have fallen off a spacecraft before it came near to Io,” Nangong Wuyue interjected. “Eva could only observe space in near-Io orbit.”

“It doesn’t sound right,” Hao Ren’s brows knitted together. “I have drone fortresses and armed satellite battle groups set up near Io, and the range of detection of these things is not only confined to the planetary sphere. I did not receive the report of UFOs passing by Io space identification zone. Drone cluster, look up the log.”

Hao Ren was talking to the drone cluster in his mind. After a while, the drone cluster consciousness replied, “There is no relevant record found in the log. Since the launch of the Io monitoring system, there have been no unregistered flying objects appear within the radar range.”

Hao Ren then looked at Eva. “When did this ‘stone’ fall down?”

Eva had no idea why Hao Ren asked, but she still replied after thinking it for a while, “One day, two days, three days, many days ago. Before you first came here, many clouds in the sky. It suddenly fell from the sky.”

Hao Ren tried to understand Eva’s words, and he was wide-eyed. “Before the current ‘you’ woke up? During the previous-generation Eva?”

Eva’s transparent body floated on the sea. She swayed and sounded confused. “Not clear. It is fragmented. I seemed to be sleeping at that time. I have slept for a long, long time.”

“It’s too hard to talk like his,” Hao Ren gave up talking to Eva’s using words. He crouched down and dipped his hand into the water and began to mentally connect to Eva’s consciousness. “Eva, open your mind, let me see your memory.”

A few minutes later, Hao Ren stood up. The others immediately surrounded him with concern.

“This crystal fell onto Io about three hundred to six hundred years ago,” Hao Ren exhaled. “You did not hear it wrong; it was when storm still shrouded the planet, before the fragmented memories of previous-generation Eva subsided, the crystal fell into the sea and sank to the trench at the bottom of the sea near the equator. No wonder my drone cluster did not detect it.”

Nangong Wuyue was startled. “Eva still remembers what happened at that time?”

“Of course, she can’t. At that time, Io’s ocean had only fragmented consciousness of former Eva, who was still asleep. Now the new Eve only inherits a small part of the memory fragments and vaguely remembers that there has been such a thing falling from the sky. But she does not know if there has been anything falling at the time. I can only guess based on her memory that it happened 100 to 600 years ago.”

Vivian’s brows knitted together. “We haven’t come to the Plane of Dreams at that time.”

Lily and the Nangong siblings looked at Vivian, who rolled her eyes. “Can you not use ‘we’? We are still young. You were already an old woman three hundred years ago.”

Vivian smashed Lily’s face with a Coldfrost Bolt. “Get lost! Three hundred years ago, you were still a ghost!”

“Why don’t you tell me who made me a ghost at that time?”

“Would you die had you not go to bother the Godslayer?”

Hao Ren quickly mediated their argument. “That is enough. We have serious business here. Lily, did you not resurrect successfully? Although you’ve reincarnated into a dog—”

Before Hao Ren could finish, Lily and Vivian turned their heads and glared at him. “Mind your language!”

Hao Ren was struck dumb.

However, Hao Ren had been accustomed to such conversations. After all, Lily, the husky, was born with a strange impulse, and Vivian was her nemesis. Both of them had been at loggerheads since their previous lives, and they did not intend to stop quarreling in this life. After shifting the attention from both of them, Hao Ren looked at the crystal. “I need to bring this thing to Asurmen. If it really is debris from the spaceship of the Denizens of the Stars, then something must have happened nearby a few hundred years ago. The one who damaged the spacecraft of the Denizens of the Stars must be at least at the level of a demigod.”

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