The Record of Unusual Creature

Chapter 1685 - A Historic Solution

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Rheia probably never thought that Raven 12345 would pop such an unlikely question, and she was stunned for a while as a thought floated in her mind. Educated people are awesome, see how her mind works! It’s like leaps and bounds—

“I mean if you are interested in registering to be part of the Xi Ling Celestials, that is.” Raven 12345 was serious. “I’m telling you, our benefits are pretty rad. Little stuff like battlefield resurrections and the likes aside, every new year—”

Hao Ren immediately pulled the breaks before the lunatic goddess could finish. “Stop right there. You can leave that new year stuff out, and if you mean it, try not to totally lose your year-end bonus. Serious business now, yeah? You’re saying that registering as a member of the Xi Ling Celestials can solve Rheia’s problem?”

He actually thought the crazy goddess had gone cuckoo again, but after he thought about it again, something did not seem right. While Raven 12345 was indeed whacked in the head, she would not crack such jokes. And after dealing with divinity for quite some time now, Hao Ren had some experience on the matter. So when Raven 12345 mentioned about “registering”, there was probably a deeper meaning to it.

Upon hearing what Hao Ren said, Raven 12345 broke into a mysterious smile. “Smart boy, the solution is right there.”

After seeing Rheia’s curious look, Raven 12345 did not keep her in suspense and started explaining, “I’ve seen your Creation’s Engine blueprint. Of course, it was the incomplete one Hao Ren found. But based on the blueprint and the data he brought back from the core, I have a rough idea of how your Creation’s Engine works. It is able to seek out a divine’s unique code and wipe out anything or anyone in the Plane of Dreams with powers that exceed that of a demigod. Breaking that function is simple. We just need to change the unique code to a different one or modify it altogether, no?”

Rheia’s eyes widened. “There’s such a thing?”

“To be frank, your mother… Ahem, before the appearance of a renowned genius like the Dark Valkyrie, there was no such thing because the ‘unique code’ is, in fact, a god’s unique divinity. Changing it is extremely difficult. But someone so overpowered actually appeared out of nowhere. Do you know how OP your mother is?”

Rheia ran her fingers through her hair. She knew her mother was powerful, but how powerful, she had no idea. “No, I don’t.”

“First, she is actually a dark goddess. But a goof-up in her enrollment registration saw her enrolling into the academy of the gods of light. After she received her education, she graduated at the top of her class in the region as a goddess of light; next, she was actually part of the Galacticus Lords, but in one of their expeditions with the Xi Ling Celestials, she had somehow managed to get ‘stuck’ within the Xi Ling Celestials’ system. As a result, she became the only goddess with both Galacticus and Xi Ling twin godhood; lastly, as her extraordinary self was now beyond all sorts of rules and regulations, to put it short, she became so OP that no race could accommodate her. Therefore, the Will of the Void pulled her from the gods, and she was made into her own class. Now, she is the only member of the Byrndis class, Byrndis order, Byrndis family, genus and species. At the same time, she is a dark goddess and a goddess of light, a Galacticus goddess, and also a Xi Ling goddess in tandem. Now, she’s both your mother and your father.”

After that whole load of rambling, Raven 12345 crossed her arms before her chest as she said with all the sincerity she had, “She’s my idol.”

Rheia was speechless.

It felt like she had heard plenty of stuff, but she did not even understand half of it!

Hao Ren was stunned too. He knew that the Dark Valkyrie was a boss among bosses, but he did not know much of the details. A head honcho so overpowered that the gods could not even classify her and had to pluck her out and create a new class for her… Yet, somehow that did not sound like praise at all?

“Ahem.” Raven 12345 probably noticed that she had gone a tad too far as well and coughed dryly to suppress her excitement. “All in all, due to your mother’s appearance, a new field of study appeared, and that was the study of the changing of godhood, as well as the conversion of unique divinity code. This field of study is pretty much complete, and there are many feasible and simple ways to go about it. The ‘change of registration’ is one way to do it. As a wild goddess without any proper identification, your divinity code is created based on your bloodline. So simply put, your identity as a ‘goddess of the Galacticus Lords’ has determined your divinity traits. If we change that… all will be resolved.”

Hao Ren found this rather unique. “Just like that? Just change the registry… and that will change a god’s traits of divinity?”

“Information disturbance, young man.” Raven 12345 gave Hao Ren a disappointed look. “It’s already been four years, and you’ve yet to get the Grand Unification Theory of Information printed in your skull? Everything in the universe is formed and changed by information, and gods are the biggest body of information. For such a body of information, the effect of ‘symbolism’ is greater than that of the material world. Of course, going into detail with you is pointless, so let’s keep it simple. The Creation’s Engine is tied to only one identity card, and my idea of resolving this issue is to change that identity card…”

“Why didn’t you say so earlier?!” Hao Ren clapped.

Rheia finally made sense of the solution too, but she was still not totally clear. However, she found the idea reasonable, hence she nodded. “I understand. So what should I do now, my body is still stuck inside the Plane of Dreams. Can I use this projection to complete the… change in identification?”

“Of course. Your projection will suffice.” Raven 12345 nodded. “The original requirements would have been much higher, but since you are the Dark Valkyrie’s blood, you can easily swap between Galacticus and Xi Ling. Once we follow the required ritual, it’ll be done.”

Yes, a ritual. While Raven 12345 used a very unflattering name to describe the process of changing one’s godhood, the solemness of the matter was not affected. It was indeed a ritual.

Hao Ren was also clear on the matter now, and seeing that Raven 12345 was about to start the ritual, he quickly asked, “So… this godhood amendment thing has nothing do with me, right? Need me out of the room?”

Unexpectedly, Raven 12345 held him back. “Eh, you can’t leave!”

“I need to be around?”

“Absolutely. According to the rules between the three systems, any change in godhood requires a proposer, a backer, and a guarantor for it to take effect. I can be the proposer, Rheia is the party involved, so you’ll be the backer and guarantor. You’re a demigod and the one who’s in charge of the entire Plane of Dreams. Your qualifications will suffice.”

Hao Ren scratched his head and suddenly felt like he was actually someone awesome…

After Hao Ren and Rheia both nodded, Raven 12345 got up and snapped her fingers. “Then let’s not dally, we’ll start right now.”

A “snap” later, the entire space changed.

The originally grand office popped like a bubble as a sea of light rained from above. Their surroundings turned into a bright, vast, nebulous space, and soon, the light coalesced into a physical form. Hao Ren found himself standing on a circular platform. On the surface of the platform were countless complex light blue letters and runes, and around them was the nebulous void. There were blurry silhouettes in the distance, similar to the platform he was standing on.

Each platform radiated with light as countless shadows moved within the light beam. It was clearly a very busy transportation network; perhaps it was the dimension where the various gods communicated in?

Countless gods were traveling about the innumerable platforms, and Hao Ren thought that with Raven 12345’s character, she would start waving and greeting everyone before going into an endless chat with one of her acquaintances. Surprisingly, however, the goddess had put up a rare show of decorum.

“This is a special dimensional that’s directly connected to the City of Shadows,” Raven 12345 noticed Hao Ren’s curious look, and casually explained, “The power of all Ravens reside here, and part of this dimension overlaps with the City of Shadows. Thus, standing here quite literally means you are standing in the capital city of the gods.”

No wonder the crazy goddess was so well behaved. They were actually at the head office now…

As he entertained his thoughts, the moving blurry silhouettes all disappeared. Hao Ren suddenly noticed that the platform he was on had linked with another half-moon platform. The moment the connection was completed, the scene around him turned into an argent hexagonal great hall.

The hall was without any doors or windows, but a multitude of holographic displays floated in the air. All sorts of bizarre images were displayed. Hao Ren only managed a brief glance and saw at least three recruitment notices, four rental notices, two second-hand sales, and a repeating military draft advertisement…

If the advertisements had not been about renting planetary fortresses, or the second-hand sales had actually not been sales for second-hand universes, Hao Ren would have thought that Raven 12345 had opened the wrong door…

Raven 12345 was clueless about what went on in Hao Ren’s mind, and with a wave of her hand, a light blue crystalline chip materialized in the air. She then placed the chip in one of the ports on the half-moon platform. Pointing at Rheia, she said, “Stand over there, yeah, that lit-up floor over there. Stepping on it will do. Your senses will be somewhat disrupted for a bit. It’s pretty normal as your projection has already leap through many hoops to get here, and the registration will take up quite some bandwidth, so your senses will be limited.”

Rheia followed Raven 12345’s instructions as she stood where she was required to. A blue light from the sky then cast a veil over her.

Soon, a synthetic voice rang across the hall.

“Detecting Type II application. Transferring to Personnel Management Department. Checking application attachment—Type: Godhood Conversion Application. Transferring to Godhood Affairs Department. Checking duty roster. Arranging personnel—task assignment completed. Officer EK3154T16 will be servicing you.”

A bright light suddenly appeared behind the argent desk on the half-moon platform as a silhouette formed out of the light.

Upon seeing the figure, Hao Ren was stunned.

It was a female goddess clad in a long white dress. Her looks were pretty much self-explanatory. None of the gods, with the exception of “artistic purposes”, actually looked bad. Hao Ren was stunned because behind the goddess… was a pair of white wings with a glowing halo around them.

Was that not an angel?! The Xi Ling Celestials actually had such characters in their organization?!

The female goddess’ smile was divine and regal. A calming aura emanated from her body. Compared with the neurotic Raven 12345, it was like heaven and earth. After serving under Raven 12345 for so long, he even started to normalize the fact that goddesses were lunatics. The moment he saw an actual normal goddess, his first reaction was, why did I not run into such a kind one?

Raven 12345’s senses were unusually sharp this time around, and the moment that thought popped up in Hao Ren’s mind, she glared at him. “Why do I get the feeling that you’re thinking of jumping ship?”

Hao Ren was speechless.

By then, the “angel” had recognized the party before her. While those in the Raven series all looked the same, the Xi Ling Celestials seemed to have their own way of identifying individuals. The angel then smiled, her tone containing a hint of surprise. “12345? You’ve finally decided to fix your brain?”

“What’s there to fix?! I’m feeling awesome right now!” Raven 12345 immediately went into rambling mode. “Didn’t you read the duty brief? I’ve brought someone to change their godhood!”

“Ah, the change of godhood.” Only then did the angel actually notice that there were two other people in the room, one of which was already being separated by a light beam. Looking down at the message that appeared on the table, she said, “Let me see… So this person here is your assistant, Inspector Hao Ren who is the backer and the guarantor, and the one needing the change of godhood is Rheia… am I right?”

“Yeppers.” Raven 12345 nodded.

“The change of godhood requires a massive change in information. It is necessary to have a detailed reason for application, and you must also have a need for it,” the angel said in a flat tone, her wings moving slightly out of reflex. “If I remember correctly, you were deployed as an administrator goddess, right? Why are you here to change her godhood all of a sudden?”

A mischievous smile appeared on Raven 12345’s face as she shuffled over to the side of the angel’s desk. “Let me tell you, that lass over there is Mother Byrndis’ daughter. She was supposed to be a Galacticus Lord, but it was I who convinced her to register over here!”

The angel, who was dispassionate earlier, nearly popped her eyes out upon hearing that. Her wings expanded to the maximum with a loud “swooosh”!

A moment later, her wings folded, and Hao Ren saw the angel fall off from her chair. She started rolling on the ground. “Eeek!! Cr-Cramp! There’s a cramp in my left wing!”

Feathers were flying all over the place.

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