Based on her reaction, Hao Ren was pretty much certain: The woman before him was the foreign visitor they were looking for.

Since Becky was around, Hao Ren had to go in a roundabout way to hint at his motives. “We came from the village of the mountain folk. We heard of your story there. We are researchers, specialising in teleportation magic…”

That very last sentence had Hao Ren feeling guilty, so much so that he did not have the heart to face Becky, who had a puzzled look on her face. Even if she was dumber than Lily (she is not), she would have at least treated what Hao Ren said about teleportation magic with a wee bit of suspicion. But for the blonde woman, it was more than enough. She was almost about to turn and leave before Hao Ren’s words froze her in place. “You are…researching teleportation magic? What sort of level has this place reached?”

“Pretty strong I’d say. More than enough to help you out at the very least.” Hao Ren laughed drily. “Truth be told, we actually heard the details of your story from the wolves in the plains. Let’s just say your tale caught our interest and we’ve been chasing after you ever since.”

The foreigner did not actually tell anyone in the mountain village about another world, but she did share it with the wolves by accident. When Hao Ren brought up the wolves, the dots were immediately connected. However, a suspicious look still appeared across her face despite her apparent eagerness for aid. “You would just help me? What for? What’s the price?”

When the lady was that blunt, Hao Ren was relieved. She no less had the sense to not trust a stranger she just met. And of course, her suspicion of a group of strangers claiming to be masters of teleportation magic was well founded. With such bluntness, the chances of her being from another world was much higher.

Vivian gave her a warm yet confident smile. She was the most well-versed in communication among all of them. “What if I told you it’s just a researcher’s curiosity…”

The blonde woman slightly raised an eyebrow. Apparently, something within her was triggered by Vivian’s words. Seemed like this story would work.

“All of us are researching the theories of interdimensional travel,” Hao Ren quipped as he noticed Vivian’s ploy working. “Well, you could say it’s almost a niche form of study. Not only is the research itself difficult, we’ve also faced a lot of discrimination and suppression of our works. Our thesis was rejected after three hard years of writing, our lecture on the topic was banned too. Heck, our attempts to discuss it with a few other students almost got us labelled as heretics for spreading blasphemy… Research shouldn’t be this difficult…”

Hao Ren waxed lyrical at that point and the blonde lady seemed to understand where he came from. She nodded vehemently. Becky on the other hand was gawking at the “professional researchers” around her. She never though the bunch, which did not seem anything like your typical wizard would have such a tale. This probably explained why they were such a weird bunch. Hanging out with the same lot for 10 years would probably do anyone in…

After a while, Vivian found Hao Ren getting carried away and nudged him on the shoulder. “I think that’s enough…”

Hao Ren quickly regained his composure, ruing that he almost spoiled their chances by over-dramatising. “So, all in all, we’re determined to see our research through, and to us, you are a very rare specimen, provided you’re not lying. Sides, we came all the way from the plains to look for you. At the very worst, our intentions are genuine.”

The blonde woman frowned a little. It was clear that she would not have trusted anyone just from words alone, but her situation demanded that she seized any chance, however miniscule. She was alone in another world and she had yet to meet anyone capable of helping her. The place itself was foreign to her. Even her quest to the Blood Lake was based on a rumour, but it bore a chance for her to return home. Things could not get any worse for her in any case.

Desparate for help, the blonde woman nodded at Hao Ren after regaining her composure. “I can swear that what you’ve heard from the wolves, and in the village is true. If you can bring me home… I’ll pay any price… Anything. What do you need? An immortality spell? Rare gemstones? Herbs and medications? I even have some rare spices and incense from my home. You can choose any of them…”

As the lady spoke, she rummaged through her pouches for the items she had mentioned. She had probably entered this world in a hurry, and was bereft of any form of luggage. But, the items she possessed could have easily made her rich here.

However, Hao Ren was not interested in those things. “I don’t need them…”

She threw Hao Ren a surprised look, and after noticing the composition of his group, she took a few steps back, alarmed. “You already have so many female companions… This is difficult for me… I—I have already taken the vow…”

Hao Ren was dumbstruck by her reaction. “Who was talking about that?! Can’t you stop being so imaginative?”

Y’zaks shrugged with a hearty laugh and he patted Hao Ren on the shoulder. “Seems like I’m being ignored.”

Her eyes immediately widened again as she looked at Hao Ren and Y’zaks. Biting her lips, she went, “This is even more difficult that I thought… If your interest is…”

“… If you are insisting on going that way, I don’t think we can ever cooperate.” Hao Ren was almost green in the face by then. He was taken aback by the astute woman’s imagination and her blunt way of speaking. Who the hell talks like this to people they meet for the first time? Things like this are usually kept to yourself, no? “…Talk of compensation can come later. But rest assured, we won’t demand for something that we won’t do ourselves. Our motive is simple, we are looking for a partnership in research. ”

The blonde woman was late in catching Hao Ren’s displeasure. She realised that she had spoken too much, too directly. “I’m sorry… Our kind speaks from our hearts. In fact, I have come to ascertain that your kind acts very differently from ours.”

Hao Ren noticed her serious look and understood that the lady meant no ill-will. Her kind probably treasured candor over flowery languages. He proffered his hand to her, “Let’s introduce ourselves. I’m Hao Ren.”

The lady looked at Hao Ren quizzically as she returned his handshake. “I’m Hilda. Hilda Vader.”

The group quickly introduced themselves as well, even the ever-so confused Becky. Hilda had only introduced herself by name and nothing else. She clearly had some reservations about the group. Hao Ren was certain that the ice would break soon enough. As soon as they were able to find a time where Becky was not around, they would reveal their true identities.

“…So…what’s next?” Becky still wore a confused expression as she spoke. The group was so relaxed by then that she thought they had completed their quest. “I thought we were looking for the Orb?”

“We are,” Hao Ren said as he waved her off. “But, you know…I’m a scholar…”

Vivian and Wuyue coughed drily by the side.

Hilda did not seem to be unperturbed by the ruckus. She was only concerned about going home. She took the opportunity to ask Hao Ren, “So, when do we begin? How do you plan on sending me home? I thought you were just theorists and have yet to find any success? Let’s start from more practical tests then. I have expertise in this…”

“Calm down. We don’t need to rush this.” Hao Ren was taken aback by the rapid fire questions and waved his hand to calm Hilda down. “We too have some things to clarify with you before hand. This place is definitely not where you want to talk about it. We are heading to Beinz after this. There’s a rest station there, where we can have a breather. Let’s talk about it when we get there. Even a teleportation gate will need a proper spot, won’t it?”

“The Blood Lake? I’m heading there too.” Hilda heard the mention of the Blood Lake and nodded as she slowly calmed down. “You’re right. We need to exchange information. I’m not even sure if you are able to help… Wait a moment, I need to do something about my treant protector.”

As she spoke, Hilda ran towards the burnt out husk of a tree giant to perform some sort of magical ritual. Hao Ren took the chance to contact his MDT. “Say, can we bring someone out of The Plane of Dreams?”

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