No thanks to the MDT’s timely reminder, a noble race like the Aerymian elves avoided the unfortunate fate of being called Peatopians. Hao Ren went looking for Hilda in a hurry and after explaining the notion of naming the planet to her, the elven queen reacted in shock. “Naming rights? You mean to have us decide the name of this planet?”

“Umm… If you are okay with being called Peatopians… sure…” Hao Ren laughed. “But no, I digress. I just don’t find it acceptable. This huge migration will be part of my record, and I don’t want to have my insofar clean record to have ‘Peatopia’ on it…”

Hilda could not understand Hao Ren’s resistance towards the word but she nodded solemnly. “I understand… but, this honor is not something you give to someone, no? This is your planet. I think that the right to name it is something extraordinary, and that honour belongs to you.”

“Oh, don’t you mind. He’s already given you the planet, not to mention the naming rights. If you are hoping for someone who named his planet ‘Peatopia’ to come up with a better name… Heck, even his cat at home is called Rollie…” Lily, who was beside Hao Ren blurted out nonchalantly.

Hilda was stunned for a moment before smiling gently again. “Then… can we continue to call it Aerym? I hope that our subsequent generations will know and remember our origins.”

Hao Ren nodded affirmatively. “That’ll work, and it’s something memorable too.”

The Aerymian elves, planetside were passing their first night in their new home. Accompanying them were the unfamiliar sea breeze, forests and the endless sky. As such, many simply could not sleep. When Hao Ren awoke in his quarters, it was still early dawn and a faint glimmer of light was visible in the horizon. However, the beach was already buzzing by then. Hao Ren did not know if the elves woke up too early or they just gave up on sleeping. After washing his face and getting something light to eat, he stepped out of his ship. He found that Lily and Vivian were taking a walk… or more like Vivian was walking Lily…

Hao Ren found Hilda standing by the sea, looking out into the horizon. Her glimmering form was still visible in the dark and she looked almost ethereal. The Queen of Aerym had refused to rest since she made landfall, and she appeared much more faint than before.

“Morning”—Hilda nodded to greet Hao Ren—”I just received word from Vimm. The second group have boarded the landing crafts. They should be arriving by noon.”

“And here I was wondering where those bunch of scallywags had gone to… Seems like those captains went to collect the second group over the night,” Hao Ren muttered. “Oh yeah, I talked with 883. He and his friends will be sending you a shipment of synthesis machines and building materials to tide your people through this.”

The planet was just too primitive, and for the elves to start excavating its riches, they would need something to start out with. The Aeryms had not been mining for over a thousand years. It would take them a while and much effort to establish a proper production chain. That drove Hao Ren to try his luck in wringing more out of those profiteers. Besides, once they started dismantling what was left of the Aerymian island chains and sell them in the second hand market, they would probably still make a profit. Thus, Hao Ren did not think too much when he twisted their arm for more concessions.

“I-I do not even know how to thank you anymore….This is not just personal gratitude… Y-you have saved my people…” Hilda’s gaze was sincere as she looked at him before the latter waved her off. “I already told you, don’t fret too much about it. If I wanted something back, I would have mentioned it long before anything else. More on you, how are your people reacting to your current form?”

“Actually… most of them have not even realised it yet.” Hilda looked at her slightly glittering form. “It only shines noticably at night. During the day, there is no difference compared to a normal body. In addition, everyone has more important things to deal with, no one has had the time to find out why their queen is shining.”

Hao Ren simply smirked. “Just take care. A holy spirit won’t tire easily but you still need to rest. At your current rate, you’ll probably be transparent in a day or two. Almost invisible if the room is lit.”

Hilda finally let out a hearty laugh. Since Hao Ren knew her, this was the first time he saw her laughing without restraint, without burden.

By then, dawn had finally broke and the sun’s glow appeared over the sea in the horizon. Its gentle light brightened the skyline and chased away the darkness.

A large shadow soon loomed over the clouds and it grew even larger by the moment as it broke through.

Hao Ren stared at the shadow for a good while before realising what it was; a floating “space island”.

This was only the first and soon, many more followed in its trail.

The command centre and communication towers had already been set up the night before and this day, all 11 of the floating islands were about to make landfall. These man-made islands, which had existed for a millenia descended majestically as they broke through the sky. Flames were visible as they made their entry through the atmosphere. Vivian simply gasped when she saw the scene. “This reminds me of a scene during the Mythological Era when Hephaestus’ Temple of Flames slid from the heavens. It was just as grand as today. However, his temple was taken down by three gas-induced fireballs set by the demon hunters.

Hao Ren glared at the vampire. “Do you have anything more auspicious to say on such a day?”

“There’s a happy ending to it. The demon hunter did not survive. He got crushed.”

The floating islands were surrounded in flames as they approached the planet. Towards the terminal phase of the drop, all the thrusters were turned off. The old engines finally completed their arduous task, and if the gods were kind, this would be their swansong. The island’s powerful gravitational system and sub-engines were hard at work to adjust for the impending landfall. This process was a slow yet delicate one. Many finer adjustments had to be made in real time. This was to prevent the sudden landing of such an enormous object onto the sea’s surface from causing catasthrophic levels of tsunami. It also prevented the island itself from disintegrating due to the enormous pressure. Even once the landing was completed, there were still many things to be done, and many systems would need to be kept operational. This included the gravitational stabilisers and the adjustment thrusters on the upper part of the rings; the island would be relying heavily on these equipment to keep the island afloat. Those on the island itself also had a very important assignment: to reform the island. Based on precise calculations of the landing zones, the bottom of the islands would almost touch the seabed. The powerful elven mages planned to utilise a year to slowly change the structure of the island and the planet’s tectonic structure, allowing them to “grow” together and bring long lasting stability to the island.

The domes of the island were gleaming under the sunlight. They could not be shut down just yet. One reason was to prevent accidental biological pollution and two, they would serve well as emergency evacuation centres in the event of a disaster. The domes would be kept open until the experts confirmed that both the enviroment on the inside and outside were completely synchronised.

As Hao Ren, Hilda, Vivian, Lily and the big demon stood on an elevated rock to view the landing of the floating islands, a small shuttle flew out of the dome, then landed close by. Not long after, a group of Aerymian soldiers escorted a defeated, middle-aged man to Hilda.

“Your Majesty”—the man sighed as he fell to his knees—”do as you see fit.”

Hao Ren looked on curiously. “Who is he?”

“The leader of the Lotto Group.” Hilda’s expression was cold. “And I suppose he is the man behind all of the dissident groups.”

The man looked even more defeated as Hilda spoke. At the end of her sentence, he held his hands out, signalling that he wished to be bound. “… With things as it is, there is nothing for me to say, Your Majesty. Just lock me up somewhere, away from the others. That is all I ask.”

Hao Ren looked aside. From the tone of his voice alone, Hao Ren could tell that the man was simply broken and humiliated to meet anyone.

Hilda only smiled. “Lock you up? You know how much resources that would take?”

“What do you have in mind then, Your Majesty? Or else, just execute me.” The man was rather belligerent. “Bullets are cheap. If that is not possible, I will just end myself.”

Hilda simply pointed towards the hive of activity behind her. “We are short of manpower at the moment. Do you think your humiliation would get you out of labour duty?”

The man turned towards the group of elves who were busy coordinating the construction work and nodded solemnly. “Very well. If that is what you wish, Your Majesty. At most I will just keep my face covered for the rest of my life.” He then turned around.

“Hold on a minute! You are not going anywhere yet.” Hilda held the man. “You and your ilk will be held in custody for a few days first. We will get to the bottom of the World of Prayers before sending you lot to a suitable posting.”

The man was then led away by the soldiers. Hao Ren gave Hilda a surprised look. “That’s it??”

“What do you expect me to do?” Hilda shrugged. “We need the manpower, and he will be giving me any more trouble in the future. Might as well make good use of him. I have know this bunch of people since a long time ago. They mean well, but they were misguided in their actions. It is high time for them to get back on the right track.”

Hao Ren nodded. “That’s fine. It’s your internal matter anyway.”

As he finished his sentence, he heard a commotion coming from the campsite.

He caught onto one of the loudest yells. “Look, the sky! There’s something appearing in the sky!”

“What’s there in the sky?” Hao Ren laughed as he looked up. “Are they still afraid of the sk… F*ck!”

He simply looked towards where the group of people were pointing at. Lo and behold, a line of gigantic words formed in front of him. “Raven 12345’s Hand-Crafted, Habitable, Carbon-Based Type IV Rapid Forming Planet – Intensive Product Introduction Guide.”

Hilda stood there dumbstruck. “What… is that?”

A voice then suddenly appeared in Hao Ren’s head, “I sure am a fantastic workman…”

He almost forgot that the planet was made by Raven 12345!

Hilda saw Hao Ren standing there silently and tugged at his sleeves. “What is that?”

Hao Ren gritted his teeth as “After Sales Service” came out bitterly from his mouth.

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