Y’zaks was once defeated in his homeworld. As a powerful demon king who used to command several demon races, he had always been a leader whom his followers worshipped. After Helcrown landed on Aerym, Y’zaks resigned from the throne and ordered several respected regents to be in charge of domestic affairs until his daughter reached adulthood. Nevertheless, he was still the highest authority in the kingdom. Soldiers would rally behind him and ready themselves to attack any target without hesitation should he command it.

So, when Y’zaks ordered Lanina to gather the troops, Lanina only asked two questions: where to attack and how many to kill.

The warriors under the mad demon king’s command would never ask anything outside those two questions.

On the Arctic ice sheet, Hao Ren and Y’zaks were nervously deploying a large portal, which could carry out interstellar teleportation. It was difficult to accomplish this with only a few people, so Hao Ren released a few dozen autonomous robots out of his Dimensional Pocket to help build the complex machine.

He took out a large number of advanced modular components and neatly placed them on a relatively flat ice surface. The autonomous robots flew around busily to assemble these modular components into a base. Then, they fixed a circular energy field generator around the base. Y’zaks and Y’lisabet weaved between the components to lay a series of complex runes on the ground and corrected the positions of these runes according to the MDT’s prompts. They were building a high-tech magic instrument.

It was a hybrid machine. Hao Ren knew that the scale of transmission this time was unlike anything he had done before. He was unable to mobilize large transport ships, which could carry 100,000 troops. He was also trying to avoid seeking help from Raven 12345 because he was treading a fine line and could only make use of whatever resources he had at hand. However, it was unfortunate that the teleportation equipment assigned to inspectors were only suitable for small-scale teleportation. Usually, inspectors just needed small equipment for personal use. Rarely were they like Hao Ren, who blew things up wherever he went. Hao Ren had discussed with Y’zaks, and they decided to use the Imperial-issued equipment as an energy source as well as a navigation guide. It was to supplement the teleportation technology, which the demons were good at, and open a massive but temporary spatial rift for the army of Helcrown to pass through.

All of it seemed high-tech, but its operation was straightforward. Hao Ren and everyone else could hardly understand how the thing worked anyway, so they left it to the MDT. According to the MDT, the inspector’s portal had enough potential to provide sufficient computing power for mass teleportation. Just that, it was preset with an upper transmission limit and an active area of energy field when it was first rolled out from the factory. It was to conform to portability and versatility requirements. Now, what they needed to do was remove the limiter of the portal and draw a new active area with the demonic rune. Doing this was a violation of the rules, so there would be some consequences: after the mass teleportation through the spatial rift was completed, the on-site teleportation equipment would burn from overloading. It would be a few days later before the onboard factory on the Petrachelys could make a new batch of hardware. Since the portal in Helcrown was only a fixed coordinate and did not possess the same power as the one they had, Y’zaks’ 100,000-strong demonic army would have to stay on Earth for at least five days before the portal could be reused.

Hao Ren thought for a moment; since the civil war among the hundreds of thousands of demon hunters had not caused damage to Earth, he figured that maybe he could bring another 100,000 men over.

If there were a problem, Raven 12345 would come to his rescue. So, he decided to go for it. If the worst happened, the goddess would only give him a good whip, and that was not a big deal, he figured.

After some intense assembling works, the colossal portal began to take shape. But, it looked too rudimentary, considering that it needed to handle the teleportation of a 100,000-strong army. What finally appeared before White Flame’s eyes was a weird “magic circle.” It was a few dozen meters wide and pieced together by silvery-white metal frames as well as a lot of green demonic runes. She had never seen such a strange thing in her life, but she was even more curious about how it was going to transport an entire army.

White Flame reached her hand out and drew in the air; she began to calculate. “Based on the diameter of this thing, for 100,000 people to pass through the portal, it will take at least hundreds of rounds before all of them can squeeze through. And this isn’t including the heavy equipment and things like that,” she said.

“I didn’t say that this is the finished version.” Hao Ren wiped the sweat off his forehead and looked at his work in satisfaction. “MDT, please check the surrounding jammers if they’re working normally,” he ordered.

The MDT shook its body, and several small bright spots flashed in the distance; they were metal piles that the autonomous robots hammered into the ice layer. “Connecting… Jammers work perfectly. The shield has been formed. It’ll be invisible to satellites or similar eyes in the sky,” the MDT reported.

“Good!” Hao Ren clapped his hands and waved. “Get in the car, let’s get out of here!” he said.

White Flame was being hurried into the car as she was still feeling clueless. The car took them a kilometer away from the portal. Making sure that it was a safe distance, Hao Ren stopped and shut off the engine. He handed a pair of sunglasses to White Flame and said, “Put this on.”

Still clueless, White Flame put on the sunglasses. Before White Flame could ask Hao Ren how his strange portal worked, a loud noise came from afar, and a blinding light flashed across the sky. White Flame looked on and was terrified as a massive light ball gradually rose in the horizon, and distorted lights were flowing inside the light sphere.

Hao Ren put his thumb up and said, “It’s a one-off use anyway.”

White Flame was all the more baffled.

Lily poked White Flame in the arm and said, “I think you have to get used to it; Mr. Landlord has a habit of blowing things up.”

The wave from blast blew away the snow and the edges on the ice sheet. With the portal at the center, the ice sheet had become a vast, open space formed by many concentric circles. But the portal equipment had been blown away into the distance, leaving behind a large stream of sparks and intense energy. In this chaos, a vast spatial rift, which looked like a broken mirror fell to the ground from the sky. There was a mysterious phenomenon within the spatial rift, as though the magical glow of an aurora was flowing out of the crack.

The dark side of the spatial rift rippled like a water’s surface. Then, the first demon guard, who seemed to be as strong as a giant, strolled out of the crack. This demon guard was carrying a big battle ax on his shoulder. It was could probably cut a battle tank in half. He was shirtless from the waist up, and his dark-red muscles were like soldering iron, billowing with steam in the Arctic cold wind. Being the first one to set foot on the unknown land, he said in a low voice amid the cold wind, “This place is freaking cold!”

It was how a demon felt during his first visit to the North Pole.

Synchronized heavy footsteps came from behind. The multi-ethnic coalition from Helcrown swaggered out of the portal.

When White Flame looked at the spatial rift again, she saw a demonic army pouring out onto the planet. The demon guards, who were three-meters tall, carried giant axes. They looked like reptilian lords from the abyss, all swaggered in flames and sulfuric smoke. It appeared as though this blood-thirsty, murderous demonic legion was going to overrun the world. What was even more incredible, some races should not have been there, walking with the demons. There was the dwarf infantry with large guns, the magical human knights draped in heavy armor, and even the slender, elegant elves who seemed to be straight out of a fairytale! These races were calmly walking with the demonic army, and despite their differences, everyone was wearing the same emblem!

Hao Ren had never told White Flame in detail what kind of army he was summoning. He only mentioned that a demonic race was a part of it. When she saw this army, which had fought endless wars on the battlefields appear before her eyes, White Flame was awed. “Oh my God! What kind of army have you brought?” she exclaimed.

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