If the information obtained before is accurate, the source of the corruption of the world tree should indeed be directly below the nest of Niederhof, and the most likely corruption is the core organization of the eldest son: the brain. Everyone explored the crypt along the way, and the signs found along the way also showed the trend of this corruption, but only a little out of what Hao Ren expected:

The organ in front of his eyes is a healthy biological tissue.

"These tentacles...and the ganglion aren't quite right," the data terminal flew in and out of the big cave, sweeping through the blue-scanning beams over the tangled vine-like tentacles. "They look divided into two." ... camp."

Not only did the data terminal find this, Hao Ren also discovered abnormal state of the biological tissue near the ganglion after observation. The tentacles on the walls of the large caves are not exactly the same, and some of them have severe lesions, and their epidermis folds are black and dull, as if they were grilled by flames, and others look quite healthy, they appear Full of life, even on some of the epidermis can even see the shiny silver runes: that is the unique symbol of the special eldest son of Yugudola Hill. These two kinds of tentacles are as distinct as the two different organisms. They are intertwined and give people a feeling of similarity.

If it is an ordinary biological lesion, the lesion area is mostly "gradual", healthy tissue and unhealthy tissue will be merged together, there will be many biological tissues in the "semi-pathological", but there is no such situation at all.

Whether it is a healthy tentacles or a diseased tentacles that eventually converge in the center of a large cave, growing on the big node that is constantly beating, which makes Hao Ren eventually transfer all his attention to that organ.

He looked at his eyes wide and looked at it for a long time, finally found some suspicious clues from the seemingly healthy organs: in the connective grid area where the brain nucleus is located, there are some vague black shadows pulsing inside, starting from He thought it was a normal blood vessel shadow or something, but then he suddenly remembered that there were no blood vessels around the brain of the eldest son.

Because the brain nucleus is immersed in the living "source blood", this blood circulation does not require blood vessels to transport and distribute. The nucleus is suspended in a chamber filled with liquid, and the transmission of information between it and the surrounding tissue is carried out by means of a near-psychotic connection: there are no solid organs or tissues around it that may cause shadows. !

The data terminal hovered around the large organ in the center of the cave. It is considering whether to directly turn on the high-power detection device for illumination. Because the high-power detection is very likely to directly cause the eldest son to wake up, it does not dare to make this decision.

"We have to check inside," Hao Ren said, pointing at the black shadows. "The structure here is a bit wrong."

“Scan it?” The data terminal immediately flew over.

"No," Hao Ren waved. "Open the knife, I have to look directly."

“The risk is too great,” the data terminal swayed on the spot. “Yougudo Lahir will definitely wake up. This is a very serious stimulus, and we don’t currently have an effective hypnosis for the eldest son. Copying from Holleta. The coming 'Lullaby' device is only effective for a specific eldest son, and theoretically has no effect on the big thing in front of you."

Hao Ren shook his head and pointed to the pool of blood in the center of the cave: "The most dangerous thing is that the blood of the source is violent. As long as it can inhibit the activity of the source blood, it can greatly weaken the strength of the eldest son. At the same time, he just injected it into the nucleus research station. The strong tranquilizer, I think the problem is not big."

The nucleus research station has been playing with two samples brought from Holleta for two years. Even though the mystery of the eldest son is high, there are quite a lot of research results, including targeted tranquilizers: that is An essential agent for performing various high irritancy tests.

The data terminal is not suspicious of the effect of this sedative, but the biggest problem is another: the most troublesome thing for the eldest son is that his "blood" is independent and the blood can not be calmed or calmed. Invalid drug!

It raised its own doubts on the spot: "The calming agent is good, there are a lot of warehouses in the giant turtle Iwat, but what about the source blood?"

A little bit of figure flashed in my mind, Hao Ren Lingguang flashed: "Take the beans!"

"Right, Peas can suppress the source of blood!" Vivian also reacted instantly, she remembered the amazing talent of the little fish baby in the Tarnagus show: as the end of a world of life, Peas in the ecological ladder There is a very special level, the source of blood created by the goddess of creation has a congenital awe and retreat instinct, as long as the peas are present, the source blood will be immediately inactivated!

The data terminal immediately set off to the world to pick up the little mermaid. With the help of space transmission technology, it was quite quick. Hao Ren did not wait for a long time to see a blue light flashing in the air, followed by a small fish baby. Just smashed out of the portal, the little guy hangs happily on Hao Ren’s neck, and the fish tail slaps in the latter’s chest: “Daddy and Dad vomit...”

The data transfer function of the data terminal is still a bit fierce. The small mermaid has adapted to it so many times, and it is still dizzy when it is transmitted.

"We'd better get it done quickly," the data terminal swayed beside Haoren's head. "Your family fish is just busy playing with your cat. Now the fish ran, the cat doesn't necessarily stay long. ......"

Peas continued to hang on Hao Ren’s neck and slammed his tail: "The cat is really fun!"

Galajol looked at the scene silently and didn't talk all the time: she didn't want to comment on the way the team had been with Hao Ren.

The data terminal also used the space transmission to get the "Essence of the powerful sedative 2.0 version of the eldest son" stored on the spacecraft. A silver-white large box is all packed with metal tubes, whichever pipe is used. It is enough for the average eldest son to be anestheted for half an hour, but how to effect the special evolution of the eldest son of Yugudola Hill remains to be verified.

When all the conditions were ready, Hao Ren decided to start implementing this creative surgery.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Vivian looked worriedly at the microbes in the center of the cave. “If anything is too exciting, what can happen is not good. Let’s probably take the first light. The person moved out."

Hao Ren shrugged: "But if Yugudo Lahir maintains this state, we can't do anything."

He released three self-disciplined machines from the portable space, one of which slammed around the crowd for two laps, and grabbed a sedative with a mechanical tentacles to fly to the eldest son's big ganglion. Many of the tentacle functions of the self-disciplined machinery are different. One of the tentacle ends has a mimetic structure that can be deformed at will. This little guy who has been continually changing the tentacles into an injection device carefully penetrates into the ganglion of the eldest son.


With a faint squeaky pressurization, the tranquilizer was injected into the body of Yugudo Lahir, almost visible to the naked eye, and the red light on the surface of the nerve tissue blew down, but it was not completely extinguished.

The tranquilizer came into effect, but as Hao Ren expected, the effect was not as significant as that of the regular eldest son. Yugudola Hill was clearly a more powerful individual that resisted some of the effects of the tranquilizer.

Then the self-disciplined machine also smothered the tranquilizers in the No. 2 and No. 3 cartridges, which finally completely suppressed the neural response of this part of the core tissue.

“Starting to inhibit the blood activity of the source,” Hao Ren held a one-foot-long little mermaid standing face to the pool of blood. He solemnly announced that he would put the beans on the ground, “beginning for the first time.” contact!"

Peas immediately patted the palms and jumped to the surging red liquid in front of them: as a fish, it was almost her instinct to see the water. As for the colors and forms that seem to be dangerous in these "water", Doudou doesn't care that she is a master at the time of death, that is, she looks like she is not normal.

As expected, the peas just smashed two times before, and the pool of source blood calmed down for a moment. The source blood closest to the edge of the pond even began to retreat back and forth. This retreat reaction eventually affected. In the ganglion of Yugudo Lahir, the source blood in the tentacles and node organs also lost their activity, and the life reaction of the eldest son in the entire cave was instantly reduced to the lowest point!

Galajol looked at it with a stunned look: "...is this really true?"

After listening to Nangong Sanba, he replied casually: "He is like this, the more tricks he uses, the more he looks."

Galajour: "..."

Hao Ren carefully told the peas to let the little guys not tamper with the place, and kept the suppression of the source blood on the edge of the pond. After the little guy held a small fist with a serious face to make a guarantee, he ordered the remaining two self-discipline machines. Begin to cut connective tissue outside the brain nucleus.

When the cutting beam cut through the knotted skin, a stench suddenly burst out! (To be continued.)

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