The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1141: Source of corruption

The part of the dark heart of Yugudo Lahir’s lesion is clearly in a state of extreme instability and trepidation. He is afraid that he has been close to madness by the corruption and erosion that has been going on for thousands of years, or that his intellectual part has already It is about to be completely replaced by those corrupt factors. Now this powerful demigod is only trying to die, and his abnormal brain is very slow even when thinking about this problem. >

For example, he realized until now that Hao Ren can help him carry out the death penalty.

But Hao Ren obviously does not intend to agree with the other party's request.

"The situation may not be so bad," Hao Ren quickly dissuaded Yugudo Lahir. "You can't help, in case I have a way?"

At this time, the health consciousness of the ray of light, the "executor consciousness" personally created by Yugudo Lahill also spoke: "I think this makes sense. We can't solve the corruption problem because we are trapped in this body, But this outsider, he can do what we can't do."

Hao Ren suddenly remembered that he hadn’t greeted the light, and quickly turned and said hello: "Oh yes, I haven’t introduced myself yet, I am..."

"I know," the beam of soft light, the sound over the storm and the waves of the dark sea. "I am also the master of this world. I share all the information here with another one. I heard it when I introduced myself. Actually, I didn't want to show up, because every time I faced another, I would be very troublesome, but your arrival... I feel a little hope."

"Hope, hope, what is really fluttering," Yugudo Lahir's dark heart screamed. "The power that will be generated without any basis, I really don't know why you will be driven by this kind of thing."

"As you can see, the dark negative power has seriously disturbed another of my thoughts," Ray of Light took a bit of apology. "He was strong and optimistic, always in the first five thousand years of corruption, but He gradually replaced the thought with the power of corruption, and this subtle influence is almost impossible to resist. In fact, I always think that the appearance of 'I' means that this corruption has the upper hand, when Yugudola Hill decided When he created an alternative consciousness to end himself, 'he' had already bowed to the dark side of his heart."

"Stupid, out of reach!" The voice of the dark heart is filled with anger. "Don't you realize that the situation is getting out of control? I have even lost control of my body. I can feel that the diseased organ is Eroding the entire rune body from a physical level, it also transforms the environment of Nibelungen! Corruption has shifted from the spiritual world to the material world, but you are not alert enough!"

Hao Ren remembers the dark tentacles that are deformed and run through the entire Nibelungen land. It seems that the tentacles have occupied the entire country of death and may break through the barrier of the Midgard space at any time. He can't help but ask: "This corruption." What is the essence of it?"

The sea of ​​darkness rolled up the waves of the sky, and the thunder of the rumble oscillated between the heavens and the earth. The beam of light that passed through the heavens and the earth immediately burst into a powerful light, forcing the riots of the dark sea. Yugudo Lahir’s dark heart finally stabilized after the violent turmoil, and his voice was exhausted: “Essence... essence, ah, as long as I think about this problem, I can feel my soul is growing. An irreversible change... but I would be happy to tell you about it, if you have the guts to listen."

Hao Ren was shocked by the huge changes in the sea just now. He thought that this spiritual world would collapse when he saw it: "I am going to go! You are fine?!"

"The problem is huge! But this problem has been going on for thousands of years, and dragging is all right," said the dark heart, "You ask about the nature of corruption. I can hardly explain it to you. I don't even know when it is." Hidden in the depths of my soul, but I know that it started from the wall I just passed through, so I am afraid that it will lurk in it very early. It is a kind of... ah, I guess it is At the soul level, at the very least, it is limited to the realm of soul and spirit..."

"Psychic virus?" Hao Ren suddenly came up with such a word.

"It’s a wonderful word," the Darkheart praised. "I am afraid it is really a virus, lurking in the depths of my heart. It takes my strength to grow and stirs up the wind in my spiritual world." But this is not the most terrible. The most terrible thing is that this thing has spread along my dreams. Can you imagine this monster that lurks in the spiritual world, gradually overflowing from my dreams and climbing into the real world? At the earliest, some of my limbs had shrunk, so I cut them off, but these limbs soon became a monster that ravaged the world. Later, I started to secrete toxic liquids in the Nibelung area. The liquid was completely condensed hatred and madness. A poor black dragon slammed into my diseased organ and went crazy the next day, so I knew that corruption began to shift from the spiritual world to the material world..."

Hao Ren turned the "corruption" suffered by Yugudo Lahir back and forth several times in his mind, and failed to find any scientific and reasonable explanation, but he vaguely guessed a behind-the-scenes black hand: "You know who it is." Have you planted corrupt seeds for you?"

The heart of darkness was silent for a few seconds, and this time I said again: "You must have investigated a lot of things, otherwise you will not ask this question... Yes, corruption can not be produced out of thin air, nor can it be created by the mother. I left a hidden danger, so it must come from all the sufferings of the enemy from the power of the enemy. I have been investigating the roots of corruption, although there is no breakthrough, but I firmly believe that it comes from the mother's enemy..."

"I know the war 10,000 years ago," said Hao Ren. "The rebel forces who have rebelled against the gods, they created the corruption factor? Is it a plan to stop the goddess of creation?"

"Ha! You are investigating more than I thought!" The voice of the dark heart is with unstoppable excitement. "I am more and more convinced of you, and of course I am more and more skeptical about you! It looks like you Either it’s really a friend of the mother, or another villain, but it’s not important. Anyway, I have nothing else to do... those ruins? You really look at them, just rely on those wise fools. Maybe it’s a great plan to subvert the mother... Well, it’s really subverting some, but they can’t subvert their mother’s greatest plan! They don’t have the ability to implant corruption factors in my body, but behind them... there’s a power, that’s The power of the stock is the culprits. It does not know how many eras it has with the mother. I believe that only that power can cause my situation."

Hao Ren’s conjecture is confirmed: “Is the ‘voice’ of the ruthless god, the self-proclaimed ‘the root of the universe’?”

" even know this."

"I have been investigating this for a long time," Hao Ren said. "I even found the wreckage of the door of Suluen, but I could not find more fragments of the gods. I also found the parts of the creation engine. My team and I are still trying to assemble the gadget. If you are willing to give me more trust, I can tell you more things and show you something you might be interested in."

"The door of Su Luen... The creation engine..." The voice that made the sound was the light. "I think this person is credible."

"I think so too," the dark heart rarely agreed with the voice of the light. "Okay, strange half-god, you are a guy who is interested in me, and you know a lot of things you are going to show?"

"I don't know the root of your corruption, but I have successfully controlled a guy who is 'homologous' to your roots of corruption," Hao Ren said with a word. "Do you know the goddess of creation... is the process of degeneration?"

The sea of ​​darkness suddenly rushed, and the endless waves almost completely obscured the sky. The whole ocean seemed to be hanging upside down. For a long time, everything slowly recovered.

"Of course, never forget." Yugudo Lahir's two consciousnesses also said.

"The black sword of the blasphemy, if it is correct, it is what the ‘the root of the universe’ has created.” Hao Ren calmed down the spirit. “Now it is in my hands and has been brought under control.”

The whole world is turned upside down.

But in the end, Hao Ren was not popped up, and the spiritual world did not collapse. Yugudo Lahir only made a huge touch, but like other guardians, his calm and wise side is still there, he did not anger. In a weapon.

The sacred sword was taken out by Hao Ren: in the state of spiritual body.

In the purely spiritual world, the sacred sword became another black peak. This mountain peak appeared in the dark heart of the thorny mountain, and easily occupied a place in the sea of ​​darkness. It curiously "examined" the surrounding situation, and immediately began to introduce itself: "Oh, everyone, I am a sword, alias echo wall, No. Xiaojian, you can call me a layman... Yeah, here Why are you so noisy?" (To be continued.) 8

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