The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1433: Hastily reunion

Vivian looked up at Hao Ren, this time, her eyes were finally no longer facing the stranger's look.

Hao Ren knows that his guess is correct: the key medium to wake up Vivian is not the other, but the key to the home.

That means the only place in tens of thousands of years that will allow her to truly live in peace and shelter from the wind and rain.

This key is so significant to her that even if she is caught in a memory whirlpool, she will bring its figurative presence around the time and space, and the weathering erosion on the key should be the result of time and space distortion. . From this point, it can be judged that Vivian was not really unresponsive before falling into the memory whirlpool. She had a very short response time at the time, so as to leave a key to "wake up", in that only In the opportunity, she chose to hold the key at home.

"You are asleep," Hao Ren looked at Vivienne's eyes. Although he was only "separated" from the other party for less than two days, he felt at the moment that they seemed to have not seen it for several years. "And then all your evil thoughts." The body resonates, and resonance causes the historical information in your soul to overflow and pollute the real world..."

The sound of snow outside the hunter's hut gradually ceased. The storm that seemed to be swallowing the world was finally smothered. It seems that after the master of this time and space awakened, some kind of turbulent distorted force followed and disappeared and re-hidden. Deep in the darkness. In a quiet hut, Hao Ren is putting all the things that come out of the world and what he knows.

There are a lot of things that are probably not so easy for Vivienne, but he has to say everything, because only in this way can Vivienne completely recover himself and get out of this dream as soon as possible, and his retrospective journey can continue. Go on.

He looked at Vivian in front of him and knew that the other person didn't really "wake up". Although she seemed to have recovered her memory and was quite awake, she was still sitting here, which is enough to show that she has not got rid of this time and space. Therefore, we need to work harder.

"My sleep caused the whole earth to fall into the twisted time and space?" Wei Wei quietly listened to Hao Ren's statement, her face was surprised and unbelievable, and then gradually calmed down, she knew that the other party would not deceive herself, so I chose to believe these incredible facts, "And...I am the cult now? Even the biggest cult..."

"I understand that this sounds a bit unacceptable," Hao Ren carefully chose to word. "But the evil thoughts are not necessarily bad. There will also be harmless situations. Is it true that you see small and weak chickens?" You are safer than a weak chicken. After all... you are just poor..."

Vivian sighed a long sigh: "Do you know that you will not comfort yourself?

Hao Ren: "..."

"You don't have to comfort me," Vivian saw the tangled expression on Hao Ren's face, and suddenly burst into a smile. "I'm not as fragile as you think, and in fact, before that, I faintly guessed. What happened to you."

Hao Ren’s eyes widened: “You mean... you already feel that you are...”

Vivian gently nodded: "Well, there was a hunch before, and after returning from the ancient city of Otos, I was even more determined about this aspect of the speculation. In fact, from the very beginning, I felt that I was constantly splitting the evil spirits. It’s very embarrassing. I split up so many 'parts' with negative factors, and this splitting phenomenon has never ended. So how can I be completely 'pure'? The pollution is in my body, even me. I am a source of pollution, and I have been mentally prepared in this regard."

"then you……"

"I won't be beaten by this difficulty. I don't intend to compromise on the 'pollution' in my body. Whether it is from the mad lord or from the third party behind the scenes, my will is my own, who is also Don't want to interfere with it," Vivian said faintly. "Is this memory vortex trapping me here? On the contrary, I have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time... I want to let the shadow hidden in my soul know that I am not Trapped around it, but it is trapped beside me!"

As Vivienne’s declarative voice fell, the outside of the hunter’s hut was completely dead. It was quieter than the previous silence, as if the whole house was floating in the empty universe. Hao Ren looked around, and everything in the hut was fading away and calmed down. The sizzling bonfire in the fire pit turned into a gray still color block, and the dry meat hanging on the wooden wall turned into a black silhouette. Lily, who was stirring the cauldron next to the fire pit, was still there, as if the pause button was pressed.

Vivienne's figure gradually became illusory, and Hao Ren could almost see the wooden wall behind her: she was waking up and leaving the dream.

"I should leave," Vivienne looked at Hao Ren. "I can feel that this time and space is rejecting more and more awake me. If I didn't guess wrong, I will wake up after 'this period'. You go to the depths of time and space distortion, where there is a battle that lasted for 10,000 years. My two parts of the soul are fighting there and are waiting for the final battle. Hao Ren, every sleep of me is equal to one. Some of your own power has been left in the historical debris, you have to go back and help me to send these forces to the deepest battlefield..."

Vivienne's figure faded faster and faster, and soon there was almost only a vague outline left in the air. She accelerated her words and tried to explain things clearly before she completely dissipated: " careful of those evil thoughts Body... I am in this time and space, they will be there, you almost half of the chances will meet them when you find my sleeping place... The barbaric era is full of danger, there are many that you can’t cope with... you May meet the old Heather Anna, she is not bad in nature, if possible, must strive for her trust, she likes the novel creation of human beings, likes to eat strawberries and honey..."

Vivienne’s figure finally disappeared into the air, and she could only hear her faint voice never know where it came from:

"Hao Ren, take care of yourself, I will wait for you in the next era..."

This short reunion ended like this.

Hao Ren stood up and silently sorted out his wrinkled clothes because of sedentary. The snow that had fallen on the collar and shoulders had already melted, and the slight dampness and coldness made him more awake and calm.

It was a short-lived meeting, but he didn't feel depressed because he had successfully awakened Vivienne once. This meant a correct path. Everything started difficult and the beginning was smooth. Then the whole thing went smoothly. Most of it.

Next, he only needs to constantly wake up Vivienne of each era until the beginning and end of 10,000 years.

Hao Ren looked at the gray and white hunter's hut. After Vivienne completely escaped from this dream, the hunter's hut still did not collapse and dissipated, but the door of the hut didn't know when it illuminates the faint light, which makes Hao Ren Probably guessed how to do it next. But he didn't leave the place for the first time, but he sorted out the brief information he had just received from Wei Wei'an.

As the creator of this distorted time and space, Vivienne himself clearly knows more about the world.

She mentioned that there was a battle in deeper consciousness, and that battle continued until now.

She mentioned that she is scattered in this distorted structure of time and space, and that there is a force left in every time and space structure.

In the retrospective process, Hao Ren wants to wake up Vivienne in each historical period. Every time he wakes up, it is equivalent to sending a force to the battlefield at the deepest point, which is the help of Vivienne.

In the end, the power of these returns will determine the winner of the entire battle, and it is also a divine avatar that is decided to return to the real world from sleep, or an unprecedented powerful cult.

These are the conditions that the Raven 12345 did not expect before when they were outside. They were able to grasp this important information for the first time. Hao Ren felt that he was still very lucky.

So after combing the information, he cheered up and walked to the wooden door of the hunter's hut.

Then Lily’s voice screamed suddenly from behind her: “Yeah!! How can I be here?!”

Hao Ren, this just sorted out the wind, Xiao Xiao, Yi Shui, the cold state of mind, was stunned by the hustle and bustle of the Husky, he almost picked up the place, suddenly turned his head and even heard his neck loud "咔嘣":

Lily stood not far behind him, wearing the worn leather jacket of her in Siberia, holding the long handle spoon used to stir the cauldron, and it looked like the "old version of Lily".

However, just now she shouted the word "landlord" Hao Ren can be sure that standing in front of this is definitely not an old version...

"Lily?" Hao Ren looked at the Huskies girl for a long time like a ghost, and then he opened the letter suspiciously. "You are... Lily in the 21st century?"

"The landlord, you said, oh, of course, I am Lily!" Lily looked down at the spoon in her hand and suddenly screamed. "Yah, this spoon... This is not what I used in the past... and this dress." It was also the year...I am not playing mahjong outside? How did this suddenly come here?"

Hao Renyi said: "Playing mahjong? What playing mahjong?"

Although Lily has a second personality, but her brain is not slow, this time quickly remedy: "Cough, I mean I am waiting for you outside, how come suddenly here?"

However, Hao Ren has already guessed that the outside world is dying: "I am here to save the world. Are you playing mahjong outside?!"

"No... Nangong brothers and sisters and Lao Wang are fighting landlords..."

Hao Ren: "..." 8

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