When the garrison in major cities surrounded the concession and investigated the British French two countries in China, Huang Bai also received orders from the General Sector of the National Defense Army.

After reading the content, the yellow-white face is once again filled with a smile.

These days, the banned army has always played the autumn wind. They only attacked a little bit every day. The entire banned army felt extremely uncomfortable, there is a feeling of taking high-fire guns. Attacks can't be enjoyable, the strength is very powerful, just call you three points, can't play too much, this will make people feel comfortable.

Now this paper order is equal to an liberation terms, all the enemy within one day, but also to move forward, occupying the site. This is equivalent to removing Chen Shao's tags on the banned army. Can Huang Bai can not happy? As for something such as the so-called persuasion, the yellow white can be ignored. The Forbidden army is not easy to get a big battle, how can it be held in this grass. What's more, I don't know how long I have to wait. Now I don't want to have a little, I don't know if there is any chance.

However, in the order, Huang Bai is also intended to comply with all things, and there is almost the same thing, and then it can be.

After a happy, Huang Bai also appeared in the lack of interest. Now there is no much power of the British and French coalition, and there is still three or 40,000 people. And the defense line has been compressed in a square circle, only a few kilometers, although there is a strong work, but these things are paper tigers for the ban.

From the beginning of the war, 200,000 British and Legal League will be injured at least 100,000, and five or six thousand-British-leg soldiers have "enjoy" prisoners after China. Compared with the Army of the Forbidden Guard, the 30 million people are indeed less than enough. What's more, there are also two military reserve forces, and it is also a tiger. If you don't let them participate, Huang Bai can be expected that even if you win, Chen Shao will repair him well.

Huang Bai looked down, now it is 12 o'clock noon, and it is a soldier lunch time, and the yellow white is also eating something. Like many people who will lead the military officers, the yellow white is also with soldiers, unless there is no time, will be called to the headquarters.

After lunch, Huang Bai immediately called all the officers to come to meet.

At the beginning of the meeting, Huang Bai made a description of the command of the General Staff Office at the meeting.

Suddenly, the people in the entire temporary conference room is full of people, and each master commander wants to compete for the priority attack mission. They also see that this at the last attack is completely attacked. If the second echelon is falling, it is likely that in this war, their tasks have ended.

"At the beginning of the general attack, the reason is to be horses in our part. We have a fist troops for the Forbidden army.

"Our second division is not vegetarian, no only one of you will fight, my second division is resolutely walking in the forefront, and set the example for the majority of the army brothers."

"To say that this is the three divisions, you and the second division in front of the battle, this will never let this opportunity."

Although the three infantry divisions said that it is good to be a good friend, but in this case, it is not to discuss the brothers.

In the meeting room, only the armored division teacher and the heavy artillery division, the two people did not send, the heavy guns were playing every day and there is no need to compete. The armor fort is to fight for it, and there is no fight. Anyway, there are armored cars in front of the battle, and the tank can't be blamed.

Others are not necessary to compete, all of which are some special forces, which will be on the game, naturally, they are not worthy.

As for the two reserve army's guidelines, there is no talk. Anyway, they have the opportunity to come to the game, and there is no need to fight.

In the last meeting, the three banned guards became the protagonist. Three people, I speak, I am talking about it.

"Well, don't quarrel, fight for it. This battle doesn't have a main secondary division. We have already put the British French coalition, and the square can become an offensive direction. Reserve two military attacks in the southeast, as for the northwest The two sides were responsible for the banned army. The armored troops cooperated with all sides of the attack. "Huang Bai did not listen to the meaning, but the chattering under the direct discharge. Said here, raise your hand and said, "Now is 12:30, the total attack start time is one half. I ordered: Heavy gunman combined with all the artillery troops, must start attacking before forty-five, When the shell is started to the beginning of the attack. The offensive force must reach the designated attack position before the end of the shell, and the cannon stop is the general attack order. At the same time, in order to implement the command of the General Staff, the Air Force will also dispatched a large number of bombers and fighters, come to cooperate with attacks. "

The white words made the three masters who were originally argued in the conclusion room, and they can fight for a dispute during the discussion, but once the commander issued the news, everyone has to close their mouths. When the yellow white began to publish the order, the entire conference room was a silence.

After the meeting, the Chinese National Defense Army camps in the mountains were moved. In particular, the heavy gun division is here, the technician is making the final inspection on the artillery, and the artillery puts the shells, and the shooting angle is the one-step determination.

The British-French defense position is naturally the defense position of the National Defense Force. These positions are all grabbed from the British and French coalitions. It is very secure. On the national defense army, the offensive soldiers have begun to assemble, from the logistics forces to get ammunition, check the weapons and equipment, each soldier is full of enthusiasm, ready to start the upcoming battle.

The nearly 100 bangs of Guangxi, the airport, 2 have been completed in the air column, flying towards the goal. The Wars of the Fangchenggang's two squadrons-2 also started to add a strong context.


In the English-Fang defense, there was no Vietnamese, and those Vietnamese had already ran out. In this situation, the British and French coalition did not think about the so-called Vietnamese. It has to face the tide of the tide every day, which has made them tired.

Posing them now has a very important issue, food. This is also a reason why the Vietnamese is running, many of the British and French stillets have not eaten every day, and the roots that can be seen are also smashed. Ten thousand troops were blocked here, surrounded by tightly, and the stored food was quickly consumed. And it is broken and the rear contact is also broken. The bark eats wild grass is what they are now three meals.

The British and Japanese soldiers are slightly morale than those of the National Defense Force. One by one is not expressing in the trenches or buns, the eyes are not focused, as if everything can't attract their attention. Hunger, death is ruthless, they have been enough, they are not enough to have the officers, don't want to make the families should not have a name, it is estimated that many people have taken the initiative to go out to surrender.

But those officers are not good, responsibility, these things are not they can decide. They also wanted to hear orders about surrender and lost any confidence in such wars. Although they also know that they must stick to it, they face the infinite gunfire, they feel that life is so fragile.

The two of the black gans and Gansin are hiding in the underground work, just like other British-legged soldiers. At this time, there is no a good building, and more than ten days of fighting has been destroyed by the fire. Since these days, they are used to hiding in the dark foundation like a mouse, enjoying the short peace.

This morning, the British and French sent a telegram, revealing the Gansin and Blackge for the Army. The two adopt confidential measures on this matter and announced in the soldiers that the aids have already landed in Myanmar, and they will arrive.

Subsequent news, let the two persist in the final position, the two countries have decided to negotiate with China. The British Fa is strictly strictly strict, and it is necessary to keep the British law two countries to keep the final chips.

"Things we have in today, even if the Chinese army does not attack, as long as we surround us, we can't help but stay in three days. When we are hungry, there is no strength to resist, people can just accept the victory fruit. The death war, the damn parliament, the dead politician, all he saw the ghost. "The dark foundation, only the weak light shines, the black slate is smashed, it originally the old face looks no blood. . At this time, the black hair hair is not organized, dispelled, with the face of the dark bottom, completely reaching the fertilizer film.

"Hey! Now, what is the use. Twenty thousand aids are like this, hunger is no longer, however, how can I summarize my heart at this time." After hearing the local telegraph, Suddenly This feeling is still very strong in terms of a feeling of a knife. That 20,000, the army is not only their hopes, and is also a living, 25,000 lives, such as the funeral of the funeral. Afterwards, you will ask yourself in the heart: Can this blame on the Chinese head? Gansin gives yourself a answer: Will n't. Because Gansin knows, this is the war. If he has such an opportunity, he will never hand soft.

"How to arrange it!" Blackge thought for a long time, and did not change the current method. The hair originally has been white, I don't know how much it has, and the shoulders are falling everywhere.

"Hey!" Ganshou Lin was just sighing and did not say anything, and there is now, except for what he can do. Is it counterattable? You didn't see how many Chinese soldiers surrounded around. And once the trenches have, how many soldiers are really going to attack, and how many soldiers will stand directly.


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