The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 203, Open award (on)

"Celebrate the founding ceremony of the Chinese Empire" begins! Monater cannon! "

At this moment, the ribbed salute ringed into the sky of Tianmen Square; this moment, the roarned salute resounded through the land of 10 million square kilometers; this moment, the sound of salute and every Chinese children's heartbeat Frequency; this moment, the shock of salutes makes every Chinese child's blood. When the rumbling gun sounds in the peaceful sky, we can comfort those who use life to create an empire. When the imperial armed forces stepped in a peaceful square, tell the world's self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-improvement.

From the place where the hero monument to the gold dragon flag, with the martyrs, the hopes of hope, every step of the empire has left a solid sound! For the goal of the Empire, join hands with concentric; for the Empire more brilliant tomorrow, step forward! Diligent and brave Chinese, the gold dragon flag is the direction of progress! The passionate Chinese, always goes on the road to the great ideal!

The city gate of Chengtianmen Square opened, and the 199 people's flag team came out of the city gate. The flag team is in a dedicated national flag dress, and the dress is made by the engine officers, but it is different from the normal military officers. There are two sleeves of this dress each embroidered with a golden dragon, serious, and appeared More mighty.

"Booming ..."

As the flag team came out of the city wall, the huge ghost group consisting of 88 ghosts came out of the artillery. The roarned salute is like breaking the sinking of the Chinese nation for nearly a hundred years old, announced to the world, and standing again.

Chen Shaos Station on the chairperson of the city floor, watching the flag team slowly walking down the city, can't help but return to the original time and space. At that time, I can only sit in front of the TV, watching it worship. Don't say that those who are highly unable to climb on the chairpes are the soldiers of these flag teams. They are also envious, and they will think of it, return to the Republic of China, and they also have a job, and the day of the earthquake in China.

The military ceremony of the China National Defense Force, the regulation of the right, he is borrowed from the set of future generations, not his nostalgia, but the set of things, it is very superior and very shocking. I used to Chen Shao every time I saw the right step of North Korea, I couldn't help but. I saw the medal of those Northern Dynasties, Chen Shao fairly speechless, medal honor, like a big road, anyone can hang a lot. The Democratic Army was a medal issued by the ceremony, and there were only two people in Jiang Baili and Cai Wei, and the rest only had one. It is contrast to the North Dynasty, too much, at least quantity.

The 199 people's flag team took a whole step, and the hand was set with a white glove, waving, and the whole layer of laminated.

The entire square is like instantly quiet, all of the people's eyes are placed from the city gate, from the national flag team that came down. Through the square broadcast, everyone heard the neat footsteps, just robbed, neatly.

After the national flag team went to the national flag platform in front of the city, the collars were completed, and the flag team escorted the national flag to the national flag station, and did the flag preparation "All the whole, the national flag, sing the national anthem!"

"From ..."

When the familiar melody sounded, Chen Shao did not consciously opened with singing, and he didn't have to sing with him today, but he still sang, not to remember the later generation, but the achievement of the Empire is now the achievement and will be ushered in. The brilliant sing.

The national anthem played by the military music group passed the square broadcast to every corner of the entire Chengbianmen Square. Everyone heard this exciting national anthem melody. In the generous national anthem melody, the flag of the flag slammed the flag and stretched it, and immediately pulled the rope on the flagpole, and began to slowly lift the flag.

This national song is also the same as Chen Shao, but every time it sounds it, it can always bring blood and passion. Looking back at the years, it is only in compliance with today.

The golden god dragon who wants to take off with the national anthem, the blood red color, tells the world, China is here today, it is made from countless blood. The god dragon in Tung Fan also told the world that the Chinese Empire will be like a dragon that will be likelihood in the future. Zhang Yang's dragon claw seems to be announced to all people that it will be completely torn on the road to the rise of the empire.

The flag ended with the end of the national anthem, and the applause on the square once again sounded again. This time, the applause has never been strong, even on both sides of the ghitter, the Central Prescent has passed a warm and incomparable applause.

At this moment, Chen Shao's prestige is topped, and there is no one in the country to be shoulder, and at this moment, Chen Shao officially has a political and military supreme authority.

After the flag ceremony, the city door opened again, and a special Chinese car slowly opened it, the upper top of the car, the people standing is the commander commander Chen Fu Qin. A straight military uniform, the three golden stars in the shoulder, the medal of the eyeball, all in the honor of the military.

"Your Majesty, the subject is ready, ask for review." When the parade command two cars arrived at the military paradites under the chairperson, Chen Fuqin will salute the President.

Chen Shao returned to a gift on the chairpers, and then accompanied by the guard, and under the chairpers and boarded the No. 1 military.

After two military rounds, they travel towards the assembly direction of the subject, and almost the same procedures and forms in memory.

"The parade started!"

"Comrades have worked hard." (With Germany, comrades, comrades. All friends, will be comrades. During the Spring and Autumn Period, this appeared.) "Serve the people."

Although it is still such a simple words, there is no difference in the later generation. Chen Shao is very clear, this is not a slogan, not shouting, but it is necessary to completely implement it.

On the side of the avenue, all the land squares is all here, accepting reviews. In addition to the student team, the militia team (two years of 10,000 training forces), the female soldier team, all other infantry teams have just taken the troops that have just participated in the war and the Chinese and British and France. composition. Soldiers selected under this premise, nor a murderous, whether it is an eye or a move, full of bloodthirsty soldiers, and then consider the spiritual face, height weight, etc., 10 team infantry will It consists of a murderous long dragon through the square.

Foreign messenger watchtower.

"Mr. Eisenhower, what do you think China is going to make it." On the ghitter, an American military officer asked another officer around him.

"If we are fighting, we are all obvious. Although people are riding guns, they are not optimistic, after all, they are still a group of farmers in the farm. If they are not Germany's officers Training them, they can't be so powerful. "After the answer to Eisenhower, he said a resentment:" Har hate our American army has not been like the army, no matter how people's military parade. I estimate The knife is really a gun, which is not enough to look at all the army of the United States. "

Some officers in Germany come to Huadu to be bright, not afraid that others know, this is known about the world. Therefore, many countries will owe China's combat power in Germany. As for military equipment, they did not think so, Germany didn't, where would be so generous to China.

"The guys of the parliament are busy making money, we don't have a way again. I really hope not to confront the army with this country in the future, although I don't want to admit, but in the military is not as good as people."

"Believe me! We will definitely have conflicts in the future. History can prove this. The world is getting smaller and smaller. I really hope that the guy will not be fascinated by China's cake, compared to a short interest, we More than a long-term interest. The rise of the emperor is a disaster for us. "

The two German officers next to heard that the two were a little embarrassed after the "German officer to train them". If it is a military school, the German faculty is a lot of strength. But if you talk about soldiers, it can only be self-confident in Germany. The China Army is at all from the military tactical skills and military discipline, which does not lose to the German army. This is a consensus of all German officers in China.

There are many German soldiers to China to receive training, and the training effects make those officers have to admire those instructor. They seem to be discipline of iron, so that many German soldiers have just begun to accept, it is too strict. Subsequently, a series of training subjects, every day, let them directly kneel in bed, do not think about her, and the instruments use practical actions to let them forget discipline.

To say who is teaching, it is hard to say. Professor of German tactics, and complementation with China's own tactical fightering. In the training of the Sail and Empty Three Army soldiers, the Chinese instructor gave the German military "class". So, this is the two national army to make a long supply.

Chen Shao inspected the troops and stood on the military paradigm:

"History reveals us, the way forward is never smooth, but mastering your own destiny, united military and civilians will overcome all difficulties and constantly create history.

Looking forward to the future, the Imperial unlimited development prospects requires the Empire, and the people must be more closely united, keep pace with the times, and forgiveness. Fuling forward, realizing the grand goal of national rejuvenation, continue to make new and greater contributions to the empire with their hard work and unremitting struggle! "


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