The messy shouts came out from the city center of Jakarta.

Indonesians from several streets, waving all kinds of tools began to rush to the defense circle under the Chinese part.

The Chinese in the defense circle put the old young lady to the middle of the defense circle, and the young man also took the tool to stand in the defense circle and prepared to start the beginning.

Compared to Indonesian messy weapons, the weapons in the Chinese people look, and many of them are ancient system weapons. However, many weapons such as dagger, but these people are standing back, act as backup power.

The battle of the cold weapon is more fierce than the hot weapon, because this time the short soldier is connected, its risk is not much better than the shooting of the bullets.

Jin Ge iron horse murderous, the sword is proud of the sky.

Although there is no ancient war scene, it is no more than an ancient cold weapon war. The long-term grievances between the two sides seem to be detonated in an instant.

Indonesians are in front of the money to attract them in front, the Chinese want to revenge for their previous friends and relatives in Indonesians.

The firewood to the fire, the flame that is touched here is greedy and hatred.

A Chinese strong man holds a hammer for the blacksmith to play the iron, it looks heavy, and there is still four or more pounds. The strong man alternately puts the hammer to dance two, select the position of the grip. This big hammer is good! More than straight knives, the knife can cut the opponent to resist, this thing is in the past, you can't stop, as long as you are, you will be a hammer, even if the opponent can grab the hunch from the kings, this life I am afraid that it is disabled. However, this must have a uncommon person to make it moved, and the average person will take a few times, it is estimated that it is not moving.

Strong people looked at the more and the more the Indonesians, the hearts were calculated, and they would give them a mighty. The short soldier is very fast, the protector of the base is very difficult to disassemble, and those Indonesians hit a few times, and they found that there was no role. They began to climb those wooden furniture. After they climbed up, they did not wait for it. Inside the defense circle, it has been stabbed by a long gun. One of the most happy Indonesians, the head is directly packed. The cerebrospinal paste cracking, blood and cerebrose sprayed around. The red and white thing next to several Indonesians, even the strong man in the defense circle is also sprayed. The Indonesian is a fart on the spot. It has just stopped going to climb the cheers. The body flew out of the body and fell out to see the force of this hammer.

All of this is just the beginning, the constant Indonesian climbs the defense circle, but it is very tight, because it is ready for a long gun, seeing people, even if you escape the long gun, jump into the defense circle, and very fast It is waiting to be detached in a piece of knife. These long guns and not a general long gun, but can really call it a long gun, because it is really long, the general chant is almost two meters, this long gun is at least three or four meters, close to the battle is no way to use Enemy, but it is a very good weapon for long distances. Especially this kind of defense war, people who are originally high is favorable, and now it has become a low person. Because the people in the heights have no way to take those boots in addition to the dodge, there is no way, and the long gun can be harvested from the defense circle.

These long guns are the Indonesian Chinese, in order to deal with Indonesians, the Netherlands prohibit guns, but also banned Chinese bows, otherwise, this is a row of bow. And if there is a bow and arrow, the Chinese will not lose this in the past years.

Time is just a short ten minutes in the past, and many Indonesians have fallen to the ground, and many Indonesians have begun to retreat. There is no one in the previous organization, all of which is rushing up, this is simply sending dishes. However, at this time Indonesians have not realized this problem, and several more bold Indonesians have started to call a few times, and others have followed. The battle is once again launched again. This time, there are a lot of people in one time. The following long guns will not take care of it. Five or six Indonesians jump into the defense circle, wait on the side of the knife to stand up, and the color of the color It is not that the Indonesian hands can be compared, and the Indonesian jumped in a white flowers is directly hacking.

At this time, more and more Indonesians are rushing, the people behind can not see what is in the defense circle, only to see that there are already many people jumping down, fearning good things are robbed by people Beginning to rush to rush. Just, if they see a bunch of bodies that have been lying, maybe this crazy will reduce much.

The iron hammer of the strong man has been more than a dozen times. It relies on the quasi-head of the iron. The head is so big, where is lost, unless it is a rhythm of others. Just when he was ready to pick up the hammer, the firewood on a Indonesian hand just jumped toward him, which is very fast, and those knives are fundamentally not to stop.

At this time, a young man came out from the strong man behind him, and the dagger was inserted into the Indonesian's eyelid, not a long dagger. The hand of the Indonesian waved the firewood stopped, and the eyes of the eyes were red and white. When the person removed the dagger, the Indonesian's body fell down.

Strong people nodded to the young man, shouted: "Thank you!" Then I took a hammer to put a Indonesian who had just jumped to fly back, and I also hit two I was climbing. Indonesians up.

The young people who helped the strong man have no time to respond to the big man, but directly picking the firewood on the ground, a Indonesian who just jumped down, has not waited for him to stand firm, the young people have been cut in him. On the head, the blood of the Indonesian's head is bolding young clothes. With his face, there is a bit of a bit of a bit.

This young man is to watch the young man who said to go back. His name is Wang Bao. In this Chinese who hate Indonesians, his hate of Indonesians is absolutely row. Not only the piece of scars on your face, as well as the enemy of the father's uncle, this has prompted him to hate the Indonesian to teeth.

A knife is a knife on the body of the Indonesian face that kicked the previous one. At this time, there was another Indonesian jumped down, and the chopper on the hand was aligned with Wang Bao's head. When he wanted to land, he also made Wang Bao. Only Wang Bao has always pays attention to the top, do not give him an opportunity, rapidly retreat one step, the Indonesian knife falls in the air, Wang Bao's top step, the firewood in the hand is the neck of Indonesian A force sweep, a head rolled on the ground a few laps, the headless body smashed the blood and fell.

The Indonesian who was chopped by Wang Bao did not die, and his face was in the corpse bunch. Wang Bao did not have a poorer, and walked over and pay attention to it. After the Indonesian people, the Indonesian didn't have a knife.

When Wang Bao, a Chinese who took a long gun had a step and step forward, and then a step is to pull the blade of the fire from the Indonesian's body, and it is further to pierce a new goal. The long gun is long, the so-called one inch is a strong, but this is very physical, once you returned, the long gun is likely to be caught by other Indonesians. Long-term high-intensity uses long guns, physical consumption is somewhat big, and the long gun is copied by a Indonesian man, and the Chinese who holds a long gun in the bottom of the man pull it up.

After Wang Bao saw two steps, he immediately ran two steps, helping the Chinese two people together, or standing on the ground, Indonesian only has a chasing a long gun, plus it is standing high, but no can borrow local. Directly pulled down, fell directly on the corpse, the knife in front of the long gunner did not say a polite, two knives, the Indonesian who was pulled down quickly saw their God.

The other team to stay behind will replace those long gunners. After all, the weapons are waving, which is very powerful. Once they are rushed by Indonesia, it is difficult to do. In turn, ensure that there are always many long guns in the enemy. The following knives have more, and this time it is necessary to prevent the other party from joining. The big hammer of the sledgehammer is also resting. This is the most tired of him. After all, it is more than four or more pounds of harshammer, but it is not necessary to waving for so long.

The people who have been replaced have come to the back to rest, and the women are in the tea, the big mouth of the big mouth. The front line is desperate, the test is not only the strength, and the quality of the heart, especially this kind of short soldier, more need to be courageous. Thanks to it, they live in this place, so they have seen a lot from small and have been immune to a lot of things.

The Indonesians once again retired, in just half an hour, the body inside the defense circle has high base, fast and building the defense line, which is outside the defense line, and has a lot of bodies.

After the crazy end, the Indonesians were in a short quiet, but they didn't give up, and more and more Indonesians in the distance came here. At this time, Indonesians have been quite intensive. In order to prevent Indonesian dogs from jumping the wall, the Governor's door has been tightly guarded by the Dutch soldiers. After all, there are a lot of Indonesians outside. Once there is any accident, it can be a big bar.

The Indonesians start to have a combination of blocking, no longer a loose form, before dozens of people have a hundred people, there is no co-ordination, no command, and the bee is. For the Chinese people who are ready, there is no use.


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