The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 217 Aviation Machine Gun and Blood Dance

I heard the sound from the sky, the scene of the sword was still stopped in the first time.

Liu Si Xuan was excited to scream: "The plane of the Empire is coming, the military's soldiers come to save us."

Others listened to Liu Si Xuan's snoring, and they both cheered. At this time, the plane started to lower the height, pushing down towards the crowd, and a twenty bombing-2 huge fuselage touched together, as if to overwhelmed everything, whistling the sound, clearing in the sun Golden Dragon on the fuselage.

See the dragon pattern on the plane, the following people have a bigger, some Indonesians are not good, quietly exit. They know that because the Dutch is here there are two broken planes, but now I see the airplanes in the sky, I am not a thing on a level, it seems to be the gap between the merits and billions of thermors, it is not comparable. Although they didn't see the power of the plane, they were not a fool, the plane came out of ten years, and the battle is more likely, unless they are the original person, or there will be no happiness of the plane.

Now that they first saw such a huge plane, it was much more than the house, and it was still aircraft, many people regretted. Is it useful now?

The bomber is just coming here to investigate, because only the bomber can come here, and have the ability to stay for a while. The speed of the reconnaissance machine is very fast, but it can't fly so far.

After coming here, I saw the following corpse, and all the crew all the crew were inexplicably. The bomber also has self-defense machine guns, which is generally rarely used, although there is no way to bulk, but does not affect the use of machine guns.

All bombs once again push down, this time they want to use the bomber as a fighter. The aircraft gun is located on both sides of the fuselage. Nowadays, now, under the control of the crew, the gun shooting port on both sides is opened, the shooting port is large, the machine gun can be very flexible shooting all the directions. Naturally, it is also included to shoot down. Moreover, there is a double-packaged 20mm robot in the head portion of the bomber, which is located in front of the cab, mainly for the following and positive goals, or to rotate around.

In the past, these weapons did not act on the field, that is because each time bombing task is not required to take these air defense weapons. It is also very honored to be the first to be the first to be the first person under the bomber air machine gun.

The bomber is located in a few straight lines. It is directly slowing down to the streets that are crowded with Indonesians. Slowly reduce the height, in order to prevent the problem, it is not enough, there is no low, there is a few hundred meters This is complete enough.

When the Indonesians underneath saw those guns, it was late, the bullets were like a rainy pour, and the bullets above 12.7mm were more than 12.7mm. What is it? Especially the a few cannons of the double-container, the killing is more powerful, as long as it is hit by such a bullet, there is no whole corpse. It is not very strange to be made into a few sections.

At this time, Indonesians began to panic, but in order to attack the Chinese, there was a very intensive population, and the people were crowded, and the scene was very confusing. In the face of powerful machine gun fire, the row of Indonesians were made into blood, as long as they flew over, there will be three blood rivers below. And the aircraft is not a, but a row of rows, a follower.

In the population, just have been cleaned, and will be flooded by the crowd, people, some smart Indonesians began to hide around the house and some small alley, but more people still stay in the street. The machine gun on both sides of the bomber could not completely shoot vertical, but the Indonesians next to the street did not have any questions. When they crowded in front of the door, as long as the machine gun swept, every time they can kill many people.

The shooter on the bomber, as long as it passes over the Indonesians, the hand of the trigger has not been released. In particular, when I saw countless blood flowers below, the trigger was buckled tighter.

The bomber will immediately climb up and then turn it back. In such a plane, this is to be staged, which lets the following Indonesians will collapse, they only feel that the plane is infinite, and there is a plane in their head.

In this way, I went to five or six times, and the fuel of the plane reached the return of the warning line, and the one or twenty bombers felt helpless.

However, in just a few minutes, the effect is very huge, and the number of killing is not more than bombing. If it is not a crowd too intensive, such a result will not appear. Seven million Indonesians are crowded in this place, and it is not aimed at all when shooting.

The plane is gone, but the ground is already covered with blood, many of the lack of unstoppad Indonesia struggle in blood and screars. They are temporarily lucky than "raw materials" full of bullets and blood, because the bullets have not hurt their key, so they can survive. Those luck is not good, it has become part of the ground.

Those Indonesians who really fortunate to see hell is swallowed, and everyone's heart is quite satisfied. Some is laughing, and I am in a glad that I am safe.

The Chinese came to the defense circle at this time, see the front corpse, some people who have never seen such bloody scenes, can't help but naturally. More people are very calm, compared to those who often face those Indonesians, they don't feel disgusting, but they are all in the world.

I don't know who took the lead, the Chinese began to cheer, and those Indonesians rapidly ran away, leaked these Chinese active attacks.

Originally, Liu Si Xuan also planned to organize people against attack, but was blocked by Laudi, the regular army is coming, the next murder is handed over to the regular army. Perhaps, after following the regular military, there is a regular army take the lead and will be safe.

Liu Si Xuan nodded, and before the heart, there were still a little military army who would come to Jakarta. Now I saw that all the worried in the heart of Liu Si Xuan swept away, and the whole person was relaxed.

Liu Si Xuan is relaxed, but Demdd is not easy, the Dutch soldier in the Governor's government is not easy. Just bombard brought them the ultimate shock, Demde was still a good thing than those soldiers, but he was still surprised by the killing of the plane. I just saw the movie last night, there were many aircraft, but when he intuitively realized the scene, it did not weakened much.

At the same time, Demd also was curious about which of the things that China came here. Here is thousands of kilometers from the Chinese mainland. Can the plane fly so far? Even if the Chinese airplane is advanced, Demd is not to believe that China's aircraft can be advanced to thousands of kilometers, which is unable to achieve now.

However, Dictry knows that the Sino soldier of the Chinese Empire will come, but also perform a killing task, he even thinks these minds, but a thousand people think about how to stop.

After the Chinese plane came, Demd was also coming to the window. He saw the broken meat on the street and the blood flowing around. This Dutch colonial, the Netherlands of the Netherlands, the old nobles of the Dutch, completely calm the vomiting of the image. . Although Demde also suppressed a lot of colonial reactors in the young Time, Demeth, also killed a lot of life, and often saw Chinese and Indonesian blood conflicts. But in this bloody scene, he still saw it. If it is a small caliber bullet, it will only shoot a mouth, but once the diameter is 12.7mm, the effect is absolutely bloody, because bullets The impact, it is easy to break the human limbs, the bullet is intensive, and it is also normal to make people into the blood.

Although Demd is not like Indonesian, but seeing such a death method, it is still a big pile of death, and the heart is inexplicably sorrowful. This sadness is the sympathy of the weak. He used to feel sad for the Chinese, now changed a race. And soon, he will also feel sad for the Netherlands. The weak person who is bullied is normal.

Hendryis also discovered aircraft in the first time. The Netherlands of the Netherlands saw the first reflection of the Chinese time is to immediately jump down the horse. However, the soldiers who saw the surroundings were looking at him, and Hendlis can only stand up. When you put it, if you don't have something to take off the dust, then the command forces will continue to advance.

Just got a few steps that had just got ten steps, the accepted machine guns came in the plane. The Earl of the Netherlands and the Supreme Military Safari, the Dutch Month Military Safari, once again, this time he is not so fast, Because there is nothing to look at him at this time, all soldiers are also squatting on the ground. There is no problem with anyone who laughs.

When I saw the goal of the aircraft was not myself, Hendlis hurriedly climbed up. At this time, he didn't have time to take a dirty, it was obvious that China participated in, this is not a good for Hendriis. news. Now China has a plane, but the other fleet and the Army are approximately Jakarta, then he is a sinner. You must hurry to stop Indonesians, you must have the situation in the China Army, or it is true.

When I saw the aircraft pouring bullets on the ground, a picture of the Indonesian was fired by the air machine gun. However, he can now don't have time to manage the life and death of Indonesians, but to pick up the Chinese, try to minimize the influence of this matter.


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