The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 224 to dry the Dutch special envoy

When both parties began to prepare secret negotiations, the Chinese on the Java Island of Indonesia began to gather, and the Chinese have 120,000 in Java. In addition to those in Jakarta, many are living in other places, and they have not concentrated. Together.

In order to better ensure their safety, the Chinese on Java is beginning to collect the Jakarta. There are soldiers with the Marine Corps along the road to protect, and those Indonesian monkeys have seen the Chinese people, they are far away. How many of them have heard about what happened in Jakarta, when they see those Chinese, just like seeing plague.

Although the soldiers of the National Defense Army did not intend to continue to attack these Indonesian monkeys, the Dutch did not have this big. The conflict in Jakarta has occurred before, and has buried the root of these Indonesian monkeys. If the Chinese began to withdraw the army, he will take over the Dutch, you can imagine what these Indonesian monkeys will encounter, before they have killed a lot of Dutch soldiers. For China, the Netherlands is no way to pursue, but for these Indonesian monkeys, the Dutch people will not be soft. Although the bright, the big slaughter is not, but it can be said in the dark.

However, these are not a whit relationship with the Chinese, because China has chosen a land for them, as long as it is talking to the Netherlands, the Chinese people will migrate past, where it will be their new home.

The representative of the Dutch Kingdom sent quickly came to Jakarta, and the peers of the two divisions.

Della. Easton is the main person in charge of this secret negotiation, although he doesn't want to come, but the king is down, there is no way. The fleet is intercepted by the descendants of the patrolled destroyer in Jakarta, and this Dutch did not escort the warship. In the face of the Navy of the Chinese Empire, send warships to come here to shame, and the Netherlands does not want to touch the Chinese nerves, and even the two divisions will receive the Chinese consent in advance.

The sea carrier is no longer glory that year.

Easton saw that three drains in the Netherlands have a great destroyer, and the heart is inexplicably envious, and then see the dragon flag fluttering, there is deep embarrassment. Like many people Westerners, they will no longer doubt the strength of the Chinese Empire, but it is difficult to fade the yellow river in the heart. God really fell asleep, and let the dragon that the East is awake.

I saw my fleet "Guard", and Easton is quite helpless, the other party will not fight, after identifying the identity. Immediately turned the fleet in the middle, the main gun on the destroyer, turned away from time to time, which made the Dutch soldiers in the fleet. China's Navy will not attack it! This thought, look at the ship under the feet, then look at the destroyers from thousands of tons, and many Dutch soldiers have swallowed water. Once the other party wants an idea to attack the fleet, then don't think about it, just jump in the sea and escape! This is the most direct idea in the Brain of the Dutch Soldier.

Ison appeared very calmly, and he and many soldiers have different ideas. The heart is helpless, but he will never believe that China will shoot to their fleet, because China is completely unnecessary, so he can so calm.

The fleet is slowly close to Jakarta, and when seeing a hill-like aircraft carrier, Iston's heart twisted. A lot of Dutch soldiers on the boat relieved, exclaiming this aircraft carrier is too weird! The boat is obliquely, and the upper surface of the large caliber is not seen, even if the defensive weapon is very poor. Do you have such a thought in a lot of mind, do such a aircraft carrier? Washing that big tonnage, if it is changed to the battleship, the more powerful. This can only say that the world is not aware of a awareness of the aircraft carrier.

However, the cruiser next to the aircraft carrier is not small to these Dutch soldiers, although the full-time of these cruisers is emptied, but the nine-door main gun, it seems that power is not small. Especially for the current Dutch Navy, it is already the strongest warship.

Easton saw that there were several cruisers, and the hearts also had some satisfaction, because the Netherlands have been ordered to China, such a cruiser. Compared to practical value, the price is not very expensive. With such a tens of thousands of tons of cruisers, they will greatly improve the fighting power of the Netherlands, let alone two destroyers, the drainage volume is more than 2,000 tons, and it can be used in the Netherlands.

China has not said that it is not sold to the Dutch warship, so this transaction is still going, how long does it take for a long time, the Netherlands can have such a warship. This is the reason why Ison is satisfied, and now he sees these warships, as if you see the above water soldiers have been replaced by the Dutch water soldier. See the Netherlands navy from the new vangules.

After the fleet is on the beach, the Marine Corps soldiers who have been waiting for these Dutch soldiers have been prepared for these Dutch soldiers. At the big warehouse while the dock, there is a residence of the Dutch soldier. These Dutch soldiers will be taught until they are all taking them until all of them are taking them, and the Marine Corps will handover the defense of Jakarta in these Dutch soldiers.

Seeing the Dutch soldiers can't enter Jakarta directly, and stay in the port warehouse, Eston is unable to calm. No matter what the Netherlands is in the eyes of China, the basic etiquette is always good! I have arrived at all, I have to limit the actions of soldiers now. This is the contempt of red fruit to the Dutch Kingdom, and how, the Dutch Kingdom is also a country. The respect between the country and the country is always good!

"Where is your chief? I am Easton, is the messenger of the Netherlands, I am going to see your sanners with the identity of the kingdom." Ison said Chinese, this is also his negotiation representative One reason, because China refuses to negotiate with other languages. When he is talking, he will try to make himself look too proud. I don't respect it, I don't say it. Now I need a low head to be a person, and some should pay attention.

And Eston also wants to talk about this thing as soon as possible, now is a high-yield period of sucrose, a lot of sucrose is pulled away every day, and now China takes over Jakarta. During this time, all the benefits have entered the Chinese pocket. Sucrose is the main industrial income of the Netherlands in Indonesia, and is taken over a day. The Netherlands will lose a lot of money. This is to take the Jakarta as soon as possible to rely on this colonial life.

"Mr. Special Envoy, I am the Captain of the China National Defense Army Marine Corps, I am the head here. You are responsible from the trip to Jakarta, this road, all in this regard, I don't have a sir, what is there? It can be said to me with me. "Yang Jin wearing a straight non-war military union, and there was no expression to Iston. In his eyes, you can't see any emotions, just like the identgents of the Kingdom of Easton Netherlands, as if it is the roadside wild dog, which can't afford his attention.

"Your Chinese Empire is known as the state of the ceremonial, my identity is also a special embarrassment, how can you be so slow. And let our soldiers enter Jakarta, this place is our Netherlands colony, you are just a feet. "Ison heard the money, I didn't stand back, and the voice was also excited, as if I have received much grievances.

"The order I received is like this." Yang Jin did not pay attention to Easton, but said it faintly.

Unless changed, allowing our soldiers to enter Jakarta, because this is a contempt for us, otherwise I refuse to go to Jakarta to participate in the talks. "Ison saw the oil and salt faded, the heart is very helpless, But when he said the last sentence, Easton regretted.

The Chinese Empire is not allowed to talk, you will not talk about it day, and the Indonesian day is China, so this threat to China, there is no killing of a trace. If it is not to prevent the whole world from vigilance, besieving, do not say military, it is in trade, it is enough to hurt. After all, it is now white, and the rise of China is itself to defeat the British Fa. If there is any these reasons, Chen Shao is planning to take the entire Indonesia. You can get out before, you can threaten the UK Australia, and the Navy should build his mother to build in Indonesia, it is fully very fast. Pacific.

Yang Jin heard Easton, did not say a word, directly turned to go. It seems that Easton does not exist.

"You wait, there is something to say." Ison saw that Yang Jin walked away, and suddenly, he didn't care, and hurriedly retained the Yangjin. I didn't wait for him to turn around, I didn't wait for him, Easton opened: "How did you suddenly go?"

"Since the Special Envoy said that I didn't want to participate in the talks, I was planning to go back to the delivery task." Yang Jin still the pair of expression.

"No, no, I don't mean that, okay! Take me to Jakarta!" I can't hear the other party's meaning, I just said that otherwise, I didn't say it directly. For the young Chinese Defense Force, Eston didn't know how to continue to open. Today's main tasks are not to manage these problems, but to return to Indonesia and those Dutch soldiers as soon as possible.

"Then please take a special envoy!" Yang Jin said that the hand is completely ordered, and then take the lead in the front.

Eston can only follow it. Yangjin came soon, some obesity Easton sometimes difficult to keep up, and sometimes talked to a small run.

When Easton took the jeep who came to the success, it was already panting.


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