The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 226 Transfer Indonesia Overseas Chinese

Just the next day, the next day, a news caused a wide concern from all countries in the world, and they also surprised them.

The Netherlands kingdom transfer Garyman Dan Island to the Chinese Empire, the transfer fee is $ 20 million, and the Netherlands also said that these $ 20 million will purchase military weapons to the Chinese Empire to replace the domestic weapons and equipment.

Previously, all countries in the world knew that Indonesian violent riots, the Dutch soldiers were injured for thousands. Because of the wave of Chinese, the Chinese Empire in order to protect the overseas Chinese, the force involved in Indonesia's aborgorite events. This has made this riolomatic incident and also protects countries in Indonesian businessmen. There is no such thing as the condolence team from all over the country to reach Indonesia, the Netherlands, and the Chinese Empire, which makes it unable to make the world have some otherwors.

Many people have guess this inside this, but they have no effect on their audition. Although there is no exact message, it does not hinder their guess.

Gariiman Die is a large area, the above property is rich, or the third largest island in the world, the second largest island in the Pacific. It is important to face the South China Sea of ​​China and the strategic location. It is such a place that there are 20 million US dollars in the Netherlands to sell to China.

At the same time, they also think that the current Java is from the Chinese military, and there is also a Chinese naval fleet at sea. Is it a force oppression, this is not possible, but the Dutch will be willing to be stress, if there is no other factors, even if the force stress, the Dutch will definitely seek the help of the Western world. There is no silence in this case, there is no sign. It is very much notified.

However, since the matter has been confirmed, people are your love, and they have not intervened to the exact interests of other countries. They are not good to say. However, for the current Nanhai hegemony, the influence of the China Navy in Southeast Asia has once again improved a step.

The current South China Sea is a unique, although the United States also has warships in the Philippines, but it is not enough to look at the size of the Chinese fleet. After all, the focus of the United States is still in the Atlantic, and many main ships in the Navy are also in the Atlantic, and the naval strength in the Pacific is not very strong.

When this news spread in the empire, the people once cheered again, heard the news of Indonesia's riots, and many Chinese compatriots may be persecuted, and many people have prayed for those overseas. When I heard that China has sent an army to Indonesia to protect the Chinese, the domestic public opinion in domestic public opinion in this news has also been discussed to discuss this military abroad to help Chinese compatriots.

The empire did not let them down, and the slogan called out is also realized. This makes the Chinese people's Linggu is more powerful, and more and more people have responded, and the construction speed increases.

When the news of the crisis released, when the Netherlands transferred Borneto to China, China has cheered again. They celebrated the empire of the empire once again expanded, before they didn't think of it, and the founding is only a few months, there is already such a huge gain.

Open the land is not only a single dream, and it is also the dream of many people in their hearts. I oppressed it for nearly a hundred years, the people have ago for too long, even if they don't care about the state, as long as I heard my country, I will add a layout again, and I will be happy and proud. Unless the real anti-bone di, just as it is normal, there will be such an idea, especially the Chinese nation. At this time, in the early days of the founding, the people of the people were very strong, and the patriotic sentiment was rooting in the hearts of all people.

The Chinese Empire is happy. The Dutch is unhappy, but it is not very big. The Netherlands will soon press this. With the three warships, you can quickly form a fleet that can fight against the Ocean, but there is only no battleship, which makes the Dutch quite regret. Otherwise, there is a battleship, and the cruiser and the destroyer form a fleet, the Netherlands will become one of the European Navy. After this experience, the Netherlands began to consult with the money, or do not make money to buy a battleship.

However, these are all afterwards. After the secret agreement is reached today, the Dutch soldiers began to enter Jakarta, replace the Marine Corps. The Marine Corps did not take things that did not belong to them, just bring equipment, quiet withdrawal. Because they are military, not robbers. Before I became a scorpion, it was because of anger, and I also revenge for those cars.

However, the Marine Corps did not leave here, but also waited for all the ends to leave. Borneo is ruled by China, the Chinese people on the entire Indonesia will be transferred to Borneo, and the Indonesian monkeys on Borneo will all move. The largest relocation of the size since the 20th century is in full swing.

In order to compensate those who have lost the plantation of the garden because of relocation to Borneo, the Chinese Empire also gives them great compensation, re-opening the plantation of them, or directly compensates for those plantations in Borneo monkeys. Chinese, and give them many preferential policies.

A group army's National Defense Army began to land in Borneo. Their task is to check all of the Indonesian monkeys above, have finished over, hand over to the Dutch, and arrange them to go to that island by the Dutch.

In the face of murderous army, plus the Dutch of your face, those Indonesian monkeys are reluctant to be willing to live. However, the Indonesians who won the Chinese can choose to stay, that is, their future generations can also stay, they will be a new nation in the Chinese Empire.

Chen Shao did not kill all the Indonesians. After all, there is a good people in a bad nation, and a good nation has a bad person. It is the Chinese itself is no exception, and how many traitors in the later generations are simply countless.

What's more, their body is still the blood of Chinese, theory is also half a Chinese. But for some fragments, Chen Shao is also unfair, especially some of the national disappearance of the Indonesian monkey or before helping the Dutch to bully the Chinese people, Chen Shao is directly ordered.

In the secret agreement, in order to take care of the face of the Dutch, Hendriis Chen Shao did not force to stay. Anyway, when the captive, it has been well "care." However, Chen Shao is not so generous to give the Dutch, and people must be changed. There are many projects that need to be built on Borneo, and there is currently a lot of labor. One of China, the Dutch is very refreshing. Hendlis is the birth brother of the Queen's husband. If this accepts the trial of China, it is really a face of the Netherlands, and this riotic event will also have a danger of exposure.

At the same time while the two sides are shipping personnel, many Indonesians are enforced by the Dutch, they will go to Borneo as labor, and contribute their own strength to build this Chinese emerging country. It's just that this contribution has a little longer until the end of the World War, many people are still working, but they are still far away, but then they have not been home.

This immigrant wave lasted for a long time, thousands of ships participated in this immigration. It ends until two months after the New Year.

After the end of the two parties, this matter is also calm.

The year will start nearly to be busy for the New Year, and this year is the first New Year in the country, and the meaning is extraordinary.

There are also many activities that Chen Shao to participate, and the basic construction plans will begin to plan, so this time, Chen Shao has begun to stay in the royal family every day.

One day's time quietly passed, waiting for Chen Shao to appreciate the last chapter, the dusk has quietly coming.

When I saw a lot of name on the rosum, Chen Shao's eyes once again ranked a little killing.

The things above are the previous Japanese war criminals. There are many ways to do evil in Huyingfa, after the New Year, these people must start to accept trials, and when they pay, they will see what they make.

As for the law of trial, it relies on the Constitution of the Chinese Empire. As long as it is guilty, it will never do it. The kill killed, the labor reform of the labor reform.

In this case, Chen Shao's most hated is not those British and French, nor the Japanese, but those traitors who are tiger. For these people, Chen Shao has been pursuing from strict and hit, and never palls.

However, after the year, I need trial war criminals, and there will be no media directly involved in the report, which is good to say. Japan and British law also want to give yourself a look, the media does not participate, but do not stop the people from watching.

At the time of the major cities at the same time, which city is deepe in which city is in the trial, which city trial is arranged. At that time, it will notify the public to come to watch, but there are strict restrictions on the number to prevent the emergence of pedaling.

When Chen Shao batch all the documents came to the palace, he didn't wait for him to go in, he heard Chen Yun in Xie Yixin.

"Mom, you will persuade my father tomorrow and I will see the teacher?"

"Yun, why is your teacher told you to call your parents to school, is it what you have?" Xie Yixin.

"Mom, rhyme is very embarrassing, where will it make up, really our teacher said that we must see you, understand our family. Our teacher said that only every student of yourself can better profess our knowledge, If you don't even know what your family's family situation is, it is the dereliction of the teacher. "


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