The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 266 Global Financial Storm (on)

Longteng Group has been prepared for this matter, and the package company is also a second year. As early as two years ago, Longteng Group continued to invest in the stock market, just like other speculative capitalists, through the secret low price to acquire some factories to major banks Make a large-scale loan, then enter the stock market through loans. In just two years, the money is rolling down, and the US stocks controlled by the Longteng Group have reached a horrific point.

"What is the total value of our total share?" James thought about Liu Qinglong asked.

"Yesterday's statistics, total stock value of $ 830 million."

Although Liu Qinglong did not participate in the stock market, he participated in the whole process. He worked with James, and the darkness of each other, and this matter was not allowed to leak. James and Liu Qinglong are not financial talents, but they are not familiar with this way, even if it is not a full-time trader, but it does not lose to those professional traders. Some things are not suitable for too many people to know, so many spies who have a little knowledge of financial knowledge is sent to the United States.

830 million US dollars, the words of single profit are almost about 500 billion. James just feels satisfied, because this is in the underground activities, seeing not light, two years, there is such a result. Coupled with this funds to participate, I believe that the United States will have a long time.

The future of the later generation lost $ 240 billion, and there was no existence of Chen Shao at that time, but the butterfly effect once again appeared. This economic crisis has, with Chen Shao, behind the tiger, the ending estimate is much fierce. For this time, I will be more embarrassed to apply the United States, Chen Shao is ready for a long time, and I have prepared a big money.

$ 830 million, plus a large amount of funds from Longteng Group, and this start-up fund can reach $ 2 billion, as well as those skulls to loans, and constantly turn over, this startup fund will rise again.

One of the plans of Chen Shao is a lot of money, and take these money to acquire the potential enterprises in the United States due to economic crisis. Of course, Chen Shao will not let go of the US industrial equipment, which are lack of China. In this way, China is like a blood riding on the US head to absorb it, and enrich itself.

With the start of the Longteng No.1 plan, a huge fund is slowly flowing into the US stock market. This makes the stock market that is thriving, and the Buddha has been stimulated. It is constantly rising again, although the amplitude is not large, but the duration is very long. This makes the stock market, ushered in the first purchase peak.

The stock market is again rising, for the world financial market, especially the US stock market, the mainstream view of the whole Western is optimistic and bullish, which leads to the speculators, as crazy, the place of origin from bank loans, then enter the stock market Buy stock.

After the leadup of the leader, Chen Shao continued to pay attention. Seeing the stock market is a continuous rise every day, then falling again, it looks more natural, then it is rising. Every time I see the stock market report, Chen Shao's mouth will be slightly lifted. There are still a few months from the stock market, and Chen Shao also lets James will deal with. Anyway, this thing is also a semi-solved, I can't insert it. However, some foundations Chen Shao still understand.

If your total assets, the savings plus loans have been doubled to enter the stock market, the market value has doubled, which is 6000. You feel that you are rich, you will go to the installment to buy new products. If the product price is 2000. So, you still seem to have 4,000 yuan of wealth. In fact, this figure is just built on a hiking stock price. Once the crash, your actual wealth may not even be 1,000 yuan, then because the installment shopping, the bank is owed, and ultimately leads to liabilities.

A few months of operation, this fund is in invisible growth, which is stimulated, basically all Americans are like a crazy, a lot of money continuously into the stock market. At this point, even if there is no driving behind it, dangerous has been suspicious.

"I think it can be thrown. The staging is sold out of these stocks, we can be safe." Liu Qinglong responded to his excitement, analyzed: "According to the plan, we will put some high valuation factories and company to debt to banks. It is only a small part of the loan that needs to be repaid. Dissipation costs and capital loss, our actual surplus fund will reach $ 4 billion "

"Still a little bit." James watched slightly, if you want to take an absolute enough and more benefits in this world's economic crisis storm, you must not shrink your feet, you must concentrate the advantage of funds, decisive. "However, we can sell quietly, sell in order every day. This economic crisis, who will detonate, actually the same. As for the bank's debt, let's talk after the disaster." James is very simple, if the economic crisis , The bank is still in what he doesn't mind.

According to James estimation, there is still a minimum of time from the crisis that really burst out. Now it is a madness of the stock market, as long as you sell a little bit every day, you will not cause too much wind waves. Although this will earn a lot less, but in order to prevent water from being drifted, it can only be the case. If you don't do this, James has mastered billions of stocks. Once these stocks are sold, it is very likely that the stock market will crash in advance.

This billion, but the results of Chen Shao have prepared it, if it really hits the water drift, it is estimated that Chen Shao is dead, although the capital inside is only more than 1.5 billion, but now has 4 billion earnings. In the eyes of Chen Shao, these money is already in his pocket. Once lost, it is equal to the money in his pocket. And that is more than 100 billion to Chen Shao, accumulating every year, accumulating, and cutting out many of the projects that don't have an urgent need this year. If these money is gone, then Chen Shao can announce that the Chinese royal family can't maintain daily expenses.

After James decided, a small wind wave was set off, but this wind wave quickly disappeared in a crazy stock market, as long as it is sold, it will not take long, it will be snapped up. The small company leather bag company controlled by the 100 Longteng Group has sold a little bit every day. After a month, the stock market came to a biggest climax, although James has sold nearly 10 billion, but due to the throws every day The quantity is compared to the stock market, it is not enough to look at it, but more stimulates the growth of the stock market. Many of these stocks have been acquired by a large consortium, James is also here.

When James began selling, the US industrial production began to fall trends, and this problem is still intensifying, but everyone is attracted by brilliant stock markets, and no one pays attention to these issues.

In the next half a month, James gradually increased the release, in just half a month, the stocks in the hands were all polished. However, in these half months, a large number of stocks were sold, although they were quickly eaten, but they also caused some people's concerns, and some people with small courage were sold. However, these people are only very small, and there is no big effect on the overall situation of the entire stock market.

At this time, the pathological state of the stock market has begun to flash, and some big consortals have also seen the crisis inside. In fact, this crisis has been brewing several years ago. In the 1920s, capitalist countries have experienced a short relative stability period. Countries resumed and developed and developed in the First World War; recovered an incomplete gold brace system, stabilized the currency circulation, and international trade also grew up. During this period, the countries conducted a large-scale fixed capital update, and through the rationalization of the industry, making the production rapidly develop and expand, but the demand for the labor people has relatively narrowed. This can't make a sharp contradiction, so that companies often start, causing a lot of unemployment of workers. For example, in the United States, even in 1929 in 1929 in the economy, the company's operating rate is only 73%. At that time, the number of unemployed in capitalist countries has exceeded 10 million people. However, the ruling class is confused by false prosperity, still advocating "permanent prosperity" theory and fantasies, and continues to expand investment and production, and the exchange has also set off the fanaticism of speculative.

At this time, each media is even more advocating this "permanent prosperity" argument. Basically, it is repeated every day, and the page newspaper is a huge dollar pattern. One of the comics described in detail now. The first picture, a man holds a real estate license to bank mortgage. The second picture, focusing all the savings, plus money from the mortgage property. The third picture, the man took the money into the Stock Exchange. The fourth picture, the man is lying directly on the pile of dollar bills.

This kind of fanatic hype is more crazy, and the newspaper's report is also realized one by one, plus unemployment, people who can't find their jobs are attracted to the stock exchange. They are like a picture described in the picture, just started to get the sweetness, then the ambition is getting bigger and bigger, and finally evolving into crazy. Seeing the value of the stock of the stock, this fanatic mood makes them lose rationality, and they have already worried about the brain.

I feel that the major consorters of the crisis have already thought of being able to take off, some people who have a relatively far-sighted person also realize this crazy behind hidden huge crisis. But when they have just moved, the crisis has come. The global financial turmoil was born in their hands.


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