The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 244 Radar Tour

"Tesla, after your main task is to bring your computer, not only the volume should be reduced, but also to make fun, I hope you can create a brain made of machines." Chen Shao Xiang said.

I have a radar before, Chen Shao is also said to Tesla, that is, the volume of the radar is reduced. Now there is a primary computer, Chen Shao directly gave Tesla, indicated the future direction. computer.

However, Chen Shao did not say much in this regard. In fact, Chen Shao is not very clear about the beginning of the computer. In order not to mislead, in order to avoid the information of the wrong, it causes the computer research to go to the ink. Chen Shaoji simply gave Tesla a white paper, only one frame, the content inside the frame needs Tesla himself to study.

"BOSS, you are optimistic, Tesla will make you disappointed. For me, Tesla must make your computer in your mouth." Tesla was also made up of Chen Shao. This is really challenging by the brain composed of the machine.

"Tesla, a month ago, the news has been given a big progress. What is the situation, you talk to me now." Chen Shao thought of today's goal, before being surprised by the computer. I almost forgot to work.

"Things are this, we can perfectly reduce the volume of the radar, follow the BOSS command, the performance of the radar has not been weakened. And in the fire-controlled radar, these two days have the progress, mainly the appearance of the computer In the case of a radar, the ballistic can be calculated quickly. However, this feature is only theory, and there is a lot of experimental data to verify. "Tesla said again.

"How much is it, can you install a warship?" Chen Shao was also very happy. This research has been studied for many years, and today I finally saw the result. But now I can't determine how this research is specific, but the radar laundering has always been a look forward to Grand.

"This is completely no problem, don't say that tens of thousands of tons of big ship, it is not a problem in the destroyer." I heard Chen Shao, Tesla quickly opened.

"That is much smaller, can you be installed on the plane?" I heard the radar can be installed on the destroyer, Chen Shao asked.

In the view of Chen Shao, the radar is a late breakout, but the radar is on the plane, which is definitely a breakthrough. It is to know that the Radar of the Red Police is the primary radar of the British and France when he is not a second-day battle, but a very advanced radar, and it will know how his scanning distance is known. And in other aspects, the function is also very powerful, and it is found that the number of targets has been discovered, and it is not the same for dozens of processing. There is also a high degree of self-judgment, it is good to be biological or machine.

The radar launder is the first step in Chen Shao, the second step is to go to the plane and become an air early warning machine. Then, Chen Shao also planned to prepare aircraft, because of the relationship of the earth curve, plus radar waves is straight, and advanced radar can only look so far. This requires the help of the early warning machine, the first is that he is in the air, you can see more, you can find enemies faster than the ship loaded radar. Second, once a warning machine is followed by the warship, it is more relaxed to the fighting task of searching the enemy fleet. Mainly because the aircraft is very fast, with the help of radar, do not have to fly far, you can find a far prey. However, this requires a radar to the ground. This issue is now unsaust and others, because the red police radar itself has a function of searching.

"There is no way on the plane. This is also a further study." I heard the radar on the plane, Tesla shook his head. However, in Tesla, it has been reduced, and the most difficult problems among them are also solved, and the size is not too large, and it will be relaxed.

"This also needs to speed up the research speed. It must always maintain the advanced level of our science and technology. In the twenty years, it is the big time of technology flourishing, we must hurry. However, you can't relax the research work of your computer." Open mouth.

He is very clear, after the end of the World War, the technology of the United States has a well-blown development. Although there are many technologies that need to be attributed to the scientific and technological accumulation during World War I, Chen Shao does not want China to lose in the future. . Of course, Chen Shao will not recognize that this world will have space in the United States after twenty years.

With China's scientific and technological development, Chen Shao is not worried about World War II. In the view of Chen Shao, even if you can't achieve the figures, you won't eat too much. It is absolutely impossible to defeat, and Chen Shao is absolutely not allowed to fail to fail on this noun.

"There is no problem, there is a lot of things in this. Radar itself has its own computer. It used to overcome how to reduce the radar's display instruments. Now this problem is better." Tes Pulling confidently.

"How is the radar production line, can we produce it? Don't go to modify it, then trouble." Chen Shao wants to ask.

"This requires a time debugging, mainly in the centralized use of the integrated circuit board, the previously developed production line needs to be modified. As long as the debug is completed, in the test production one or two experiments, it will produce it." Tes Praise.

"Our own production will affect the original function of the radar." Chen Shao asked a content he was very interested.

"No, because there is no change in things, we just produce parts, come back to pack, actually the same as Radar itself." Tesla said.

Chen Shao is curious about this problem, but it is not very concerned, because as long as the radar of the red police can shrink, the radar built later can also reduce the volume. If it affects the function of radar, it can only be built with the Red Police Base, and it will be much cheaper.

Radar itself is ears and eyes, which in appeal in Chen Shao, just the basic functions of radar. The real radar must be aimed at warning and fire control. It will also evolve into a missile guide. And later for satellite, you can also get an empty day stereo warning system.

However, this is still a bit far away from Chen Shao. Now, as long as it is in close proximity, it is very good. For the Soviet Union in World War II, Chen Shao is still very vigilant in this regard. Although the Radar of the Soviet Union is backward, he doesn't want to be more than the Soviet Union, the first warning machine must appear first in China.

"Take me to see what the radar after the narrowing is like." Chen Shaoao.

"BOSS, come with me." Tesla was going out.

After coming out with Tesla, I saw the student team of the experiment under the guidance of scientists. (Students point to the laboratory as students, not to say that their identity is the students) Chen Shao Xiangkou Ask: "How is the learning situation outside the outside?"

"Very good, very serious, you can see that each of them loves science." Tesla also saw the busy student and nodded. Although it is Tesla management, he has not managed too much thing, and it has time to do more experiments for him. However, he has always paying attention to these students. It is mainly what he saw his shadow in these students. The same is a thirst, learning, and the same seriousness.

"These students are the hope of our future technology development. They have been studying seriously. You must also seriously professor. Some requirements are not high experimental projects, can call them to do. This will be faster, after all, you also think about science Practice. "Chen Shaodao. In fact, I saw these students, Chen Shao has some sweat, in the first world, Chen Shao learned is not very serious. Come to this world, in addition to understanding the history, other needs are not helpful, now I am still not known. Maybe I am dead in the hands of the bandits, or I am pulling it. Even if you can't live, maybe he is also a life in this world.

Tesladi nodded, he agreped with Chen Shao, said: "This is all doing it, a lot is not very important experiment, it is handed over to them. Their comprehensible ability to these things is very fast, now a lot Students can compete for many scientific research tasks, and greatly reduce our workload. "

Two people walk while walking, soon come to a place where the warehouse is touching. After presenting the documents, two people went in.

After entering the warehouse, Tesla directly took Chen Zhao to a place with a height of 2 or three meters. However, things in front of you have been covered by a big cloth, from the outside, can't see something.

When Tesla is covered with large cloth above, a big round cauldron appears in front of Chen Shao. This cauldron looks not small, but the radar produced by the Red Police Base has been small. It is not easy to get a few times at once.

A lot of lines are pulled under the large pot, and they are connected to a row of displaysides. This is the structure of the radar, like the red police radar, this radar can also be rotated, not those fixed radars in World War II, can only look at one direction. And this radar can see which direction can be seen as long as the direction is turned to. Although the speed of rotation is not very fast, it is enough to win.

And once the radar is on the ship, the rotation is necessary, otherwise, the blind zone that the radar cannot see is more, and the effect will be greatly reduced.

Now, Chen Shao has been satisfied, with radar, the combat power of the fleet will have great improvement.


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