The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 249 Nuclear Power Station

Shake and some headache's head, I looked out the sky, Chen Shao grabbed the water cup of the bed, and filled a few water. I am in my heart: I still drink less wine later.

As always, the morning is not very cold, and when Chen Shao came back, it was already sweating. When I washed, I thought of it, I just trained together in the military camp, and Chen Shao showed a touch of smile.

Chen Shao's daily training goals are established, but the training intensity is much in this stage. Soldiers in those soldiers, they saw their highest commanders, they sworn well-loyal leaders, such as the training, and the soldiers in many soldiers also increased their training intensity. Even those who join the official also join, from Chen Shao, and set off a training boom.

After reading the date, Chen Shaoi remembered, I have to go back to Hanjing this afternoon. Today is also a busy day, especially in the morning, Chen Shao also intends to go to several studios to walk.

The most important thing, Chen Shao wants to go to a nuclear power plant, the construction of one year, the nuclear power plant has been formally established. The entire nuclear power plant is built in the Red Police Base, as in other construction units. This is also a unit that has spent the most time in the construction unit of the Red Police Base. A year's time.

This year, Chen Shao felt very worthless, don't say it is a year, it is a year for two or three years, Chen Shao, I feel that I have earned it. Nuclear power plants, everything can be said to start from scratch. What to pay attention to is, it is a dish. For Chen Hong's explanation, why the nuclear power station takes a year, and Chen Shao is also understood.

When Chen Shao came to the nuclear power plant, he saw a giant cable having a diameter of more meters, and the three giant large chimneys were added. In Chen Shao, the time of the year is really worth it. The power generation of a nuclear power plant, thousands of magnetic energy reactors. That is, the power generation power of a nuclear power station requires a power generation power consisting of a thousand magnetic energy reactor. For more than a decade, Chen Shao established the magnetic energy reactor of the magnetic energy reactor, and one thousand is already the day. In addition to the generated power plant built in the artificial construction, the Red Police Base has been built with a nuclear power plant.

Outside the nuclear power plant, the sum of money has been waiting there, and when Chen Shao's team stopped at the entrance of the nuclear power plant. He went forward and shocked with Chen Shaoyou who just got off the bus:

"Your Majesty, you are so bitter, we have been studying the nuclear power generation theory has not had a big progress, and the nuclear power plant has already made the nuclear power plant. It is really to let the four strong admire, and I don't know which work team design. This nuclear power station is too powerful. "

Chen Shao just got off the bus, heard a lot of money to say a lot of money. However, Chen Shaoxin has already had a fullness of the abdomen. When I walked into the nuclear power plant with the money, I said: "This is not strange, this nuclear power plant theory has been there, and you can ask Einstein."

"This nuclear power plant is designed with Mr. Einstein?" Money four somewhat confused. Einstein came to the nuclear physics laboratory for more than a year, and participated in the development of uranium concentration. Money four strong quota has a lot of insights, which has these insights, making the work of uranium concentration have made great breakthroughs. Soon I reached 25% of Chen Shao, I just didn't know the money, I'm also involved in the development project of nuclear power plant.

"When you come to ask Einstein, you will not be clear." Chen Shao did not directly answer the Qian Qian 's question, but directly kicked the ball to Einstein. It is Chen Shao to give money to the four-strong explanation of the nuclear power plant, Chen Shao does not know how to say. Einstein will not say what is going on, but it is estimated that this nuclear power plant is going to explain.

"Your Majesty, the various indicators of nuclear power plants are very advanced, especially the current control room, the electronic equipment in it, is dazzling. These things should be the masterpiece of Einstein!" Money four strong Road, facing such advanced engineering facilities, money four strong saying is not curious. That is fake.

"China's scientific and technological innovation speed, suncell, can be said to have revolutionary progress every day. These things are not difficult to achieve, this era is the era of science and technology development, you look at it, future technology will be faster. Can't How long, you will feel that these things are usually, and there is not a place worth noting too much. "For this curious baby, the money is four, and Chen Shao has only slow explanation.

"That is to say, these things are all our own research. I thought it was the product of which foreign research laboratory." Money four strong attitudes for China's scientific research capabilities. In his eyes, China's scientific and technological level is too far away from foreign technology. However, when these are all the products of China, the money is also doubts about China's scientific and technological strength, but the heart is also very happy.

In fact, it is currently in China's research and industry, not as sole that it is impressed in the sum of money. It is just that he has been in touch with it, and every day, it will be rare to go out in the laboratory. It is difficult to listen to it, it has been derailed with real life. If the money is called Qian Qiang writes a current Chinese life report, it is estimated that he wrote it or a few years ago. This is, there is less time to contact the real thing, and the reality is too fast.

"Is this very strange? You know the current research strength of China, you will not think so. I suggest you have time to go out, stay in the laboratory all day, remember the combination of work and rest. To relax often I don't have to make you too tired. "Chen Shao shook his head. In fact, Chen Shao is also a construction unit in the sparse and red warning base. Where did he say something, it can only be attributed to other scientific research departments, and save the four strong chase.

"I will, you can have the degree of confidentiality of the research project to the scientific research project. We don't have a lot of things." Qian four strong.

"Some moves are must, if the degree of confidentiality is the highest, the degree of confidentiality in your physical laboratory is the highest. The nuclear energy is an emerging energy. The world is only in research, and many things must be secure. This can be stained We and the Ditch of Science and Technology in the world. "Chen Shaoao.

Qian Qiang nodded and did not speak again, directly with Chen Shao to visit the entire nuclear power plant. The nuclear reactor at this time is not open, and the nuclear power plant is also in a rest. The nuclear power plant is made, but the subsequent cable has not been laid. This is also an engineering that needs to spend a lot of manpower. Guangxi is now the largest province with the largest demand for China. It has a set of power supply systems, and now there is now the power supply system from the nuclear power plant, and the power supply system is also connected to the supply of the surrounding province. network. The power of the nuclear power plant can be utilized, and no energy is wasted.

A large number of industrial belts such as the Fangchenggang area and Qinghe Village industrial base is the largest amount of electricity demand. The power networks in these places also need to upgrade. The previous power network is compared to the original, very messy. These things must be planned well, while such large line networks can withstand the powerful current generated by the nuclear power plant, the nuclear power plant will officially power generation.

After the construction of nuclear power stations, Mrs. Juel and Qianqiang were directly moved to the nuclear power plant directly to the nuclear power plant. Nuclear reactors are now their research focus, and the uranium concentration plant is now hosted by Einstein, and two of them put their energy on the nuclear reactor. As a platform for nuclear energy, the working principle of the reactor, and various work data, the detailed record is required.

I listened to the introduction of money and four, and Chen Shao learned a lot. Nuclear energy, in the later generations are also a confidential project. The news that can be known by the outside world is very small, and Chen Shao is also the first time I entered the project.

In the nuclear power station, as long as the reactor is not running, it is not to wear in every place. Once the reactor is running, when the nuclear energy is converted into electrical energy, it is only necessary to wear anti-chemicals as long as the nuclear power is entered. Because of slight nuclear radiation, everywhere is everywhere.

Moreover, nuclear power plants must stay away from people, which is one of the reasons, and there is a problem. Once nuclear leaks, or nuclear power plants have been attacked. And if there are residents around, the residents around them are devastating. Once the nuclear power plant is destroyed, it is not subjected to a small equivalent atomic bomb explosion.

The Red Police Nuclear Power Station is not invincible, but it is only to ensure the risk of reducing nuclear leaks, and the nuclear power plant will not be destroyed. Therefore, when he chooses the place where the nuclear power plant is selected, he will choose the place where there is no smoke. And dispatch the minimum of one group of the army, surrounded by the entire nuclear power plant, prohibiting any unrelated personnel from entering. Even the defenders do not allow them to enter the nuclear power station when they do not allow them to enter the nuclear power plant.

Chen Shao did not stay here how long, he is only curious, the nuclear power plant is awkward. I am free to visit a few turns, and Chen Shao took a special car and left the nuclear power plant. Since coming to the country of Fangcheng, Chen Shao's mood has always been very good. Perhaps, in this two years, Chen Shao's mood has always been very good.

But in the same time, Chen Shao is also looking forward to the progress of uranium concentration. In the past nine years, the abundance of uranium concentration reached 25%, while subsequent uranium concentration needs to accumulate for a long time. Now, as long as you rise a 5% abundance every year, Chen Shao is very satisfied. As long as the time is thirteen, you can reach the weapon level. At that time, the nuclear bomb is the largest killer of China. Whether it is a tactical nuclear bomb, or a strategic nuclear bomb, it will be the nightmare of the enemy.


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