The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 215, Architecture

A economic crisis that swept the world lasted four years later, finally smoking. However, it has not ended the disaster to the Western capitalist world. When this crisis has passed, the government of all countries will see the serious report of the industry, and they want to cry without tears.

However, they did not have much energy to take care of this, take the Eastern wind in the economic crisis, and Hitler on time. This well-known nationalist, an exciting speech was launched, and pulled it into the national support. Successful as the German Prime Minister, but he is satisfied, he will try to pull the army, plus the entire German workers stand on him. With Hanjing, his ambition is extremely expanded, opening his dictatorship in advance.

When he finally had the power of the palm of his hand, he torn the "Versailles Contract" in the first time, and the public refused to pay the French compensation. Various restrictions on the army in the original contract also invalidated with the tear of contract. Hitler announced in the public, in order to consolidate the land defense, Germany began to expand the soldiers and horses, and studied a variety of new weapons and equipment to deal with military threats to France.

At the beginning of the economic crisis, Germany was the first unclear. When the Prime Minister of Hitler quickly converted the domestic economy into the military economy economy. Make the economic crisis to the minimum of Germany, and with the help of China, vigorously restore domestic industrial strength. In addition, many unemployed workers were extracted to China, which greatly alleviated the domestic unemployment pressure and made economic recovery speeds quickly.

Mussolini's upper position, let him and Hitler stopped together. Similarly, the domestic economy is converted into a militarian economy, making Italy a country with the second European industrial recovery speed. At the end of the economic crisis, Mussolini and Hitler meet, the German-centered axis is formally established.

When Hitler hopes that China also joined, many invitations in various occasions were rejected by Chen Shao. However, Hitler did not have too much disappointment. When the meeting, Chen Shao said very clearly, China will not all of anyone. Before the invitation, Hitler has already prepared, but the loss in the heart is inevitable.

For Hitler's approach, Mussolini is a little indiscriminated. He did not have Hitler's strategic vision, and some of the actions of Hitler did not agree. When he asked Hitler why. I got the answer, let him be wrong.

"When you understand the strength of China, you will not ask. With China's joining, I will not be in my eyes throughout the world." Hitler was in Mussolini.

However, China has not joined, but a family country is as ambitious. Before the economic crisis, Japan has always been a military national economy, and the economic crisis has little impact on him. But on the one hand, it is necessary to pay a large amount of compensation in China. The other side has to face a large number of commodities in the United States, and the domestic economy is also erosive. Small and medium-sized enterprises, ten do not store one, all kinds of folk workshops have closed closed, and the people are surprising. American goods in the street, there are fewer and fewer products, and a large amount of money is plundered by the United States, thereby relieving economic pressure in the United States.

In the past, the Japanese will still resent China, because there is a lot of money every year to give China. But now, the Japanese people resentment countries have more. That is the United States that continues to plunder their money, and is still the kind of endless plunder. There is no tariff, there is no normal trade relationship, and Japan needs the support of the United States. In the face of such plunder, the Japanese cabinet can only close one eye.

When Germany and Italian alliance news came, Japan is also quite heart. However, when Japan has a move, a German secret team came to Japan, secretly walked into the prostitute and the palace. After a few days of consultation, Hitler's three countries were formally established. An ambition plan of the world, also drafted, and secretly launched the first step.

When this agreement signed the big name of the Three Kingdoms, Chen Shao also received this agreement in the first time. Chen Shao can only feel said: "The butterfly effect has finally produced great results. The development of the incident is completely different from the later generation." Now only 33 years. "

The establishment of the axis has triggered a great vibration in the world. France is most worried, because it is deeply complained with Germany. Especially in Germany, after the "Versailles Contract", this fear has been clouded around the head of the French. However, the domestic unemployed army has a decline in industrial capacity, allowing the French government to respond to this matter. Prior to 29 years ago, the annual output of France can reach 300,000. After 33 years, this output is directly fell to 60,000 units. The whole decreased by 80%, which is a very terrible number.

Many people have rely on the government's relief to maintain life, and the government's incompetence has already gone deep into their hearts. Countless protesters, every day, the French president can be caught. In addition to close attention, in addition to close attention, in addition to close attention. There is no practical action, and the Mechetan defense line is fully expected to resist Germany.

Original France also wants to count on the United States to help it fight Germany, but every time they are disappointed. Because the British's appeasement policy implemented in Germany, the United States also faces the domestic huge economic downturn, and does not help France's ideas and energy. Thus, the current France can't confront them from Germany, continue to protest!

Like the British in the later generations, the Conservative Party has once again served as the prime minister, facing the constant Germany, has always adopted the appeasement policy. A small number of main battlefares like Churchill, their words, and there is no effect. Even the application for a large-scale development of arms are also stranded. In addition to the Air Force and the Navy, the Army's arms plans have not passed.

The prospective policy of the UK is not for Germany, nor for France, but because of the East China Empire. In the UK's view, the current Europe should unite and face the rapid rise of China. In the UK, race's interests are higher than the interests of the country. The white people have ruled that the world has been in the world, and they must not let the yellow people and the white people sit.

The British also also understands the relationship between Germany and China, but this is why the British should compromise with Germany. He didn't want to push Germany to China, once in Germany, it is the disaster of the world. So in the dark, the British has been pulling the Germans. However, the effect is, the British itself is clear, and Hitler, facing attitude, and the United Kingdom are also very helpless. Without the last minute, the UK will not give up the painting of Germany, and will not stand to opposite Germany.

It is the establishment of the axis, and the United Kingdom has also endured, all because China is not in. In the UK, it is not considered as long as China has joined the axis of the country, because this is already the bottom line of the UK.

So in the face of France's many requests, the British can only appease. However, did not think about the UK, and all countries in Europe have a relative, and there is also killing and hatred. It is not a white interest to be persuassed. In the person, the interests of the white people are placed opposite the national interests and ambitions, which is not worth mentioning.

And the United States simply has a lot, and the time to cultivate interest is not enough, and where it will enter the international vortex. The economic crisis has a huge force in the world's capitalism, which is more than the later generation, and the recovery speed is much slower than the latter. Because than future generations, there are hundreds of millions of people, China. After the economic crisis broke out, China has limited the number of imports. In the face of all customs have been recovered, all the unequal treaties have been completely abolished. There are no so-called national ports and is extremely severe in combating smuggling. Many countries want to rely on the export of remaining capacity exports, in exchange for the expectation of economic recovery. It is the goods that are just when the path enters China, not only to pay a non-confused tariff, but also difficulties in sales.

The concept of consumption of China people is to support domestic. In the face of the same product, it is superior to foreign products in quality and price, and a slogan to buy domestic products spread throughout the north of China. I am used to entering the Chinese store, I haven't going to pay attention to stores and goods engraved with foreign languages.

This is also why the United States dumped a lot of goods into Japan, and a large number of goods were stacked in China, and there was not much sales. Many of the stores are almost operated in the Hua Shi, or there is no maintenance of Chinese goods, maybe even the store is rents.

The United States is not unclear, such dumping will cause the Japanese people and the government's dissatisfaction. Domestic protests can continue to make the United States don't have time to consider these things. At this time, the ruling party thinks only to save the people's support rate, and there are also support of the big consortium.

The colonies of all countries are the largest victims of this economic crisis. Many countries can only use colonies to alleviate domestic economic pressure. In addition, a large number of goods are dumped into the Philippines and other places to increase the plunder of various assets.

The establishment of German axis, the United States did not care too much. Even if the world is now playing again, it is the most unhappy. Because only this, it can rely on the convenience of war and vigorously develop the economy. Can reply to domestic sluggish economies more quickly.

However, when Japan has added a shaft country, the United States is gradually unhappy. But unhappy is not happy, the United States did not say anything. One is no energy to deal with, and the other is that this thing is in the United States, and there is no substantive threat to the United States. Just is not happy to move in Japan. In the United States, many resources in Japan are imported in the United States. This kind of thing is least to know the United States. The United States will certainly be unhappy so unknown.


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