The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 285, Japan Navy Show

A army competition starting from the economic crisis, and now it is more likely.

The Navy is a strong power weapon and an important deterrent of a country armed. It is not the era of the various missiles in the future, and it is a later generation, the navy's status or missiles cannot be replaced. In this moment, there is no trace of the missile, and the Navy is strong or not, it is an important basis for measuring a strong or absence of a country.

Why is China let the world fear, not to say that China's army can fight, how many countries have defeated, and its root cause is the Navy. Especially for European countries, the Navy is equal to the country's life. Your Chinese is stronger, even if it is defeated as the Asia, but there is no navy, and it is also threatened to European countries.

Nowadays, the rise of China is accompanied by the powerful naval, not only defeated the Year of Asia - Japan, but also defeated the Navy's strong country - United Kingdom. And it is the warships to warship, telling the world with actual combat, and the Chinese Navy also has a powerful jail.

A Kunlun Mount Salad Battle Trail, spike the main ship of the Navy of the world. In front of 50,000 tons of drainage, the naval mainships in the world are "younger brothers", and the Kunlun Mount Warcraft is still experiencing. A complete Japanese third fleet is destroyed, making the prestige of this battleship have reached the vertices. Although the Japanese third fleet has no battles, it does not hinder its strong essence. The world believes that even if it takes out the entire Japanese Navy's battleship, it is also difficult to resist the Kunlun Mount Warcraft.

Because at the time, the first-door drainage volume of the Japanese Navy's strongest war ship ship was more than 30,000 tons. Whether it is in armor protection and main gun diameters, it has been turned behind. Some aspects are even behind, which is not a conclusion that is in a cruum, but a realistic data comparison.

Under the Washington Navy Treaty Times, under the wishes of the five countries, the declaration is invalid. This is equivalent to loosening the world's five major ocean strong countries. In this incident, the Chinese Navy has a lot of power, it is the powerful deterrent of the Chinese Navy. Let countries have to consider building a more powerful battleship to respond, this is not the wish of the world's willingness. Although the Navy Treaty limits the development of the Navy, the world's naval situation is balanced before the rise of China. Treaty limits their big naval development, but there are also strength balances, which will not let other countries concerned. And they are also happy to spend some money in economic construction, rather than filling in the Navy Shopping Plan, such as a deep abyss.

In the five countries, Japan is the most jumped, followed by the UK, France, the United States is helpless. When Japan has already launched a formal negotiation with other four countries, it has already taken out the construction plan of the new battleship. In order to cope with the China Powerful Kunlun Mount Battle, Japan can be called brain juice. On the basis of the long-term battleship, the Japanese Navy has taken a long-term battle ship upgrade plan.

Japan is defeated in China, lost the control of Ryukyu and Taiwan, and Lian Jixiang is also controlled by China, but Japan is good as North Korea. And before the wealth of war plunder, there is a lot of wealth, and the tightening belt will start laying keel when the naval treaties are lifted.

The Japanese Navy is really anxious, and the people have allocated the cause of the war to the navy. The Empire Navy occupies a large number of military expenses, and countless funds into the navy's pockets, but they can't get a major ship against China. What is China's eyes in Japan at the time? East Asian husband.

Since the Bive Century, Japan has seen the powerful and fear of China. Feng Chen Xiuji's failure, but also highlighting this fear. However, in the past few years, China has been subjected to countless bullying, the signing of various contracts, so that Japan has seen China is already a thin Xishan, this is not more than. The Battle of the Sino-Japanese War, the eight-national coalition forces made Japanese ambitions sharply, but also let the Japanese nationals feel the power of the empire, most people have an idea to take Chinese.

The worries of the small island are mood, the scarcity of resources, let them urgently have a broader space. The neighbor is very big, and it is also very luxurious. Now I can play him now, and others are entering and out of the property, which is indifferent in Japan. Just starting to go to something with the big flow, taste the sweetness, pull the car directly to move. For decades, the people of Japan have been used to it, because it is not tight, you can go to the neighbor.

Nowadays, the neighbors are strong, smashing the car to move in Japan, killing the Japanese who go forward to moving things. The Japanese government did not dare, and the national trial and inequalities were signed. On the shame column of Asia, it was originally tall to the top of China, replaced with today's Japan. The throne of Asia's first strong country is gone, and several generations of people have almost paying the east.

So, to say which country in the world hates China, Japan is undoubted, and it is fearful in hat. Japan is a country that will absorb lessons, some things are very dead, and some things are flexible. The rise of China is the fact that Japan has been unable to change. After paying great conditions, it has won time and space for Japan, and Japan will not be buried in the current gasping opportunity.

There is no reduction in the ambition in Japan, but with the defeat, it is getting more and more inflated. In the heart of the island, let the Japan do not dare to stop. The Olive branch of Germany allows Japanese aspects to see the opportunities and goals of the wildfunction in the heart.

A few years later, with the Japanese new battleship and the aircraft carrier, Japan took back Asia's first navy throcks in a manner. However, it is just on the total tonnage, as for the fighting power, it is not known. Because China is in a state, there is only one main battleship, plus three aircraft carrier.

However, in Japan, I didn't dare to look at China. As Japanese understands China's culture, I also learned the failure of the previous war. Now Japan will never take the initiative to face China without determining the real strength of China. China's intention, in Japan, is the most terrible.

The new battle ship's water, let the Japanese government and the people have reached some confidence. The Drainage of the Kunlun Mount Wattleship is 50,000 tons, and the drainage of this new battleship in Japan reached more than 50,000 tons. Do not consider the weakening of Japan, single single drainage is compressed, and the Kunlun Mount is pressed. On the main gun diameter, the Kunlun Mount 406mm is the main gun, and Japan is 420mm main gun. And its speed also reached 28, in Japanese aspect, is already a very fast battleship.

The Fuji-level battleship, the first ship Fuji, this is the name of Japan's new battleship. China is the Kunlun Mountain, in the Japanese, with the mountain peaks, and in performance should be suppressed in China. This is the expectation of Japan's new warship, the big and level naming is not appeared, all the strange hearts of Japan.

The Fuji is underwater, and Japan has made great promotion for this, and a lot of data is published. From these data, this battleship can completely suppress the Chinese Kunlun Mount Warcraft. The world saw Japanese crazy and saw the shipbuilding capacity of Japan. More than 50,000 tons, saying is a matter, it is the matter. The Japanese did it, declared that the first year of Asia was not paper paste.

As a neighboring country in Japan, China is not worried about Japan. When this battles are still in construction, Chen Shao knows, completely unresolved. Instead, I hope that several Japan have several ships, so that the Pacific is the target of the US carrier, the fish in the sea can neighborhood. If Japanese knows that Chen Shao's idea, it is not possible to vomit blood.

China is very calm, and Chen Shao does not care about Japan's new battleship. But the Soviet Union can't care, Stalin does not dare to pay attention. The library is still in continuing. The Soviet Union placed the battleship in Vladivostok. The two years is a good deterrent Japan. On the issue of the library of treasures, Japan is quiet.

Fuji is underwater, and Japan is tough in the attitude of the treasure island. In Japan, Fuji is the same as the Battle of the Soviet Union, even if the Chinese Kunlun Mountain is also the same. Furthermore, Japan also needs a non-cool object in the heart. Over the past two years, your Soviet Union has been in the military ship purchased to China. Now our own battleship came out, no matter where it seems, it is not weaker than your battleship. Of course, I have to change our Yaowu.

Today, the actual jurisdiction of the library is still in the Japanese. The first flight of the Japanese new warship is selected in the library page, which does not pay attention to the protest of the Soviet Union. It is still in my life, this is a show of Japan, an international show. Not only do the world sees Japan's powerful naval, but also let the world know that the Japanese navy will fail, but the strength is increasing.

Several fleets of the Japanese Navy form a temporary joint fleet, two Iravan battleships, two long-level battleships, plus the Fuji nickname just delivered to the Japanese Navy, with other cruisers and destroyers and aircraft carriers. The mighty fleet departed from the Saseboy Navy base and went to the treasure island.

Japanese media and German media have conducted a lot of reports, newspapers and all media organizations, published photos of Japan United Fleet in the ocean. And it is very clear, it is going to go to the library.

In order to this show, Japan is prepared. If you want to use such a technique, tell the world, the Navy of Japan is still very powerful. As a member of the Heart Country, German naturally comes out to help. Moreover, Hitler also hopes that Japan will go to the Soviet Union. The more you have, the more happy Hitler. Although it doesn't need to be Japan and the Soviet Union, it is still a very cool thing.


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