The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 346 Mediterranean Germany

The World War is just a continuation of a war. In the middle of the battle for 22 years, the fundamental problem of Germany is the battle for strategic space. Germany wants to be a world power must have its own strategic space, and it is very uncomfortable in the United Kingdom, France, Russia. Want to give the country's overseas colonies to the British, law, Germany must fight the British French.

The British is the most damaged. Whoever is destroyed in Europe, first is Spain, and it is a Break, and finally Germany, there is no eternal friend only has an eternal interest, who will think of British and France for a hundred years, later Allies, and Prussia.

The same Japan wants to develop its own strategic space, that is, the so-called big East Asia is a circle, must challenge the British, beautiful in the Pacific forces. If everyone has strong national space, 1.2 battles will not break out. So now the United States is very prevention of China, which is afraid of a strategic space.

Say tens of thousands, the big country must really rise, peace is just a pale empty talk, saying to ghosts, ghosts do not believe. Throughout history, there is a strong country that is eligible to the world is the rise of peace. Alexander, Napoleon, Genghis Khan, Qin Shihuang ... These people are not stepped on the bones.

Today's world pattern is in the Washington system, colonies and resources in the Versailles, are also in their hands. Whether it is Germany or China, to really rise, the big cake of the world, you must break the status quo, let the world's layout. Only the strongest has the qualification to develop order, or you can have the biggest cake. There is only one meat, and others can only drink soup bones.

ZTE fourteen years, August 18.

The 12th Olympic Games slowly came to an end, and China mounted the competitive altar with the first achievement of the total number of medals. However, this seemingly magical reality did not attract the attention of the world. This Olympic Games are destined to just support.

The relationship between the protagonist and the supporting role, Chen Shao didn't care, he only carefully the plan was going well. Because this Olympic Games is just a means, can't afford to pay too much attention, you can take the first, it doesn't matter.

At this day, the United Fair consisting of the United France through the Gibraltar, pounce towards the Mediterranean. As for why it is time consuming, it can only blame the strategic material reserves at this time at this time. However, this time is not slow. For ten days, if the British has the heritage of the first navy in the next year, maybe it is too strange to prepare for more than two months. After all, there are more than two maincomers, there are other ships, such strength is a long time to go out of the sea, it is going to be busy. In addition, there is no preparation in advance, there is such a speed, it is already very fast.

The huge fleet group is single through the Gibraltar Strait, which is time consuming for a long time. When they quickly move forward in the direction of the Suez Canal, the German fleet also passed the Suez Canal, and also moved toward the Mediterranean hinterland. It seems that the two fleets will not meet.

Is there two largest maritime power in history, is it so rushed?

This answer makes all the eyes all over the world focus on the Mediterranean, worry, happy, not enough.

The words of war eruptions are also circulated in the world, plus the current China Olympics. In the past, Chen Shao said in the future, and now, even if there is a war, it will not go to China. The gallbladder is more strong, and many world-class bricks are predicted that war will break out in the next three days. Because the two fleets have the slowest time, it is within three days.

In many people, when two fleet meet, it is the time of war. According to the British and French Joint Fleet, or if it is necessary to intercept the German fleet, Is it necessary to send so much power? I can't escort the German fleet!

On the occasion of this wind, the Italian Mediterranean Fleet also came out, as if to let the world remember, in Europe, there is the existence of the Italian Navy. Exquisite, and use cruise speeds to generally have a slightly fast advantage, quickly meet the German fleet.

The Mediterranean Fleet of the British and France can only follow up, and what is going to do in the Italian Navy. Of course, they did not stop the Italian Navy, even if they were going to fight, now I have played the Italian Navy, and I don't say that I can't play, it will win, and I have lost the watermelon.

At this moment, the Mediterranean is still lively compared to a war, gathered the world's most powerful naval power. Once the sea battle really starts, it will be the largest fuss in the history of human history.

The timing is very sensitive, not only in the ocean, it is land, there is also a feeling of swords, but it is very small, and it can be ignored in the sea.

In vitamos, Suide is slowly in the Polish border, which is very slow, or not pay attention to pay attention, it is difficult to find out. Nowadays, the Mediterranean has attracted many eyeballs, and there are several people here. Unless it is a German border, it is only enough to pay attention.

Although the UK has reminded Poland, everyone still puts energy in the sea and the German border. The Polish border lacks things that attract attention, and it is not surprising.

In the next two days, the earth seems to stop running, very calm, calm to all parties feel a suffocation. Black cloud is in the city, maybe it is quiet before the storm.

The Italian fleet and the German fleet are mixed, and the super battleship of the two parties in German add ten, and there are two aircraft carrier. In addition to the number of the aircraft carrier, this power is not weak than the Joint Fleet of the English-China French.

After the German Navy is mixed, there is no more stay, and the formation is edited, and continue to advance toward the Mediterranean hinterland. Before staring at the Italian Navy's British Mediterranean fleet, only hurry up, fearning slowly by the huge fleet behind him.

The original busy sea road is also very quiet for a while, although both parties have not expressed anything, but those who are far from the fleet, some simply stop, temporarily dare to go out. Otherwise, the war is really outbreak, it is foreseeable that the seawater in the Mediterranean sea will be stirred, and the entire Mediterranean will become the battlefield.

This seems to be unavoidable, with time, the distance between the two fleets is getting closer and closer, and the outbreak is really coming.

However, the eyes of the world have new discovery, that is, the route of the two national fleets, people are not walking in the direction of the British French joint fleet. Instead, it is straight to the Italy, and there is no meaning that is going forward to Gibraltar. If the British French does not change the direction, the two fleets will only open the channel, and the route will not have intersection.

German? Don't you want to meet the British French Fleet?

No, Hitler does not want to be in the Mediterranean and British Market Navy. This fleet that spends countless money and time, but it is not just to squander. At this time, and the British and French Navy decisive battle, there is no advantage of the strategic overall situation. After all, the Navy is united in the British and French, slightly stronger than the German fleet, is not a risky.

Churchill and others were also made by Germany, and I can't guess Hitler for a while. How to fleet to Italy.

Germany did not let the sake of the world, soon, "" "Invitation to the Allied Italy Navy, in order to promote further cooperation in the military fields of the two countries, the German fleet will go to Italy for a one-month military exchange activity, which will then Return to Germany. "

The declaration of Germany makes the British French feel extremely uncomfortable. Originally, a punch for half a day, smashed into cotton.

Things haven't ended yet, at this moment, Italy also stands out: "In order to stabilize the European situation in the European military. Invite the British Fair, and participate in the Naval military exchange."

This news is shocked to countless eyeballs, it's too unexpected, which is this? At this point, even the allies such as the English-Chinese French, I don't know what medicine is selling.

It is completely exceeded the expectations of all people around the world.

Seeing the German Fleet entered the Italian territory, even the commander did not make an attack order. Only watching the two fleets in the Italian army, there is no way.

Not Churchill does not want to undergone command attacks, but now people say peace, if the British law takes the lead in shooting, it is necessary to start the crime of war, this is not a very light charge. At the time, the location will be reversed, and the German will stand on the side, and the British law will become a sin.

The fist is playing, no matter whether there is any hit goal, always accept it back, don't, the British and France has only ordered the fleet to withdraw from the Mediterranean. After all, the native needs the guardian of the fleet, can't let the fleet are too far away.

As for the invitation of Italy, it can only reject it. The British and France is not a fool, which dares to go to Italy.

The refusal of the British and France, Italy just said two words "regret", as for regret, then I don't know.

Let people fall the results of the glasses.

Although this original may not start, everyone understands that things have not ended yet. The German fleet is still in the Mediterranean, things are not true, unless the German fleet has returned to the local, and the battles will not start, then no one can say it.

The war still doesn't start, everything is thinking, what do Germany do?

However, things have not been ended, and there is a message, and I gathered my eyes again. This message is not coming to Europe, but come to the Far East. As a Japanese, one of the heads of the Non-Heart member, it will come to join in this scene.

At this time, everyone remembered that German is not lonely, and they still have all allies in Asia. The military strength of this allies is not weak, and at least in the naval, completely exceed Italy and France, and chasing English. Just it in Asia, stay away from Europe, living in the shadow of Asian Boss China, making it easy to ignore it.


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