103 Chapter 103: Black Song and White Sound

Then the kitten came to the woman. The kitten had no impression of all this, but she still recognized their identities.

“Mother, sister Heige…” the kitten murmured.

The woman led them to see a man, she said something to the man, and then the man turned to look at the black song and the kitten. The man did not speak or express any expression, his eyes were full of indifference, and then he turned and left, leaving the kittens behind.

Then, as if pressing the fast forward button, the two kittens grew up very quickly, and their mother left them missing after Heige grew older.

Although the two little milk cats are sisters, just like their colors, they have different personalities.

As an older sister, the black song has a lively personality, protects her sister everywhere, and has a stronger desire for strength.

As a younger sister, Baiyin has a weak and kind personality, but because of her sister’s protection, she has not been harmed by the outside world.

They depended on each other since childhood. Until one day they were adopted by the branch house staff of the Nabelius family, who was the 24th in the 72 pillars of the superior demon.

Because the two possessed the strongest cat’s blood in the cat’s clan, their strengths improved rapidly after training. And the older black song was reincarnated as a demon.

It’s a pity that the good times didn’t last long. One day, Baiyin was arrested by the Nabelius family and wanted to kill her. After inquiring, she realized that it was Heige who lost herself because of the rapid increase in power and was killing her. After surrendering his superior demon, he defected. As Baiyin, who has the same potential as the black song, is feared by them.

Fortunately, Baiyin was guaranteed by the demon king Szekes Lu Cifer and was handed over to his sister Lias Gremory to supervise and look after. After that, as Lias’ castle, he gained a strong attack and defense, and he gave up the magic and celestial arts inherited in his blood.

“Long Cheng! You show me what you are going to do, do you want me to know how dirty my blood is flowing!” The cat was no longer calm, crying, and shouted hysterically.

“Baiyin…Sometimes, what you see and hear is not the truth…” Following Long Cheng’s words, the scene in front of the kitten changed.

Several people gathered in a dimly lit room.

“How are things prepared?”

“My lord, everything is ready.”

“Well, where’s the black song?”

“She has been dismissed as you ordered.”

“Good job. The bloodline of the Mandrill family is really strong, and the [Artificial Transcendence Project] ordered by Lord Niebiros seems likely to succeed. Damn it, it is clear that there have been results before, if it weren’t for the unexpected occurrence of the experiment… …

Fortunately, we found him and Fuji Mai’s child, otherwise the plan would be aborted. Hei Ge just reincarnated as a demon in such a short time to have the power that is not inferior to the superior demon. If I can swallow her sister, then I will definitely become an excellent superior demon, and even reach the point of transcendence in the near future. , As long as she can be swallowed up, let alone Emperor Beria, even Lord Thazex…”

“Boom—” The door of the room was blown by the dark blue fire, and a plump woman in a black kimono with cat ears on her head and a tail erected behind her walked in.

“You… dare to hit Baiyin’s idea!” A voice full of anger and killing intent came.

“Wha… Black Song, why are you here!”

“I have already noticed that you are doing some abnormal experiments. I originally wanted to inquire secretly for Baiyin’s safety, but I didn’t expect–!”

“Huh! Hei Ge, you are my dependent. Everything about you belongs to me, including your sister. I advise you to obediently pretend that you don’t know anything. When I become stronger, your benefits will be indispensable. , Otherwise I will take back everything from you.” Hei Ge’s superior demon threatened with composure.

“You guys, damn it!” Then, she used all her strength to fight the demons together.

With an endless stream of magic and celestial arts, Hei Ge finally defeated and killed them, and destroyed the laboratory there, but he was also seriously injured and escaped from the underworld. She knew that what was waiting for her was wanted and hunted down by the demon of the underworld. She couldn’t find her sister because it would bring danger to her, so she dragged her injured body and left alone.

“Sister Heige…” Seeing all this in the ball of light, the kitten murmured with tears.

Then there was another burst of light shining, and in the next instant, the two had appeared in the golden space.

“… Now, Long Cheng-kun.”

“you say.”

“Did you… show me the truth?”

“Of course, this ability is completed by combining the power of the Twilight Spear and the evil eye that stops the world. It can be what you see in the past time and space.”

“Really? So… Have I blamed my sister all the time? Then I hated my sister for so many years, what am I…”

Looking at Bai Yin who was in self-denial, Long Cheng stepped forward, hugged her in his arms, and comforted: “Okay, Kitty Sauce, this is not your fault, it is the Nabelius family’s fault. Next time, wait for you to apologize to your sister when you see her, there is nothing you can’t let go of between your relatives.”

“Well, thank you, Cheng.” The kitten stopped crying and raised his head to look at Long Cheng. At the same time, a pair of pure white cat ears appeared, and the white tail protruded from under the skirt.


“Don’t you like it? Orpheus sauce also calls you that?”

“No, as long as you like it, then we will go out, Mao Jiang.”

“White tone.”


“From now on, call me Baiyin, Acheng.”

“Um… I see, Bai Yin. Then let’s go.”


“Well, Xiao… Baiyin, now that you have accepted your own strength, then we will start training. After all, you have always refused to accept it before, and you should not be able to use it freely now. Orpheus, please protect Baiyin. To prevent her from having accidents during training.”

Orpheus nodded, expressing his understanding.

“Yes, just come on, Acheng.” Baiyin turned into a cat’s mandrill mode, raised her hands, two dark blue demon fires burned, she said seriously to Longcheng.

“Okay, I’m going to go.”

An hour later, Long Cheng returned to the villa with the sleeping Baiyin and Orpheus on his back.

“Long Cheng-kun, you are back. Ah, what’s wrong with the kitten?” Lias greeted the three people when they came back, and then she saw the sleeping kitten and asked anxiously.

“Don’t worry, Lias. Baiyin is okay, but when she trains Xianju, she consumes too much Qi and is tired and dizzy. Just rest for a while.”

“Really, that’s good.” Lias breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Long Cheng’s return, and then found that Long Cheng’s words were a bit wrong.

“Wait, Baiyin? There is also the practice of immortality, which consumes too much energy? Do you already know the life experience of the little cat? And she has untied her heart?”

“Okay, okay, take your time. You ask me so many questions at once, but I can’t answer it. Let’s arrange Baiyin first before talking.” Long Cheng said helplessly.

“Well, you are right. I was too anxious. I was so anxious as the’king’, it was a failure.”

“This is because you care about your subordinates. Okay, tell me, where is the kitten’s room? I will arrange her first.”

“The second floor, the innermost one.”

Hearing Lias’ answer, Long Cheng nodded to her, and walked up with Bai Yin on his back.

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