Chapter 108 108. [Ranking Game] 1

“Well, you have to capture Lysa’s [soldiers] first. If all eight of them are [upgraded] to [queen], it will be troublesome.” Lias calmly analyzed.

“Director, I feel so calm…” Hyoto Issei sighed with emotion.

“Ise, the battle has just begun? [Ranked game] is not a game that ends in a short time. Of course, occasionally there are short-term decisive battles, but most of them will take a lot of time, just like real chess, in which strategy is very important. .”

“Eh, is that right, Master? I always thought it would be like a big battle between the enemy and us.”

“Well, although there are such forms, this time we are in the traditional mode.”

“I see.”

“[Ranking game] It makes sense to make full use of the battlefield. Generally speaking, the base camps of both camps are fortresses, castles, or high towers. Forests, mountains, and lakes are separated from base camps, and they are carried out on these terrains. A large-scale battle, but this time the stage is the school. Yuto.” Lias calmly analyzed.


Hearing Rias’s order, Kiba spread out the map on the table. It is the floor plan of our school, with grid lines drawn on the map, numbers and English letters are written on the vertical and horizontal axes, respectively. This is a grid modeled after a chessboard.

Lias circled the corners of the old school building and the new school building with a red pen. She is marking her own base camp and the other’s base camp.

“There is a forest near our base camp, which can be regarded as our territory. On the other hand, the new school building is Lysa’s position. Once you step in, you will treat it as walking into the other side’s lair. The playground can be seen clearly from the new school building. It would be dangerous to pass here unsuspectingly.”

“So if you want to get to the new school building, you have to go in from the back playground?” Hyoto asked Issei.

“Generally speaking, this is the case. But the opponent is also very clear about this point. Servants should be deployed in the stadium… The club activity center located in the stadium should send [rook] (rook) or [Knight] to garrison. No. A place as big as a sports field requires mobility, and there should be one [Knight] and three or four [soldiers] (pawn) to follow at the same time. In this way, the entire sports field can be mastered.”

“So, first of all, we have to take down the gymnasium… In terms of the venue, the opponent should be able to invest in [Chariot]. Because it is an indoor space, [Chariot] with destructive power will be more effective than [Knight] with mobility. characteristic.”

“…Youdou and Kitten went to the forest to set traps first. I took the spare map and I already marked the place where the traps were set up. I made a few copies later and sent them to everyone.”



Upon receiving the order, Kiba and the kitten left the agency with a map and suspicious trap props.

“The others are on standby before the trap is set. By the way, Zhu Nai.”


“After Yudou and Kitty come back, can you please spread fog and illusions around the forest? Even the air. Of course, it should only be set to react to Lysa’s family. Opening is probably like this. But the midfield (middlegame) starts to communicate more intensely. The fog and illusion are on your behalf, Zhu Nai.”

“Yes, Minister.”

“Please, may I ask the president, what should I do?” Ise, who hadn’t received the instruction for a while, said.

“Well. Ise is [soldier], so you have to [upgrade].”


“Listen well, Ise? You still have to knock down your opponent to meet a girl? You can’t be merciful. Because the other party won’t be merciful either.”

“I… I get it.”

“Very well, remember to become [Queen] when you wait for [Promotion], because [Queen] has the strongest power, and the ban can only be used when you have to, you know.”

“Yes, but as a boy, I want to become [Queen]. It feels a bit subtle.”

“That’s just the name of the chess pieces played, don’t think about so many. Our number is originally smaller than Lysa and the others. We must have the consciousness to play other roles, and as long as any one is missing, the battle situation will become more severe.”

“Yes, I understand.”



“Come on. As your maiden match, you have to perform well. Maybe the devil thinks you have the potential and will make you a quick promotion.”

“Yes, the king of the harem, I’m determined. Oh—” Hyoudou Issei excitedly said, and under Lias’s instructions, he came to the entrance of the old school building with the kitten.

“Now, Long Cheng-kun.”


“You said, can we win?”

“Well, we can win, I assure you.”


“Listen, Ise, Kitty. After entering the gym, you cannot avoid fighting. You have to act according to my instructions. That place is very important.” After the two met, Lias gave them instructions using the microphone.

“The destination is the gymnasium, where the battle is to be won. The chess pieces sent out are Ise and Kitten.”

“Yes, I understand.” “I’m fine.”

“Then I’m dispatched too.” Kiba tightened the saber around his waist and prepared to go into battle.

“You Dou, just follow the previous instructions.”


“Asiah is here with me on standby. But if Ise and the others send out a signal, they have to go to the front line with me. You must not be defeated. If the person in charge of the treatment assistance falls, we will have nothing to do. Long Cheng-kun It is a last resort and we cannot rely on it.”

“Yes, yes!” Although Asia was nervous, she still replied with great spirit.

“Zunai will act on the occasion, please.”

“Yes, Minister.” There is a ferocious magic power hidden under the smiling face, and it seems that Zhu Nai is also getting serious.

After confirming with everyone, Lias took a step forward: “Then my lovely servant, are you ready? I can’t look back. The enemy is a highly anticipated talent in the immortal Phoenix home, Lai Sa Phoenix. Come on! Get rid of them!”

“Yes!” everyone rushed out while answering.

“Yicheng! Everyone! Please come on!” Aisha cheered against everyone’s back.

In response, everyone raised their hands and waved to the rear.

After everyone left, Long Cheng would perceive the audience, and shared the images of everyone with the few people present.

Everyone sprinted towards the stadium, and Kiba turned to another direction on the way. In the beginning of the plan, Ise and Kiba were separated there.

“Then I will go there and wait for you!” Kiba said.

“Okay, you wait!”

After saying goodbye to each other, everyone opened up, and each had its own division of labor!

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