Chapter 114

The next day, noon.

“Wow, I heard that Senior Lias and President Cangna are going to have a tennis match, I don’t know if it is true.”

“I also heard about it. It is said that we will start soon. Let’s go to the tennis court.”

“Okay, let’s go.”

Looking at the crowd of students from Juwang Academy around him, Long Cheng was also a little helpless. He didn’t expect that the match between Lias and Lias attracted so many people. That’s right, after the draw, everyone decided to win the singles tennis match, one game will determine the winner.

However, after seeing the two people on the court, Long Cheng also understood why there were so many people.

I saw Lias wearing a pink tennis jersey on her upper body, and a miniskirt on her lower body. Basically, I can see the scenery at the bottom of the skirt if she moves a little bit bigger. President Cangna is wearing a light blue tennis jersey because of the short skirt. Because of her, her cheeks are slightly red, showing a different kind of cuteness.

“The minister has a good figure. So is the chairman.”

“That’s right, Ise. I didn’t expect that we would be able to see this kind of scenery. I am dead and have no regrets.”

“Me too, Matsuda.”

“Ah, Ise, I really envy you to join the Supernatural Research Department. If you know any girl, please introduce it to us.”

“No, I…”

“That is, Ise, as one of the trio, you have to think about the two of us.”

“Um… well, I’ll introduce one to you.” After a while, Hyoto Kazue said with a hearty smile.

“Really? Tell us about her quickly.”

“She’s Mi Lutan, and she likes COS Magical Girl.”

“You are still a COSER? You are really our brother.”

“Ah~ then I’ll go ask her now…”

“She said she will be free this weekend.”

“Great, the kindness of Hyoto-sama Ise, we will never forget it in our lifetime!”

The satyr trio on the side had a heated discussion.

On the field

“Cangna, even if you are my good friend, I won’t release the water this time.”

“I can’t ask for it, come on, Lias.”

“Look at my external spin serve~”

“Huh, Lias, you are too naive, watching my Feiyan return to the nest~”

“Brown bear arrested~”

“Spinning Snake Ball~”

“External spin spinning ball!”

“Look at my zero cut!”

Not to mention why the prince of tennis entered indiscriminately, Lias and Cangna both played more and more fiercely, and finally even used their magic power to become a veritable murderous tennis.

The two played from noon to the end of school. Basically all the students who watched the game went back. In the end, Lias penetrated Cangna’s racket with overwhelming destructive power and won the victory. After Long Cheng’s training, although Lias still couldn’t change her fighting style in a reckless way, she also learned how to use her own advantages.

On the second day, the outskirts of the magic forest

With a huge red magic circle, everyone from the Supernatural Research Department appeared here.

“Ah, is this the envoy forest? There seems to be nothing special.” Hyoto Kazumi looked around and said.

“Ise, stay vigilant, even in the periphery, there is still a possibility of encountering dangerous monsters.”

“Hi~Speaking of Minister, where is the person who guides us?”

“Hey, the one hiding in the tree, come out.” Long Cheng said lightly.

“I’m over (getdazei)!” Long Cheng’s voice just fell, a voice came from a tree beside everyone, and then a figure fell.

“Wow!” Hyoto Ise was taken aback, and Aisha was also afraid to hide behind Ise.

Everyone took a closer look and found that it was a skinny uncle who was about 30 or 40 years old wearing a red and white cap and casual sportswear.

“Young man, your observation skills are good, and you have the potential to become a master envoy. Ah, Miss Gremory, we meet again.”

“Hi, I’m going to trouble you again this time.”

“Wait, you are our guide?” Hyoto asked Issei.

“Yes, I am your guide. I have been in contact with monsters since I was ten years old, and I have conquered every dangerous area with monsters. I am inspired to become a master of magic, and set the head [also translated as Xiaozhi] (Stupid Something?).” The man said proudly.

“So, who is going to subdue the envoy this time?”

“It’s my new family, Hyoudou Issei and Aisha Aljet, and my friends Longcheng and Orpheus, but the two of them may not be able to subdue.” Lias said with a smile.

“Okay, I understand. Then let’s start with that ridiculous newcomer.” Tak Touji pointed at Ise and said, “What kind of envoy do you want?”

“What kind of frivolous newcomer. As for what kind of enchantress, of course, it is a strong and beautiful humanoid envoy,” Hyoto said with a wretched look.

“Tsk, there are so many requests.”

“Huh, can’t it?”

“Emmm… it’s not impossible, you come with me.”

Then everyone led by Thatouji to a small lake.

“Stop, rookie-kun, look at the one over there, the talisman does not meet your requirements.” Zha Touji pointed in a direction, everyone turned their heads, only Long Cheng’s eyes floated to the side, covering Orpheus by the way. s eyes.

I saw a tall figure from the back in the lake appeared in front of everyone. She had long blonde hair that was head-to-foot. It fluttered gently with the breeze, and with her movements, waves of microwaves appeared on the calm lake.

“Oh-that’s it!” Hyoto Ise said excitedly.

“This is the special water elves unique to this ambassador forest, how beautiful it is.”

“Huh? But she doesn’t look strong?”

“Oh? You look at her again.”

At this time, the water elf turned around, and what appeared in front of everyone was a super invincible King Kong Barbie with eight pack abdominal muscles, full of tendons, and a body bigger than the governor! The degree of visual pollution is second only to Milu Carbon!

“Well, it looks very strong. It perfectly meets your requirements… eh? Why don’t you speak anymore.” Taki Touji looked at Hyoudou Issei on the side, and saw his eyes pale, and he stayed in tears. In place.

And everyone in the Supernatural Research Department, except for Long Cheng, the faces of everyone else were not very good, after all, the impact of this water elf on everyone’s hearts was too great.

“Ah!!! What kind of powerful and beautiful humanoid envoy is this? Shouldn’t the water elves be a beautiful lady? Or is this a flash?” Hyoto Iseki returned to his senses and grabbed the head base. Clothes, said frantically.

“Oh? Another water elf came unexpectedly.” Tachitouji ignored Hyoudou Issei’s direction and said when he looked at the lake.

“This time, it will definitely belong to the beautiful young lady. It must have been upgraded just now!” Hyoto said, turning his head again.

I saw a woman with waist-length blue hair and wearing an ancient Greek white robe… The female brother Gui walked towards the other water elf.

“Na…Nani! It’s a lie, why is it still like this! My dream is shattered again!” Yicheng said palely with blood and tears.

“Oh, it’s good luck to be able to see the battle between the water elves.” Tachitouji ignored Ise and said excitedly.

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