131.Chapter 131 Confrontation

Seeing the two people in a mysterious state of faith, everyone was a little embarrassed.

“Can only you two do it?” Lias asked worriedly.

“Yeah, of course, I don’t intend to die for nothing.” Xenovia responded to Serias’ question with a fearless attitude.



After you came and went, the two sides just stared at each other, and the conversation ended.

Wisteria Irina and Xenovia winked at each other and stood up.

“Then we should almost leave. Irina, let’s go back.”

“Oh, don’t you have a cup of tea? At least let us treat you some snacks.” Shuna Himeshima said with a smile, squinting.

“No need. As a member of the church, you can’t accept the devil’s hospitality.” Xenovia said solemnly.

“Sorry. Let’s go first.” Irina also replied, and then waved at Hyoudou Issei.

Just when the two were about to leave, Xenovia looked at Aisha and said, “——When I met you at the Hyoto Isei’s house, I was not sure, but you are the “witch” Aisha Aljet, right? ? I didn’t expect to meet you here.”

When they heard them calling themselves “witches,” Asia couldn’t help but tremble. Although she has reincarnated as a demon, she has never let go of her faith in the Lord, which is very painful for Aisha.

Irina seemed to be aware of this, her eyes kept staring at Asia: “You were the former “saint” who became a “witch” and became a topic in the church for a while? You seem to have the ability to heal demons and fallen angels. Ability? I heard that you were expelled. I don’t know where you are going. I didn’t expect to become a demon.”

“…That, that…I…” Faced with the compelling words of the two, Asia didn’t know how to respond.

“It’s okay. We won’t tell the higher-ups to meet you here, don’t worry. Because the people who were with “Saint” Aisha before know your current situation, I think they will be greatly affected.” Irina said. .

“…” Irina’s words made Asia’s expression very complicated.

“But the person who was originally called the “saint” turns into a demon. You really have fallen to the bottom. Do you still believe in our god?” Xenovia looked at Aisha seriously and said.

“Xenovia. Since she is already a demon, how can she still believe in God?” Wisteria Irina said dumbfounded.

“No, she has the smell of faith-there is that kind of scent. This statement may be abstract, but I am very sensitive to this kind of thing. Even if they violate faith, some people will still feel guilty and never forget the heart of faith. Her This feeling radiates from her body.” Xenovia squinted her eyes and said, making Irina look at Aisha curiously.

“Really? Even though Asia is a demon, she still believes in the Lord?”

Hearing her question, Asia said with a sad face: “…but I can’t completely give up. Because I have always believed in…”

Hearing the words, Xenovia stretched out the cloth bag in her hand: “Really? In that case, you will die under our sword right now. Now I can punish you in the name of God. Even if the sin is serious, Our God will still stretch out the hand of salvation.”

Seeing Xenovia approaching Aisha, Hyoto Isei stood in front of Aisha to protect her: “Don’t touch her.”

At this time, Long Cheng of the Supernatural Research Department also stood up.

“What do you want to do to my lovely subordinates.” Lias said coldly, her pupils turned completely red.

“Ahhhhhh, Aisha-chan is our partner, so I can’t let you go crazy.” Jishima Zhunai squinted, her body faintly shining with a golden arc.

Kiba stared at the two with a gloomy face.

Kitten and Orpheus also stood in front of Aisha.

“You just called Aisha “Witch”, didn’t you?” Hyoto Ise looked at Xenovia angrily.

“Yes. At least now she is indeed an existence called “Witch”, right?” Faced with the threats from the crowd, Xenovia replied indifferently.

“What a joke! When she is asking for help, there is no one to help her! Those of you who can’t understand Aisha’s gentleness are all idiots! No one wants to be her friend, it’s a big mistake! ”

“Do you think the “saint” needs friends? The only important thing is equal compassion and love. Once you seek friendship and love from others, you can’t be a “saint”. She should be able to live as long as she has the love bestowed by God. Kaisa Aljet was not qualified to be a “saint” from the beginning.”

“It is clear that no one of you understands Aisha’s pain! What about God! What about love! Your God did nothing at all when Aisha was on the verge of crisis!”

“God loves her. If there is no miracle, it means that she lacks faith, or it is hypocritical.”

“Puff, hahahaha…” Just as the two parties were in a stalemate, a discordant laughter attracted everyone’s attention.

Ignoring the sight of everyone, Long Cheng said: “If there is no miracle, it means that she lacks faith, or she is hypocritical? It is so funny. If God can hear it, she will definitely feel ashamed.”

“You! You are a rude person who is arrogant about the gods and the demons. Unforgivable…” Hearing Long Cheng’s words that are unforgivable for the believers of God, Irina Wisteria and Xenovia were angry. Looking at Long Cheng, if it weren’t for Rias’s territory, they would all want to hack Long Cheng to death.

“Why, did I make a mistake? You defined Aisha as a saint without authorization, and then after you discovered that she could heal the devil, you labeled her a witch.

Then the external explanation is that she is not religious to God. Did God tell you that Aisha’s faith is really pious? You are the real blasphemers who do this. ”

“Is this challenging us—everyone in our church? A trivial group of fallen humans who took refuge in the devil, dare to speak such big words. Gremory, there is a problem with your servant’s education?”

“Long Cheng-kun is not my subordinate, he is just my friend. He does not belong to any forces, and I can’t control him.” Lias said with red magic all over her body.

“Oh, isn’t it? You can become your friend, so it shouldn’t be an ordinary person.

Hey, blasphemer! I want to challenge you, I want to tell you the price of arrogantly discussing the gods. ”

“Heh, you are too weak. Ise, Kiba is here for you.” Long Cheng smiled disdainfully, and then said to the two.

“Ah, leave it to me, sir. This is what I felt so angry again after Aisha’s affairs.” Hyoto Ise replied in a deep voice.

“Haha, thank you, Long Cheng-kun. Holy sword, it seems that my promise to them will be completed soon.”

The two said, they walked outside the door.

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