Chapter 164 164. Gasper’s Training

“Isn’t this just doing miscellaneous work?” Long Cheng said silently after listening to the proud speech of Ji Yuan Shirou.

“Puff–!” Sajimoto Shiro couldn’t get up again.

“Master, don’t say it. Saji has already lost hope in realizing his dream. Now he finally got a special order from the chairman. Although it’s a mess, don’t say it. Give him some face, you are like this. He will get hurt.”


“Master, why are you not talking anymore?”

“Ise. I didn’t expect you to have a good hand in piercing other people’s hearts.”


“Look at Ji-kun.”

Sajimoto Shiro covered his already battered heart, and cried silently.

“Um, Saji, don’t take it to your heart.”

“That is, you have to believe in yourself, even if it’s a mess, that’s what President Cangna has appointed.”

“You should let me die.”

“Hey, the demons of the Demon King’s family gathered here to play games.” Just as Long Cheng and the two were thinking about how to comfort the hit Sajimoto Shirou, a light voice came from the side.


“It’s you, Asacher. By the way, you are getting bolder and stronger, and this place is also the domain of the Demon King’s sisters anyway.”

“Hello, Orpheus, the infinite dragon god, and Long Cheng-kun, don’t worry they are not here now.”

“The point is not this! Well, forget it, you won’t take it seriously anyway.”

“Hahaha, you really know me. Hi, Emperor Chilong. I haven’t seen you since that night.”

At the first time Asacher appeared, the cat and the others stopped chasing after him. They came behind Yicheng and looked at him solemnly. Although they had Long Cheng’s guarantee, the status of Governor of the Fallen Angels alone would not allow them to relax.

“…Ah, Asachel.” Hyoto Issei said with a stiff expression.

“Hei, Hyoudou, you say Asacher!” Sajimoto Shiro said in shock, his tone revealing deep fear.

“It’s true, Saji. I’ve been in contact with this guy several times.”

“Okay, let’s relax everyone. Asachel is not malicious.”

“Since Long Cheng-kun (Master) has said, let’s trust you for the time being, Governor of the Fallen Angel.”

“Yeah, yeah, I don’t mean to do it. Okay, let’s relax, demon of the lower level. Anyway, you should be able to vaguely detect that, except for Longcheng-kun and Orpheus, even if you go together, you won’t be able to win. Me. I don’t intend to bully the lower-level demon, just take a walk and stop by the demon’s territory to visit. Is the Holy Demon Swordsman here? I want to see him.”

“Azazel, Kiba is not here.”

“Hey, it’s true, it’s not a coincidence to come.” Asa Shelton showed a bored expression.

“Oh, hey, the vampire hiding there.” Asachel suddenly pointed to the tree beside him and said.

“Huh–!” Gasper, who was hiding behind the tree, retracted his head in shock.

Asachel walked over and said, “Are you the holder of the “Evil Eye of Stopping the World”? If that kind of thing cannot be used freely, it will bring danger. I think I only need to use the auxiliary tool of the artifact to make up for the lack of elements. It should be fine…but in that case, the research on the devil’s artifact seems to have not made much progress. The artifact activated through the five senses is naturally activated when the possessor’s ability is insufficient, but it is very dangerous.”

Asacher studied Gaspar’s face carefully—his eyes, to be precise. Gasper was shaking with fear because Asscher put his face in front of him.

“Okay, Asacher, don’t scare Gasper anymore.”

“Hi~Hi~ But if you want to train this guy, I have some suggestions at that time. Is that the “Black Dragon Vein”? If you want to practice, use that. Connect to this vampire and activate it on him. Absorbing excess power when the artifact is used can reduce the loss of control.” Asacher said, pointing to the key.

“…I, my artifact, can even absorb the power of the opponent’s artifact? I thought that simply absorbing the enemy’s power can weaken the enemy…”

“Really, that’s how I would say that recent artifact holders have no curiosity for their own power. “Black Dragon Vessel” has the power of one of the five legendary dragon kings, the “Black Evil Dragon King” Fritto. But this is only discovered in recent research. It can connect to any object and radiate its power. If it is only for a short time, it can also cut off the holder of the dragon vein and connect to other people or things.” Asathel uttered Talking endlessly.

“Well, but if he wants to control the evil eye faster, he can do it by drinking the blood of Long Cheng-kun, Orpheus, or the Seiryu Emperor, and this guy is a vampire. A vampire just needs to suck blood. Strength will also increase. That’s it, try it yourself again.”

Asachel only said here, he glanced at Cheng and the others, and after saying goodbye to Long Cheng and Orpheus, he was about to leave the scene. But when he walked halfway, he stopped again, turned his head and said to Ise: “Valli—our White Dragon Emperor came to find you without permission. I’m really sorry. You must be surprised, right? Don’t worry, that guy is strange, but I probably don’t want to start your fateful battle immediately.”

“You hid your true identity and contacted me again and again, how do you apologize for this?” Yicheng said angrily, perhaps because of Long Cheng, he also had confidence in speaking.

“That’s my interest. I won’t apologize.” Asacher gave a mischievous smile, and then left the scene.

“Well, let’s continue to train Gasper anyway. It should be possible to follow the method of Asacher.”

“Well, let’s leave it to the master. Anyway, it’s useless to think about Asachel now. So which one should I use and let Gaspar suck blood?”

“Huh–! Don’t–! I hate the smell of blood!”

“Hey, hello, you’re a vampire,” Sajimoto Shiro vomited.

“Useless vampire.” After hearing the kitten’s words, Xenovia and Orpheus nodded in agreement.

“Wow–! Everyone bullied me–!”

“Then… can you only use the first method? But will it be troublesome? You still have a task, right?”

“But it doesn’t work to leave him alone. Gasper’s abilities are too dangerous, so he must be controlled as soon as possible. The chairman’s task is put on hold, definitely not because he is tired of messing around.”

“Uh…key-kun, just leave it to me, Gasper. You can just continue to finish your work.”

“Yeah. Master also has evil eyes, so he should be very knowledgeable about how to train Gasper. Then, I won’t bother you here, Ji.”

“No! I’ve got rid of the grass for a week, let me help! I can do anything, please don’t let me weed.”

“Okay, Sa-kun. Ise and they will help you. I only need me to train Gasper.”

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