#173-Chapter 173

“Boom!” The violent impact sounded, causing the battle between Lias and the hero faction to stop. After the dust settled in the sky, a big pit appeared on the playground.

“…Tsk. Rebellion at this time, Vali.” Asachel crawled out of the pit and said to Vali who was flying in the air.

“That’s it, Asacher.”

Wearing a white dragon-shaped armor, Vali landed in front of Rias with a dazzling light. Cattleya followed him.

“Our original plan was to have the [Zhe Mist] holders transfer the entire Juwang Academy to a different space at the moment when the negotiation was completed, and start a terrorist attack. Then the White Dragon King waited for the opportunity to join us in a riot and managed to kill the three The leader of the forces.” Cattleya had a meal after speaking, and then turned to Ise.

“I feel the nasty sight-he is the Sekiryuutei, Vali?”

“Yeah, even though it’s so sad, it’s true. It’s really a host that makes people feel so sad.”

“Don’t keep talking about me Cannian! I’ve been practicing desperately! Wait…Why are you antagonizing Asachel? Also, who is that eldest sister?”

Cattleya looked at Ise with pity: “That’s it, it seems to be a regrettable guy. Valli, do you want to kill him?”

“No need, he might surprise me by leaving it alone.”

“…Really, I seem to be confused too. My cronies actually did this kind of thing…” Asacher said with a mockery of himself, there was a trace of loneliness in his eyes.

“Since when? When did you betray me?”

Valli looked at Asacher, his eyes flashed unbearable, he said: “It’s been a while, but the real decision to join is after the Cocabile matter. Sorry, Asacher, they are here. It seems more interesting.

The conditions they put forward are very attractive. “Do you want to go to war with Asgard? 』——They all said that, and I really want to try my strength again, and I really can’t refuse. Asachel, you don’t want to fight Valhalla, do you? You hate war so much. ”

“I did say that I want you to be stronger, but I also said that’there is only one thing that cannot be done, which is the factor that causes the destruction of the world.'”

“That’s none of my business. As long as I can fight forever.”

“…Really? No, maybe some corner of my heart had expected you to leave my side for a long time-because from the moment we met to today, you have been pursuing to fight the strong.”

“This time, the pre-preparation and information were provided by the White Dragon Emperor. Although he knew his essence but ignored it, it really didn’t look like your style. In the end, what you did was to restrain yourself.” Cattleya mocked.

Azazel smiled bitterly, but Valli ignored him, put his hand on his chest and said to everyone: “My real name is Valli-Valli Road Cifer.

I am the heir of the line of the late demon king Lu Cifer. However, I am a hybrid of the grandson of the old demon king and a human woman-I can get the artifact of the “White Dragon” because I am half human. Although it was purely coincidental, I was born again as the “White Dragon” who truly inherited Lu Cifer’s blood.

If there are so-called destinies and miracles, they are probably talking about me—just kidding. ”

“Impossible… how could…” Lias said incredulously.

Asacher said affirmatively: “This is a fact. If there is a so-called prank, then it is him. As far as I know, from the past to the present, and even the future to eternity, this guy is the strongest. The White Dragon Emperor.”

“You should also be awakened, Asacher.”

“…Tsk, you just saw your arrogance suddenly soaring, Orpheus’s “snake” turned out to be so powerful, it made me want it all.”

“Yes, she is a dragon god with infinite power. In order to reform the world, I used her power a little bit. Thanks to her power, I can fight you and even have the opportunity to defeat Szex and Micah. Le. They are all stupid governors. So are you.”

“…I might be stupid. If there is no Shemukhsa, I am just an artifact lover who can’t do anything. But-I don’t think Szekes and Michael are as stupid as I am? At least far better than you”

Asacher’s words distorted the woman’s expression: “Stop talking nonsense! Okay, I am here to give you the last blow. Eliminate you as the Governor of the Fallen Angel as the first step in creating New World. !”

Cattleya declared in a strong tone, but Asachel still looked relaxed, he took out what looked like a short sword from his arms.

“That is……”

Asacher pointed the dagger at Cattleya, “…Because I love artifacts so much, I sometimes make something by myself. It’s like a copy or something. But most of what I make is useless. Waste. The god who develops the artifact is really powerful. This is the only place he respects me. But-he is too naive. He actually left “BUG” such as “God Killing Tool” and “Forbidden Hand” and died. Now, this will only destroy the balance between the gods and the devil, as well as the world. But because of this, the artifact is so interesting.”

Then the short sword in his hand deformed! Become a piece of parts, shining.

“Wh–! No, impossible! Asacher, you–!”

Asachel whispered: “Hand-free!”

A flash of light instantly enveloped the surroundings. After the light subsided, a person wearing a gold full-body armor appeared on the spot. His body was shining with golden light, with the outline of a creature-almost like a dragon.

Snapped! Six pairs of black wings spread out on his back, and black feathers are flying around. He also holds a huge spear of light in his hand!

“This is a masterpiece that I made after studying “White Dragon” and other dragon artifacts, artificial artifacts. “DownFallDragonSpear” (DownFallDragonSpear), and a simulated hand-free state-“DownFallDragonAnotherArmor” (DownFallDragonAnotherArmor). ”

“Hahaha! There really is you, Asathel! You are really amazing!” Valli laughed loudly.

“Valley, I also want to play with you…but you should get along well with the “Red Dragon”.”

“…You used a powerful dragon as a foundation, right?” Cattleya asked.

“Yes, I sealed the “Gigantis Dragon-kun” (Gigantis Dragon) Fafner into this artificial artifact. It can be regarded as an artifact that imitates the two heavenly dragons-“Red Dragon” and “White Dragon”. So far it seems to be a success. .”

“Golden Dragon -kun?” Hyoto Issei asked suspiciously.

[It is one of the “Five Dragon Kings”. Asachel also mentioned [Black Evil Dragon King] Fritto before, right? There are also “ChaosKarmaDragon” (ChaosKarmaDragon) Diamatt, “West Blue Dragon Child” (MischievousDragon) Jade Dragon, “SleepingDragon” (SleepingDragon) Mitga Om and [Magic Dragon Saint] Tanni. Having said that, Frido was subdued and sealed long ago. According to Asacher, Fafné seems to have also been sealed. Having said that, the Dragon King originally had six. ] Draige replied.

“Well, Cattleya, let’s start the second round of fighting.” Asacher said with a smile.

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