Chapter 175 Chapter 175


When Lias and the others were fighting with the heroes, a violent wave came, forcibly interrupting the battle between the two sides.

“Why, what’s the matter?” Hyoudou Issei who was facing Vali accidentally fell to the ground.

“Hyoto Issei, that was caused by your master, Long Cheng. And this is just the aftermath.”

“Wha… so strong.”

“I am the heir of the line of the late demon king Lu Cifer. At the same time, I am the host of the white dragon.

what about you? You were just an ordinary high school student before you reincarnated as a demon. Although Long Cheng-kun said you will grow up. But I think it’s too slow, or else. You come to be the avenger, I’ll kill your parents, and then how about you come to avenge me?

Parents were killed by a precious existence like me, you too can bear a heavy fate, right? Well, that’s it. Anyway, your parents will only lead an ordinary life in the future and grow old and welcome ordinary death. Compared with that kind of boring life, the setting I just mentioned is much more exciting! Right? In this case, you will grow up at a faster rate anyway. “Valley said with a wicked smile.

“…Kill you, bastard!” This was the first sentence answered by Hyoto Issei.

“… As you said, my dad is a very ordinary office worker who works hard for his family from morning till night. My mother is an ordinary housewife, who cooks delicious meals for our family members in the morning, afternoon and evening. Although I am so Yes… but… they still raised me to this age. To me, they are the best parents.” Yicheng kept telling, the treasure on the armour began to flicker.

“… Are you going to kill them? Kill my parents? Why do they have to meet your needs and have to die? What precious, destiny, who cares about you!” Yicheng exudes crimson red. Reiki.

“Don’t think about it! Don’t think about killing my parents–!”

“WelshDragonOverBooster! ! ! 』

Responding to Hyoudou Issei’s anger, a powerful red flame burst out from his hand armor. At the same time, the crimson armor appeared on Ise. The treasure in his left hand armour began to count down. In terms of time, it was about thirty minutes, after all, he had consumed a lot of energy before.

“–Look, Albion. Hyoto Issei’s power has risen to another level. Although the fuse is a simple and clear reason for anger, but…hahahaha, this is really a refreshing dragon wave .”

〖The simpler and stronger the mind, the easier it is to become a source of power for the artifact, especially the dragon artifact. This means that Hyoto Issei’s anger is purely directed at you-straight heart is one of the truths for exerting the power of the dragon. 〗

“That’s it. From this point of view, he and the dragon match better than me. But! If you have a bad brain, it’s a different matter! Hyoto Issei! Your wisdom is really not enough to use Draige’s power. Freedom. That’s a sin.”

“That’s right! Idiot behaves like you!” Hyoto Ise burst out his arrogance from behind, causing him to rush towards Vali quickly, and Ise raised his hand to give Valli a punch.

Valli gently turned sideways to avoid Ise’s attack. He turned his head and said, “I can’t control my soaring power…”

“Bang!!!” Wali turned his head halfway, and was flew out with a punch before he finished speaking.

“Hmph, if I couldn’t control the skyrocketing power, I would have died a long time ago. Did you have a family when you were training as a master?” It turned out that Ise’s first blow was just a feint, and the second punch was the real attack.

“Ahem, ahem. Hahaha, happy. I underestimated you by Hyoudou Issei, and I will fight you seriously next.”

Compared with the original work, Hyoto Issei’s strength is far from the original. Not only the basic physical fitness, but also the fighting skills Long Cheng has specially trained him. Although Long Cheng himself is not a skill-type fighter himself, his brother is, after so many years of getting along, he still knows combat skills very well.

In this way, Hyoto Issei and Valli Lu Cifer were temporarily stuck in a stalemate.

“Zheng——!!!” Numerous holy demon swords mixed with sacred and evil auras pierced from the ground and attacked a beautiful girl with long blond hair, Jeanne of Arc.

With a flexible posture, Joan dodges the sacred demon sword that is constantly piercing, and occasionally blocks with the holy sword if she can’t avoid it several times.

“Qiang——!” At this time, Kiba sprang from a hidden place created by the Holy Demon Sword, and he slashed towards Jeanne with a Holy Demon Sword in each of his hands. And Jeanne blocked Kiba’s attack with an astonishing speed of reaction.

“You are very strong.” Kiba missed a hit and flew away from Zhendla.

“Hahaha, Holy Demon Swordsman, you are also very strong. But the battle between us should also be over.” Then, Joan inserted the Holy Sword into the ground.

“Boom, boom, boom!” The violent explosion sounded continuously on the battlefield.

“Hahaha, Xenovia Kwata, as the holder of the holy sword Durandal, I have also heard of your reputation in the church.”

“I am honored to be praised by the top warriors of the Catholic Church, the New Church, and the Orthodox Church-“Chaosedge (Chaosedge) Zieg”.

Although I am not qualified to speak of you, I still have to ask. Zig! You betrayed the church-have you betrayed the heavens! ”

“It should be regarded as a betrayal. I am now a member of the “Mission Group”.”


“What does it matter? Even without me, the church still has the strongest fighter. He alone can make up for me and you, the holder of Durandal. Okay, let’s continue, I don’t know. You have nearly the strength of the previous generation of Durandal holders.”

“The owner of the previous generation of Durandal, Vasco Strada is not comparable to me.” Xenovia replied seriously.

“Hahaha, too. After all, that guy is called [Demon] by the devil.

From the shock just now, I estimate that the battle between Cao Cao and the Red Dragon Emperor of Otherworld is coming to an end. Let’s end the battle soon. Qi Gefei said with a smile, and then he took out three magic swords from the different space.

“Cangna, are you okay.”

“I’m okay, Lias. But that guy’s purple inflammation is really tricky, even your [destruction] magic power and our attacks can hardly be effective.”

“What should we do now? We can’t hold on for long.”

“We can only wait for Long Cheng-kun to defeat Cao Cao. The battle between them should be over soon. We just have to last until then.”

“Okay. I understand. Aisha, Shi, and everyone’s treatment will be handed over to you. Gasper, if we have a negligent attack, we will need you to help us at that time.” Lias told the two of them. Ordered.

“Tsubakihime, our negligent attack is also handed over to you, and you and Gasper cooperate together.

Wingsha, Xun, melee combat is handed over to you.

Pity, Tao, and Liuzi, Aisha Classmate Gasper will leave it to you for protection. Everyone keeps going, and you are not allowed to die! ”


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