183 Chapter 183

Dinner time-I should say so. In principle, the underworld without the sun and moon still seems to have “night”.

The sky darkened, and you can see the simulated moon when you look up at the sky. I heard that it was not the real moon, but used magic power to reappear, and the dark night of the underworld seemed to be expressed in this way. Originally the sky was purple.

In principle, the concept of time seems to match the human world. The underworld originally had time for the underworld, but in order to reincarnate demons and demons living in the human world, the demon kings used special spells to adjust them.

“Start enjoying life in the underworld.” As Lias’ father, Geoticus said these words, the dinner officially began.

Junai, Kitty, and Kiba had been to the underworld before, so they knew the eating etiquette of the nobles very well, and they ate very smoothly.

Long Cheng and Orpheus had been taught by Rias before they came, so they ate fairly well.

But Ise, Aisha, and Xenovia were completely blinded. Gasper was hunched over to eat, still with tears in his eyes. There are a lot of demons no matter where you go today, it should be difficult for Gaspar, who is the ultimate snail dweller.

“Yeah. Master Long Cheng, Master Orpheus, and all of Lias’s family members, you can treat this as your home. You just came to the underworld, and there should be a lot of things you are not familiar with. If there is something you want. Although you order the maid, you are welcome. We will help prepare immediately.” Lias’ father said with a smile.

“By the way, Long Cheng-kun.” Then Lias’ father turned to face Long Cheng.

“Ah, yes, uncle.”

“From today, you can call me Dad.”

“Cough cough cough…” Hearing Geotix’s words, both Long Cheng and Lias couldn’t help coughing violently.

“Really, Dad, what are you talking about!” Lias blushed.

“Um…is it too early to talk about this? Lias and I have just been together.”

“It’s getting late. If you think it’s too early to get married now, you are still students after all, but you can make a marriage contract first.” Geotex said with a smile.

“My dear, you were too hasty. It should be done gradually, right?” Lias’ mother persuaded her husband.

“Hmm, um. But look at Long Cheng-kun’s really red dragon armor and Rias’s bright red, what a happy combination.”

“My dear, I mean it’s too early to be happy.”

“That’s right, I seem to be too impatient.”

Lias’s father sighed deeply, always feeling that he was under strict control by his wife. (The Jimory family has been strict in wives for generations.)

“That…I do,” Lias said at this moment.

“Really?” Lias’ father said in surprise.

“…Hmm.” Lias blushed and nodded.

“Since Lias said the same, then I won’t stop it. So what does Long Cheng-kun mean?” Vinylana sighed.

“This…I don’t have any opinion. But Orpheus and I are engaged.”

“It’s okay, as long as you really love each other. It’s common for powerful demons to have multiple women.” Geotex said with a smile, and then sighed again for some reason.

“Then it’s decided.” Vinylana said.

“I… I want too.” The kitten who was eating quietly said suddenly.

“It’s fine. The kitten is also fine.” Lias smiled and nodded in agreement.

“Long Cheng-kun. Can I call you Xiao Cheng?”

“No problem at all.”

“You will stay here for now, right?”

“Um, I can only stay for a few days, and then I’m going to the heavens. I don’t know how long it will take to come back.”

“Well, time is a bit tight. But a few days should be able to give you a rough idea of ​​gentleman’s etiquette. This is something you must learn as a boyfriend of Rias.” Vinylana couldn’t refute it. The tone said.

“I… I get it.”

Arrived in the underworld, the day after arriving at Rias’s house.

From early in the morning, Long Cheng followed Vinylana, who was in charge of teaching, to learn about superior demons, upper class, and nobles. Long Cheng said this is comparable to preparing for the college entrance examination.

“Do you know why my husband and I didn’t blame Lias for her regretful marriage?” Vinylana, who was teaching Long Cheng to dance, said suddenly.

Long Cheng was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

“Actually, Geoticus and I didn’t want Rias to marry Lysa Phoenix. But for the continuation of the Gremory family, we can only do this. So when Rias tried to resist, we didn’t stop it, although We know that Elias’s strength is impossible to defeat Lysa, but this may be the last thing my husband and I can do.” Vinylana said, sighed.

“After we knew that Lias was really free with your help and was still with you with such strength, Geoticus and I felt very happy, although demons are basically profit-oriented. Exist, but we still hope that Lias’ child can be happy.”

“I won’t make Lias sad.”

“That’s good. It took a lot of effort for Geoticus and I to settle the opposition of the other pure-blood demons, as well as the reports that the next head of the Gremory family used the legendary dragon. Power to break the contract’ such rumors.” Vinylana complained to Long Cheng.

Long Cheng could only smile awkwardly at this, “Don’t worry, they will shut up when the [ranking game] of the new generation of demons starts. Rias and the others are no longer what they used to be. Just show enough power. , Those pedantic old high-levels should have nothing to say.”

“Hahaha, that’s what I said. Lias has indeed had a bigger picture than before, and her strength has increased a lot. Moreover, her family members have powerful strengths. I guess apart from Sela Ogg, Cangna and The little girl in Agarez is no longer her opponent. With your help, Lias and the others will be able to defeat the champion of [ranking game], Dihauser Beria.” Vinylana Said with a smile.

“Yes. I believe Lias and the others can do it.” Long Cheng said confidently. With their own teachings, Rias and the others have grown faster than in the original book.

“Okay, then let’s continue to learn ballroom dancing and pay attention to the footsteps. In the evening, we have to learn the etiquette of the tea party and the characters of the devil. After all, like the devil and the exclusive characters of the gods, they cannot be directly learned through magic. And Jimon The family history of the Li family, and…In short, you must learn before you go to the heavens. These are the things that the other half of Rias wants the Grandmaster.”

“Yes…I know.” Long Cheng could only grit his teeth to learn about this.

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