Chapter 192 192. White Tone Mode

In a wood near Gremory Castle.

At this time, the Tacheng kitten was sitting cross-legged on a grass, a pair of white cat ears appeared on her head, behind her was a fluffy tail.

There are wisps of pale white air around her, rotating around the kitten.

Silver moonlight shone on her through the leaves. The kitten closed his eyes and felt the natural breath with a faint smile on his face. The air surrounding the kitten began to condense.

“Drink—!” When the anger surrounding the kitten reached a certain level, the kitten uttered a soft drink, and then the white light was released, covering the kitten’s entire body.

After about a few seconds, the light dissipated and the kitten’s figure appeared again, but the kitten had undergone a huge change compared to just now.

I saw a kitten that was about the same size as Orpheus at this time. The figure is no longer inferior to Leah. The Kouwang Academy sportswear originally worn on her body has become a white kimono, and it is surrounded by several A small wheel wrapped around a white ghost fire, a bit like a hot wheel.

“…Acheng, come out.” The kitten said calmly, looking in one direction.

“Ah, I was discovered. Baiyin, you have become stronger.” Long Cheng smiled and walked out.

“In the white tone mode, I have the strength that is not inferior, even surpassing Minister Lias. Moreover, Xianshu is a magic technique for manipulating the vitality [qi] of all things, which is very helpful for exploration.”

“Baiyin is awesome!” Long Cheng touched the cat’s head and said with a smile. In fact, if Long Cheng is willing, no one can discover the hidden Long Cheng unless he reaches the strength of Suzex and their transcendence.

The kitten hasn’t enjoyed Long Cheng’s head-killing for long, and a white light flickers, and she has returned to her original appearance.

The kitten put his hands on his chest, his face seemed a little helpless, “…it seems to have to work hard.” The kitten pursed his mouth and whispered.

Regarding this, Long Cheng only used a touch to kill again, encouraging the kitten to fight for the master as soon as possible.

“Baiyin, I’m going to the heavens tomorrow. I’m here to say goodbye to you. After all, I don’t know how long I will stay in the heavens. After I meet other people again, I will go to Sazek with Orpheus. There.”

“…Well, go early and return early. Sister Lias and I will be waiting for you in the underworld.” Said the cat on tiptoe and gave Long Cheng a parting kiss.

“I will, and the exercises I taught you should also practice well.”

“Well, sister Lias and I have been practicing.”

“That’s good, then I’ll go first.” After saying goodbye, Long Cheng said goodbye to the kitten and teleported away from the woods.

Now that Kitten and Lias are just getting started, their strength growth is not that big. Rias probably has the power of an elite superior demon, but [Destroy] the magic is hard to entangle, the highest level of demon strength, Lias There is also a fighting force.

The kitten may also have this strength when using fairy magic, but in the [White Tone Mode], it probably has the strength of the most superior demon. Unfortunately, at this stage, the kitten’s status is too short to maintain.

By the way, Hyoto Ise can now maintain the ban for about four or five hours. If he uses [True Queen Mode], he can probably use the power of the elite superior demon. After all, Ise’s demon pieces are not upgraded, Chiryu Emperor The grievances of the Chiryu Emperors of the past generations in the hands of the cage have not been eliminated, and they are unable to exert all their power.

Afterwards, Long Cheng went to meet the people of the Supernatural Research Department one by one.

When Long Cheng was looking for other people, a crack in space suddenly appeared on a high mountain near Gremory Castle, and then several figures walked out.

“Na, na, Vali, why do I have to wait until the demons’ banquet starts before I can find Baiyin, Meow? If only then can I find Baiyin, why come here so early?” A man in a black kimono, figure The plump beautiful woman with a pair of black cat ears complained a little impatiently.

“Ka, Ka, Ka, Hei Ge, I know you want to see your sister, but [Scarred Dragon Saint Emperor] is there. If we are discovered, we will die.

Wali couldn’t even hold on to three moves in his hands. If he didn’t pay attention to us last time, Valli and I couldn’t leave at all. “It was not Wali who answered Hei Ge’s words, but a young man wearing light armor, a golden hoop on his head and carrying a stick. The young man let out a hearty laugh, but when he talked about Long Cheng, he expressed his expression. But it became serious.

“Monkey, this is true!? Wali is the strongest [White Dragon Emperor] in all dynasties. You are also the heir to the Fighting Buddha. You two join forces. With Wali’s artifact and your fairy skills, Even the devil can’t catch you!” Hei Ge said in surprise.

“Hei Ge, what the monkey said is true. Long Cheng, he has surpassed the limit of the Chiryu Emperor’s cage hand. I am still far behind him, but soon I will be able to catch up. It is also true that we came here so early. In order to observe him more, I hope I can gain something.” Valli affirmed what the monkey said, and then said with fighting spirit.

“This is the posture our master should have. In the face of such an enemy, we should be cautious.” A young man with blond hair, glasses, and a suit, with two long swords in his hand, pushed. Glasses, said seriously.

“Crack, crack, crack, Arthur is right. But I shouldn’t be found here.”

“Okay, then I’ll just bear with it. But I really miss Baiyin. Although there are reasons for it, I really left Baiyin at the beginning.”

“Ka, Ka, Ka, it’s only about ten days before the banquet, and it passed quickly.

By the way, Arthur, what about that kid Lufei? ”

“Lu Fei, she said she would stay at the base camp to look after the house for us. According to her statement:’How can there be no one to look after the house as a base camp? And you don’t usually clean, just take this opportunity to have a big cleaning. People will do it. Good food is waiting for you to come back, don’t always learn from Valli to eat instant noodles.’ That’s what the kid said.” Arthur said with a smile.

“By the way, how long are we going to stay here? Don’t you have to wait until the banquet starts?” Half an hour later, the monkey said a little impatiently. It is really hard for him to let a monkey stay in one place and do nothing.

“Meow, people are worried about Baiyin’s safety. After all, cultivating immortal arts is dangerous.

And I can also practice immortal arts and witchcraft, anyway, these two only need to feel the flow of natural aura. ”

“I don’t care, there’s nothing to do anyway.” Vali replied after practicing magic and dragon power for a while.

“Underneath, too.” Arthur said, sitting cross-legged on a rock, holding a sword in both hands.

“Ah~ah~ I don’t have the patience of yours. Compared with that, I hope I can play a good match against a strong opponent.” The monkey complained while sitting on the ground.

“Oh~ Really?” A sudden voice awakened everyone, and Valli and others immediately made preparations for battle.

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