Chapter 252 250.The gods at dusk after school 1

“I propose Opai Maid Cafe!”

“turn down!”

Rias vetoed Hyoudou Issei’s proposal immediately.

Today’s club activities are about discussing what activities will be held during the school day. Although the situation is urgent, it must be decided in advance. So everyone spared one day today to come to school.

“Listen well, Ise. Show off hue may get a good evaluation, but it should not pass the student union, the school will reject it.”

“Ah~Can Nian~” Hyoudou Issei said disappointedly.


“Yicheng, I won’t be able to pass my level before then~” Long Cheng said with a face of eel clutching Yicheng’s head.

“Gudong…Yes…I’m so overwhelmed, Master…”

“In other words, what project we are going to hold, we have to complete today.

Cheng, do you have any suggestions? Lias said with a smile watching the “love” interaction between the two.

“Emmm… COSPLAY cafe… how about it.

When the time comes, everyone will simply appear on the stage with a combat image and special costumes. ”

“Is this okay?”

“I think it’s a good idea.”

“Okay, I must show everyone the sparkle of angels~”

“Sounds funny, right, Isaiah?”

“As long as you don’t use power, President Cangna shouldn’t object.”

“Okay, it’s decided, the school celebration project is the COSPLAY cafe.”

Asacher has been drinking tea in the corner of the ministry. He rarely watched the meeting of the people quietly, but after seeing the sunset outside the window, he muttered to himself: “Twilight [RAGNAROK]…”

Hearing what Asacher said, everyone couldn’t help but look serious.

That’s right… After this, everyone in the Supernatural Research Department is about to fight Loki.

“Jingle Bell–!”

The bell announcing the end of club activities rang in the campus.

It’s too early to welcome the dusk of the gods [RAGNAROK]—you guys, cheer up and work hard.


…The moment of decisive battle…

The sun has gone down, and the time has come to night.

The crowd stayed at the place where the old man Odin met with the Japanese gods, on the roof of a high-end hotel in Tokyo, under the control of [Godko Watcher].

Xidi’s family members stood by on the roofs of surrounding buildings.

You can see a small figure in the distance.

Asachel followed Odin as the intermediary of the meeting.

In order to replace Azazel, who was unable to participate in the battle, Balakil stayed on the roof with everyone on standby. Rossweiser also put on his armor and prepared to fight.

There is also the figure of Tanny high in the sky. If you show up directly, being seen by someone will definitely cause an uproar, so he used a spell to prevent ordinary people from seeing him.

Valli and others were also standing by not far away.

“Time is up.” Lias said, looking at her watch.

“Don’t play tricks. It’s amazing.” Long Cheng said while looking in one direction.

Everyone also followed Long Cheng’s gaze.

The space above the hotel is distorted, gradually forming a big hole.

It was Loki the evil god and Fenrir the huge gray wolf that appeared from it.

“Confirm the target. The battle begins.” Balakil spoke through a small communicator equipped on his ear, and a huge enchantment magic circle unfolded and enveloped the hotel.

The Xidi family members headed by Cangna launched a large magic circle in order to transfer Long Cheng and others, Loki and Fenrir to the battlefield.

Loki felt it too, but only showed a fearless smile without resistance.

The strong light envelops everyone——

When Long Cheng opened his eyes again, he was already in an open land.

There are bare rocks everywhere, and here should be an abandoned stone quarry prepared for battle.

“Master Loki, if we leave now, we can still let the past go.” Rossweiser said coldly.

There was a disdainful smile on Loki’s face, and a weird magic circle spread out behind it.

A large number of [UL], headed by twelve figures, looked at everyone fiercely. In the future, Loki will be among the twelve, and four of them have particularly strong killing intent in their eyes.

“Loki, this is the God of Root [True Red Dragon Saint Emperor] and Orpheus, one of the [Infinite Dragon God]?

Although they are very strong, they are not enough to defeat [Luohu Qiyao] adults. ”

One of the four appeared to be the existence of a giant mechanical dragon and asked the future Loki.

“Yes, Lord Galvardan. According to the information, it was because of [Ice Emperor Cang Yue] and others…”

“It turns out that this time the evil gods have dragged them down, [Jidu Tianhai] two adults, and the five demon gods five pillars and five adults, please help us eliminate the hateful [True Red Dragon Saint Emperor].”

The seven people standing in the front nodded indifferently.

Afterwards, Long Cheng used the power of [Absolute Mist] and [Blue Innovative Box Garden] to open up a huge space to transfer himself, Orpheus, and the twelve people on the opposite side.

The strength of everyone is too strong, even the specially strengthened field cannot withstand the aftermath of a few people’s battles.

“We are the family members of Lord Ghost and God [Jidu Tianhai], this time we are acting together with Lord Demon God’s five-pillar family members and [Seven Lights] Rezo Loyard’s subordinates [Four Generals].

[True Emperor Chilong] Take it to death! ”

Two silver mechanical devices fused together called [Jidu Tianhai] shined.

One of the devices was shining with light blue brilliance, and the weather in the different space began to become frantic, with countless storms, thunders, and hail appearing.

The other was dark blue. The earth in the different space began to crack, and countless water jets spurted out. In a flash, the boundless earth turned into the boundless sea.

The mechanical devices on the other five were shining with five colors, and the five elements of wind, fire, thunder, electricity, and rain rioted in an instant.

The four men known as the Four Generals, of which Garvardan is a mechanical dragon.

Of the other three, one summoned a huge space battleship, with dangerous energy fluctuations shining from countless muzzles.

One person began to separate into pieces, constantly changing the shape.

The last one entered the huge battleship.

The army of the EXE world seems to be taking the road of dual repairs of science and military, and the mechanical devices integrated on their bodies should be devices that can increase their special abilities.

Although they didn’t borrow power from Cthulhu and others this time, Long Cheng and Orpheus didn’t have any assistance this time.

Long Cheng took a deep breath, and said solemnly to Orpheus: “This time I will be desperate.”

“…Well, don’t leave me this time.” Orpheus said with a smile while holding Long Cheng’s hand.


After all, Long Cheng raised his left hand and began to chant:

“Guren Chilong who lives in my body, surpass the domineering Ultimate–

The real red dragon who lives in my body, become the emperor of all peoples——

The infinite god of feather color——

The shining god of dreams——

Witnessing the taboo, we accept each other——

With infinite brilliance, you walk towards the future in my shining universe! ”

With Long Cheng’s chanting, the true red and Ruyu spiritual power rose up, and the two-color spiritual power turned into two dragons entwined each other.

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