The golden ring on David's claw wrist that was given by Salena once again trembled amid the gathering of magic power.

A layer of rock armor quickly condensed on his body.

【Petrified Armor】

Let the hail like rain beat on your body, making a crackling sound, and then condensed into ice.

No evasion at all.

And as the ice gathers and absorbs, it becomes larger and larger, and in the blink of an eye it looks like a small iceberg falling from the sky.

Bailong, who was low in the sky, was a little panicked when he saw this scene. He thought that his attack was too harsh and he was stunned before the other party could react.

He immediately took a sharp breath and tried to use his ice dragon breath to control the opponent's almost out-of-control diving speed.

After all, it is a silver dragon belonging to the cold element, and its breath can at best be regarded as a storm.

And if the other party fell to death like this, those unreasonable silver dragons would probably form a team and go to the Old World to take away their own dragon nest!

There is also a nest of white dragon children in her nest that she has just trained to know how to hunt in the sea and how to support her old mother.

If she was raised from the same litter again as she was ten years ago, she would really suffer from postpartum depression!

But how did David know that this white dragon was 'compassionate'? He simply thought that the white dragon was so stupid that he was planning to use the dragon's breath against him.

So when he was less than 500 meters away from the opponent, he suddenly broke away, like a diamond gourd baby emerging from the rock, adjusting his course and raising his body.

But under the blessing of such terrifying dynamic acceleration, the exploding rocks and ice blocks covered the landing point of the West Coast Barbarians like grenades.

"What kind of magic is this!?"

Seeing this terrifying dragon scene like a meteor shower, the ice breath that was preparing to go out in Bailong's mouth leaked out from the side like a hiccup on the spot, and then he closed his mouth immediately.

If one of these things fell into her mouth while she was breathing in, she would probably become the first adult dragon in history to be stoned to death.

The coverage area of ​​this rain of rocks is so large that it is impossible to avoid it.

She could only curl up her figure as much as possible, and then opened a layer of [Ice Shield] with all her strength.

But almost as soon as she opened her shield, it was shattered by rocks that were traveling at over 200 kilometers per hour like solid cannonballs, exploding into thousands of drifting ice crystals and snowflakes.

Immediately afterwards, the second piece of cake hit her chest with Bailong's disbelieving eyes, causing it to dent on the spot.

She felt like several of her ribs might be broken.

He let out a scream of pain on the spot and fell from a low altitude.

King Gilal was leading a group of barbarians to retreat towards the longship docked on the coast when he heard the screams of the white dragon, and suddenly everyone's heart seemed to jump out of their chests.

That's an adult white dragon!

Could it be that young silver dragons and even adult silver dragons have arrived on the battlefield?

King Gilal looked back and saw the white dragon falling from a low altitude and landing directly above the woodland temple.

At the same time, he also noticed a silver dragon with scales all over its body gleaming in the moonlight roaring towards their heads, and then countless rocks that looked like raindrops quickly enlarged.

"Raise your shield! Dodge quickly!"

King Gilal shouted, but his voice was almost drowned by the deafening roar, and he could only hide himself behind the slope as he slid down the coastal slope.

The whistling sound was getting closer and louder, as if the scythe of death was swinging towards their heads.

Suddenly, a series of muffled roars instantly shook the coastal landing place. As far as the entire field of vision could be seen, the elf tree house that had been plundered by them was smashed into pieces, and debris and rotten trees rose into the sky.

The soil slope behind him was also bombarded by the 'meteors falling from the sky' one after another. The soil slope behind him seemed to be trembling, sand and gravel kept rolling down, and there was flying dust everywhere.

King Gilal saw with his own eyes that a guard holding a shield was turned into a broken wreckage along with his shield. He also saw at least half of the longship capsize and slowly sink in the countless splashing water columns.

"No!" This made his heart ache.

He could accept the death of some people, but the damage to the ship meant that not everyone might get on the ship.

This is troublesome!

When the bursts of explosions that shook the earth gradually faded away, the surviving barbarians raised their heads in disbelief. The originally pleasant coast was completely unrecognizable, filled with smoke and dust, and the pits were full of pulp. Corpses and broken bucklers.

Originally, they were glad that although this 'magic' was powerful, its accuracy was somewhat mushy. However, when they, like King Gilal, noticed that at least half of the longship had been sunk, they immediately felt numb. First of all, they noticed Those who found it could only grab a few belongings from the corpse and rush to the surviving ships as soon as possible.

The situation soon devolved into a longboat full of people from different tribes who began to tussle over a spot in the pit home.

Unlike the elven ship, which is fine if it is overloaded, the barbarian longship basically has one person per position. If it is overloaded too much, it will easily capsize. They also plundered a lot of property this time.

Just as the barbarians were fighting for the tickets to return home, the roar on the sea struck again.

"The dragon is back!!!"

The group of barbarians were frightened into despair. Many of the barbarians who were still lying on the boat quickly jumped into the sea to escape the terrifying magic.

If this happens again, will they go back?

What surprised the barbarians was that when the dragon turned back from the sea, its speed seemed to have finally returned to normal.

And he ignored their intentions at all and headed straight towards the white dragon on the other side of the temple.

A group of barbarians who were already severely overloaded quickly paddled the oars and started their great escape towards the sea carrying the stolen goods.

A dozen barbarians who had escaped the air attack just emerged from the sea. What they saw were their compatriots who had gone away and the group of high elves who had returned.

"The advantage is mine! Make great achievements today, go for it!"

David on the other side was flying towards the white dragon that he had 'plotted' with excitement on his face, preparing to capture an adult dragon on his own to give his father and his sister a little shock.

As a result, the white dragon seemed to have sensed his arrival and intention. It immediately kicked up its limbs and flapped its wings like a frightened old hen, got up and flew out of the temple with skylights opened, and followed Dai. Wei made a circle on the coast and fled towards the sea without looking back.

David, who was so angry that he had run out of fuel, could only yell angrily from behind:

"Run you, Ma! Come back to me!"

It's just that this time the distance between the two is too far, and even David's rage power cannot reach the range of influence.

This made David very angry.


Looking at the Dragon Lord jumping on the beach, Siatt and Evgeny, who were directing the elves to gather the prisoners, felt that this scene seemed familiar, looked at each other, and then sighed together.

My own dragon master is always so energetic no matter where he goes.

And strong.

Being targeted by such a person, the High Elf Kingdom

I'm afraid it might be difficult.

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