Ever since he was a guest at Silver Castle and was slightly shocked by the exotic scenery, David has always felt that his aesthetic threshold for architecture has been raised.

It feels like a young man who has lived in a third- or fourth-tier city for the first time to appreciate the prosperity of a first-tier city and experience a national first-level scenic spot before going to other big cities or other tourist destinations. Although the experience may not be the same. They are all different, but they will never have the same strong impression as the first time.

So this time when he entered the Devonsere Palace with the honor guard, David felt that it was just like that.

Even after traveling through time and becoming a giant dragon, all of his aesthetic talent is focused on appreciating the beauty of living things, not the beauty of art.

Even because of his instinct to identify 'property' as a giant dragon, when he looked at the statue of the current Elf King Eliandor in front of the palace, he always felt that it looked like it had been temporarily renovated, and there was no trace of it at all. 'year'.

David's constantly looking eyes naturally attracted the attention of Father Dragon behind him, and he resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Due to the large number of elves around him, he still gave up the desire to speak.

He was afraid that after he told David the truth, if the unscrupulous son of the red dragon laughed out loud because of his masterpiece, and got closer to take a look, it would be very embarrassing.

Being able to repair the surface damage caused by the big sewer explosion in Devonsere City in one night, I guess the group of court mages who had been up all night were already so tired that they were cursing.

As the current envoy of Dragon Island, this is not her first time here. Only Tanya, the dragon sister, who sat on her brother David's head for the first time to 'open her eyes', could not help but gleam in her eyes. Let out bursts of exclamation.

But as David who knows his sister Tanya best, he can guarantee that this girl born from a dragon mother probably does not have as high a sense of aesthetics as him.

Ever since he entered the palace, he probably had directly converted everything he saw into dragon treasure.

Maybe he has some crazier idea in his heart than his red dragon brother.

But in this way, especially after the honor guard of Duke Silver stopped outside the palace, David and his group of dragons were like a family of tourists coming from Dragon Island to check in and visit the scenic spots in the New World. Such contempt for the elf kingship naturally caused The high elf guards around him looked at him with dissatisfaction.

But they were guests of the king after all, and one of the silver dragons among them was a hero rushing to the border coast. When the palace attendants who led them did not say anything to stop them, they guards were even less qualified to say anything.

But as David and the others continued to go deeper, they felt that the atmosphere began to become more serious and dull. Gradually, even Tanya seemed to feel something. She hugged the back of David's neck and just watched without speaking.

Soon, when they arrived at the innermost Elf Palace, when the lonely Silver Duke walked in, Silver Dragon, a member of the David family who was following not far behind, was stopped.

"Your Excellency David Yutos, Miss Salena, please rest for a while in the side hall and wait for the summons from His Majesty the Elf King."

Although this was the first time in his two lives that David had met with a 'national leader', he knew that the process of the meeting was indeed very similar.

But what all the dragons know is that at this moment, the Elven Palace in front of them will definitely not be as peaceful as the flowers and brocade outside the city.

What was waiting for Grand Duke Baiyin inside was probably a scene no less than the Hongmen Banquet.

The arrival of Grand Duke Baiyin in person, paper, could not stop the anger after all.

The high elves are afraid that they will use this to bring all the conflicts in the Elf Kingdom to the table.

In this kind of situation, it is naturally not suitable to be displayed in front of their group of silver dragons from Dragon Island.

What surprised David was that after arriving at the side hall, even Yevgeny was led to another separate hall by the palace attendant.

Only Tanya, who was carefree, or should be said not to care at all even if she felt anything, saw the reception and banquets in the hall, and she directly transformed into a silver dragon and pounced on it:

"Wow, there's really a lot to eat. If I had known, I wouldn't have had breakfast!"

"Save your stomach, the main meal of the banquet will be at noon." David greeted his sister.

Tanya, a poor child born from the Red Dragon Nest in the Old World, had never seen such a luxurious scene. Her mouth was full of oil while eating and she said with a troubled face:

"Well! I'll just eat a little first, just a little."

Seeing that his father seemed a little worried, David couldn't help but said:

"What are you in a hurry here? You should eat and drink. Miliri is a legend."

"That's right." Although Atilicia responded like this, she still couldn't eat.

Miliri is indeed a legend, but after all, she is just a brave and capable Elf Sword Dancer. What if the Elf King Eliandor and the old man set up a trap to harm Miliri?

Like poison in the wine or something.

This move is not uncommon in the history of high elves.

Especially after the dark elves split off and became drow, all kinds of fancy poisons were secretly learned by the sanctimonious high elves, princes and nobles.

When she thought of this, Artilicia, who was full of sorrow, drank a large glass of wine to calm down her shock.

Immediately, he reacted belatedly and said:

"You brat, you are so arrogant that you can call me the Duke of Silver Wheel. Do you also call Miliri by his first name? If you were left here in Seorus City, you would probably be beaten in the street by the elves."

Salena on the side sounded quite sour. Apparently there were many naughty silver dragons calling her by her real name when she was on Dragon Island, but why didn't she see this guy come forward to defend her?

David even flicked his tail indifferently:

"Milliri asked me to call her that. You are really lenient. You treat her as a friend, so you don't allow me to make friends with her? In the worst case, we can have our own affairs from now on. I will call you dad and I will call her dad." My name is Mili, can’t we just call her by her first name when the three of us are together at the same time?”

"What the hell." Artilicia almost spit out the sip of wine she just drank.

I think you are the only one who talks about seniority like this.

But when she thought about Elizabeth, who was older than him, she couldn't tell whether to call him uncle or call him by his first name at first.

Suddenly he felt guilty and stopped talking.

After all, if the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, he seems to have no qualifications to beat his own son in this regard.

But soon he was surprised again.

No, when did the relationship between my son and Miliri become so good?

But before Artilicia had time to talk to David, there seemed to be a faint noise coming from the main hall next door.

Except for Tanya, who was immersed in eating, the ear webs of the three silver dragons stood up at the same time.

But the design of the Elf Palace is still very particular.

Even though the elves in the main hall next door, who are always known for being "gentle and arrogant", actually made such a noise, due to the interference of the building's partitions and some kind of magic, they still couldn't hear what was being said next door.

But this didn't bother David. Since he couldn't hear clearly from a distance, he could just get closer.

So under the stunned gazes of Atilicia and Salina, the two Dragon Island envoys, David directly put his big head on the door, and soon his eyes widened. This naturally attracted the attention of Father Dragon. Curious about:

"What are those elves arguing about?"

"There is magic interference, but I still can't hear clearly. I just heard something about being crowned king? Why don't you come and listen to it yourself?"

"Kingdom?! What's going on?" Artilicia, who was originally concerned about Miliri's safety, was shocked.

And when I thought that I was no longer the envoy of Dragon Island, but just a 'Mrs. Antonela' who liked to listen to gossip, I ignored it and listened to the corner.

"Isn't this not good for you guys?" As the messenger of Dragon Island, Salena didn't know what to say for a moment.

I don’t know how long it took, but she finally tasted a little while still keeping some belly. When Tanya turned around with satisfaction, she couldn’t help opening her mouth, and the piece of mousse cake she was holding in her paws fell silently. on the ground.

The three silver dragons, including my brother and father, were lying on the door leading to the main hall of the palace with their buttocks sticking out, swaying their tails, and whispering "click" from time to time.

Tanya immediately stretched her neck and raised her ear flippers, extremely curious:

"What are you doing? I want to listen too!"

When David and his son heard the noise, they suddenly felt bad and turned around.

What I saw was Tanya running all the way like a large cow cat:

"No, no, no! Don't come over!"

In front of the Elf King's Palace.

Due to the arrival of the Silver Archduke who was guarding the southern border of the kingdom, some border nobles who were eager to stand in line or eager to take the opportunity to see the situation clearly arrived early on hippogryphs after receiving the message.

The entire royal hall can be said to be the most complete and unprecedentedly spectacular arrival of nobles since Elf King Eliandor came to power.

The last time so many elven nobles gathered together was when the Elf King Eliandor was passed on to the throne by the previous king.

According to their original plan, this meeting was probably another temptation by His Majesty Eliandor to take advantage of recent events, and a rehearsal before the official confrontation between the Elf Kingship and these local powerful nobles.

But what all the elves expected was that this time, His Majesty Eliando, who had always followed the rules in their eyes and respected the opinions of the Council of Elders in everything, did not act according to common sense.

They didn't even wait for them to request the restoration of the Seventh Fleet's organization based on the achievements of the Seventh Fleet Navy as previously discussed;

To stay close and guard against another attack by those barbarians and recall part of the navy;

As well as seeking to reduce local taxes this year to strengthen the garrison at the coastal border, etc.

Their Majesty Eliando directly threw a king bomb:

"In view of the fact that the Duke of Silver Wheel, Miliri Elisabeth Scalia, has made great achievements in guarding the frontier, and has become famous.

"In line with the long-term considerations of the High Elf Kingdom, I now recommend the Duke of Silver Wheel to be the King of Seorus! The southern territory is bounded by the Palm Song River.

"For generations to defend Devensel, protect the kingdom of high elves and its people."

As soon as the kingship order came out, it was not only Grand Duke Silver who looked at the expressionless Elf King Eliando sitting on top of him in disbelief.

The elves and nobles in the entire royal court who had their own concerns all showed extremely shocked expressions, and soon countless voices of admonishment became louder than a cauldron.

But this time, the Elf King Eliando seemed to be indifferent as if he was determined by the weight of the scale.

He just looked at Grand Duke Baiyin quietly, waiting for her to take orders.

Silver Grand Duke Miliri also showed an extremely painful and disappointed look, and asked the Elf King on the throne almost roaringly:

"Do you know what you are actually doing? Eliando!!!"

There will be another update in the evening. It seems that I am getting old after all. I started to have backache and back pain after paying the public food too many times. Seeing the monthly tickets that Zhujun received at the end of the month like snowflakes, Lao Qi felt very ashamed and decided to start quitting smoking from now on. After having sex with women for half a year, I can't let women affect the speed of coding. Hey, let's suffer for my wife first.

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