Dreams themselves are a very magical thing, especially lucid dreams.

In his previous life, David would always wake up between two and four in the morning because he wasn't sleeping well, and then fall back asleep in that groggy state, making it easy for him to enter the penultimate or final sleep cycle. dream, so that you can still remember some of the dream content when you wake up.

As you recall more details of your dreams, as well as the number and frequency of your dreams, a situation will easily arise:

‘Hey, I seem to have had this dream. ’

‘No, so I’m dreaming now? ’

Congratulations, you entered a lucid dream.

Lucid dreaming is often a nightmare that children cannot escape from in their childhood, but it is the ultimate experience that adults long for.

Because in a lucid dream, you are the master of the dream, flying to the sky and the earth, transforming into a sword fairy, and capable of anything.

Yes, it is not impossible to conjure up a passionate island girl out of thin air on the street corner and go to Wushan together, or to directly turn the dream into some kind of evil time stasis game.

Of course, inexperienced novices often wake up directly from their dreams due to excessive emotion at this time, and then regret it.

David, who had had this experience several times, took this interest to browse the web and discovered that according to incomplete surveys, only about 50% of people have experienced a lucid dream once in their lives, but 100% of people have experienced a lucid dream once in their lives. About 20 people have experienced it once in the past month.

That is to say, every five people will have this kind of wonderful experience occasionally, but whether they can realize that they are in the dreaming stage in their dreams depends entirely on luck.

But there are also some "smart people" who have long found some tips for lucid dreaming, such as the famous Nobel Prize winner Feynman and the famous director Nolan.

As for the person who played the lucid dream the most, it was the founder of the electrical age - Nikola Tesla, the "King of Thunder and Lightning".

In Tesla's memoirs, he has been able to achieve: flash into dream + absolute clarity + holographic simulation + ignore the rules of physics

He also claimed that in the process of invention research, some projects no longer require drawings or models. He can complete this series of work through holographic simulation in a lucid dream, and then return to reality and verify it with the help of physical laws.

In other words, if Tesla is willing, he can play the game of building alien civilizations light years away.

To a certain extent, it can be regarded as a superpower in reality. It completely destroyed Charlotte's mind temple in the TV series.

What David has to do now is to try to find the feeling of being half asleep and half awake in his previous life.

But unfortunately, the dragon's body was not comparable to that of a mere human being. David, who had been running around for half a year, fell directly into a deep sleep, snoring loudly.

I don’t know how long I slept for. After my desire to sleep was satisfied, just when David’s eyelids were moving rapidly and he was about to wake up, he vaguely heard the familiar voice again:

"The Crimson Disaster."

"The Lord of all ends."

"The Blood Demon."

"Please give me strength again."

"Nah! Come back!" Just when David woke up instinctively because of [fury].

Suddenly, I always feel that these words seem a bit familiar.

"Hey, I seem to have had this dream."

"No, so I'm dreaming now?"

"Don't get excited, lower your awareness, let nature take its course first," David hinted to himself in his mind.

This is a step that is not necessary after entering the dream and understanding the dream, but before controlling the dream, which is to consolidate the dream.

Because many novices who have no experience with this kind of lucid dream often wake up directly due to deep thinking during this step.

Although David has a lot of experience in this, the problem is that his body as a red dragon is so good now that he doesn't feel physically and mentally exhausted at all as a human being.

It is easy to wake up directly like so many times before, with a slight mood swing or a faster thinking speed.

Just after the familiar voice came again, David did nothing this time and remained half asleep.

Sure enough, this time the dream finally stabilized, and there was a follow-up:

"Hong Lin, are you praying to that unknown existence of yours again? How about it, still no response?"

As David struggled to open his eyes, he finally sensed the presence of light and saw the girl called Red Scales by another boy.

I don’t know if it’s because the perspective is shaking and there’s a ‘glass’ between them, so David can’t see the girl’s true face clearly. He can only barely see two similar stars on her head. The devil may also be the 'goat horns' of the dragon's horns.

'Tiefling? Demon blood? No, the nickname Red Scale could not be referring to a half-dragon with the blood of a red dragon, right? ’

Is it still a dream of a fantasy and magical worldview?

David was immediately disappointed. He originally wanted to use lucid dreaming to return to Blue Star and get two bottles of Happy Water to quench his thirst.

Just as David was thinking slowly at an extremely slow thinking speed, the young man saw the red scales and stopped talking, and immediately continued to say noisily:

"I'm just saying, how can those beings answer the prayers of us 'bastards'? With this energy, it's better to eat more and sleep more. When you get here, don't think about going out. It's better to If I survive for a few more years, I might be able to become a 'breed' Dangdang, when the time comes, hehehehe."

Just when David was still wondering what the 'breed' was, a faint sound of gasping could be heard. David turned his angle of view with great effort, and was shocked to see a group of men and women separated by a fence, in twos and threes, having sex with nature. The matter of reproduction, and separated by a wall, are Hong Lin and his group of children who have not grown up.

"Ah," David couldn't help but start to reflect. Could it be that he had been holding back for too long because of his young dragon body since time traveling? So much so that the first lucid dream was so 'sinful'.

Hong Ling did not react too much to this offensive remark, but said calmly but firmly:

"Have you forgotten that time before? If you hadn't wasted precious time because you were afraid of being punished, I would have almost escaped from here with you."

As soon as these words came out, several of the surrounding alien children fell silent. Only the young man's voice continued to sound:

"But didn't those vampires say that your bloodline was awakened? I told you not to continue. The purer your bloodline, the harder you will be beaten."

"Stop talking, someone is coming."

With another child's reminder, David's perspective suddenly flipped and he was hidden in a dark place.

In a daze, I felt as if the red scales were being put into my trouser pocket.

What on earth is this dream of mine?

No wonder the previous perspective was so strange, as if he had dreamed of a land of giants.

Soon, as the door opened, there was a man's indifferent voice:

"Be honest and follow me."

I don’t know how long it took, but in response to the sound of weak and thin footsteps, the voice finally sounded again:

"Hey, the quantity requested from the Royal Capital is relatively large this time, so it's not quite enough."

"Can't you just pump a little more as usual?"

"not enough."

"How much goods do you want? Show me the sample list. Gods, is this a fight again? Those rebels really can't stop."

"what to do?"

"What else can we do? Kill a few more. Although it's a bit of a loss, it's better than the angry ones above. If it doesn't work, let's go buy some more. By the way, that little warlock girl has to be kept, otherwise it will What a shame."

"Tsk, that's a pity. Two of them look quite iconic. They will be useful if they grow older."

As soon as they heard these indifferent and cruel words, these children, who were regarded like pigs and dogs, how could they not know that their doom had come? The young man who had 'molested' the red scales several times before roared directly. :

"Fight them, Red Scale, go away! I'll hold them back. Poof!"

"Little bastard, I already dislike you."


"Go away, little red dragonborn girl, be glad that you are worth more than these bastards."

David felt a violent tremor again, and along with a burst of bombardment, David felt like he was cracking. No, it was the instrument that bound his 'body' that seemed to be cracking.

Along with some sharp fragments, they penetrated into the soft flesh.

‘It seems like a bloody nightmare, nothing interesting. ' Just when David was about to open his eyes and go back to sleep to 'change the channel', he heard the familiar prayer again:

"The Crimson Disaster."

"The Lord of all ends."

"The Blood Demon."

"Please give me strength again."

"Please, I am willing to give my body, my soul, everything for this."

David, who was about to wake up on his own, suddenly felt as if something was calling and attracting him.

'Huh' David, who had not been able to do anything at first, suddenly thought of a possibility and immediately 'thought' along that possibility.

According to the logic of some kind of magic summons in the real world, David responded with some difficulty with relatively stagnant thinking:

"Haha, then, the deal is done, now you are mine."

The next moment, David felt like he was 'merging' with something.

It should be, mostly blood, blood with red scales.

Just like in Inception, David felt himself falling into a deeper dream, and then he felt the existence of his 'body' again, smelled the smell of blood, and heard the noise like a slaughterhouse.

Finally, ‘Dream Control’ succeeded.

David suppressed the excitement in his heart and slowly opened his eyes. What he saw was two strong men kneeling down the first young man who seemed to be a half-dragon on a pottery jar. 'Killing pigs and bleeding them'.

And he didn't know whether it was because the other party was a half-dragon with strong vitality or because this was his dream, but the young man who had been fatally injured and had his neck swabbed and bled was actually not dead yet and still couldn't live. Struggling.

But several of the 'comrades' had long been completely frightened by the bloody scene in front of them. After being beaten continuously, they had shrunk in the corner with ashen expressions, until they were shocked to find that the red-scaled 'eldest sister' who had been knocked down earlier took over. The professional was able to stand up again after a heavy punch.

Naturally, the changes in the children's movements could not be hidden from the two professionals. One of the men frowned and looked back with a sneer:

"It seems that I want to give you a taste of the malicious torture from the adult world in advance."

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it!" David, who had just succeeded in 'controlling dreams', also grinned:

But I don’t know if it’s because of traveling through the Red Dragon for many years. This smile, because of the mismatch of facial muscles, the corners of the lips on both sides were directly torn open, exposing the entire white and bloody gums.

Coupled with David's eyes that couldn't conceal his excitement, he looked ferocious and terrifying.

".Gods on high!" The man who had killed countless lives a long time ago was frightened by this sudden and horrifying scene and took two steps back, bumping into the man behind him.

"What are you doing? Don't disturb me from my work."

The other person was stunned for a moment when he turned around, and then laughed angrily:

"Made, you scared me, and you are 'pretending to be a ghost' here again, but you are just a warlock girl with an awakened bloodline. Seeing that you were so scared, others thought you were possessed by a demon without knowing it."

He immediately let go of the lifeless dragon-born boy, holding a bloodletting knife and walking towards 'David' with a grin, before he could continue to speak.


David, who was angry for some reason, frowned his beautiful eyebrows and held his chin:

"It's just that you don't look like vampires at all."


David blinked.

In the next second, the two originally strong human soldiers in front of him turned into his stereotypical image of vampires with pale skin, deep-set eye sockets and sharp bat-like 'teeth'.

"Tsk, it is indeed a dream."

It can change at any time according to his consciousness.

'etc! Can power be stacked in a 'lucid dream'? Damn it, Zundu is fake? ’

This sudden surprise almost made David wake up laughing. He quickly followed his past experience and squatted down, pressing his hands on the ground to maintain a calm mind and the 'dream' that was about to collapse.

On the other side, the human soldiers discovered that each other had changed. No, the two 'vampires' immediately screamed at each other in horror:

"What's going on! Ah, my body, no, your face."

"Kill 'her'! Demonic possession! It must be demonic possession! Kill her and we can change back."

Facing the two charging warriors, before David's drunken body had time to react, his neck was held down and he was stabbed into a hornet's nest by two bloodletting knives.

It seems to hurt a little bit, but it doesn't hurt much. It's just an itch that feels far away.

After all, it is just an imaginary feeling reflected in the brain. If it exceeds a certain threshold, it will definitely wake up.

"Red scales!"

"Big sister!"

A group of dragonborn children finally broke through their fear and wanted to step forward to help, but they were knocked unconscious and fell down by several elbow blows and direct kicks.

But 'David', who should have died a long time ago, survived, and instinctively used his bastard fist to fight back.

It's obvious that I'm excited in my head, but I just can't get up to the strength of my hands.

It's like my body has become a doll that I operate in the game of 'Animal Party', and it's not that easy.

‘Made, it would be great if I could use my claws like in reality. I’ll give you seconds every minute. ’ David thought.


Then David's right hand seemed to have directly used power. During a burst of abstract squirming, it turned into a pair of dragon claws, poof!

A black tiger took out his heart, and sure enough he was killed on the spot.

The hand that was holding his neck tightly also fell down.

"Monster! Demon! Ah!!!"

The other guy was also frightened to death by this sudden situation that could not be explained by common sense. Faced with a completely 'unkillable' monster, he was afraid that he would become the next victim, so he fled out of the cell.

"Don't run away!"

David, who had just started playing enthusiastically, instinctively wanted to use the power [Rage] to pull the monster back, but when he thought that this was just a dream, he still hadn't decided which of the stacked powers would count. ', but wasting it unintentionally would be a huge loss.

That feeling is just like many times in the dream, I found a lot of money somewhere in the house and I was so excited. When I woke up, I thought, hey, where is my money? !

Wow, what a disappointment!

‘Wait a minute, my current body seems to be that of a girl? ’

David suddenly reacted and instinctively touched his chest with his delicate hands that had not changed into claws.

It's a pity that it doesn't have the warm and fragrant nephrite touch as expected. Instead, it is bloody and a bit disgusting.

David, who suddenly lost all his worldly desires, was immediately distracted by other things. He bent down and picked up the bloodletting knife. He waved it twice like picking up a knife handed out by his teammates in a CSGO game. He found it. The feel.

Then he completely forgot about the children behind him who were supposed to be his companions, waving the 'long dagger' in one hand and waving the claw of the 'biochemical mode' twice with the other.

It’s like being thrown into a remote place for more than ten years and finally playing the ‘Chuan Xin’ version of a new game, with the ‘Health Lock Plug-in’ and ‘Console’ enabled.

He immediately went out with excitement on his face.

"Come on more monsters, come on more monsters!"

And ‘Dreamland’ quickly responded to David.

"Mage! Use [Exorcism] quickly, she is possessed by a demon!"

"Mage? You're the one who'll be the last to win!"

David immediately came to the confused magician with a [Charge] from [Jealousy]. The dagger in his hand completely ignored the unknown protective spell that appeared, and went straight into the neck, and then Several people were knocked away by David's [Charge], and with a muffled bang, the mage who was still staring was pinned to the wall.

Then David, who had already found some touch, made an "eight-child girl" starting move, and once again [charged] without any 'cooling' at all on another soldier, and then hit the soldier in front of everyone's horrified eyes. The unlucky guy who had been 'dead' for a long time started tearing and whipping the corpse like crazy.

"What on earth is going on?" This scene seemed to have finally alerted the supervisor. He brought a group of people in, and saw David pressing a bloody man who had been hit by a series of blows to the ground and hammering him frantically until he reached the cell. The ground was sunk by it, and then he suddenly looked back with blood-colored eyes:

"Well, the arcade combo is fine, let's try this again."

David tried to spit out the dragon's breath like his own body, but the fire did not come out, but he vomited two liters of blood.

"Blood will do, too."

A scene appeared in David's mind where he turned into a zombie and killed everyone in the second level of a certain Metal Slug movie.


Everyone who had just arrived saw only the monster 'David', which suddenly spurted out a pillar of blood and rose into the sky.

After a while, David finally came outside where it was raining blood, but he couldn't spawn any more monsters.

He immediately jumped up on the spot.

He wanted to try to fly.

It's just that every time I jump to the second or third floor, I feel like I'm being pulled down by gravity.

But practice makes perfect, and a few minutes later, David, covered in blood and face excited,

Without growing wings, it completely ignored the laws of physics and gravity.

Soaring into the sky, like a 'Superman'.

This time, he wanted to stay in this 'lucid dream',

Have fun.

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