The red dragon just wants to do whatever he wants

Chapter 190 Where did you go wrong?

Almost as soon as David finished speaking, the mark of divine power on his right paw suddenly lit up.

Then he felt as if an invisible claw of just the right size grabbed him and pulled him straight up towards the endless straight dragon cliff.


To be honest, at that moment, David felt a little confused.

Extremely exhausted, he had already prepared for the start of a long march of thousands of miles. He had even conceived a plan in his mind to encounter the demons from the Bronze Fortress on the road. The other five-color dragons in the faction are making things difficult, and so on.

As a result, the moment the mark of divine power lit up, the style of the painting suddenly changed. It turned out that I had just arrived at the door of the mansion of my mother, the female CEO of the company where she was performing her duties. Before I could even press the doorbell, I was warmly greeted by the other party who had been prepared for it. Pulled in.

So during what was supposed to be a long and arduous flight and climb, I instantly had the illusion that the cliffs had turned into flat ground, as if I was being invited into a distant dimension surrounded by evil forces.

It feels like entering the Pantheon for the first time, the feeling of your soul gradually leaving your body.

Yes, I am truly entering the kingdom of a true God.

The sky here is always filled with dark clouds, flashing with restless red lightning.

Dragon Cliff is the only passage to Evil Scale Fortress, or Dragon Cliff itself is part of Evil Scale Fortress, or its outer interface.

Just like the heroic realm Joseph Garden is to the Warriors' Sleep in the Kingdom of God of War.

The road leading to the Kingdom of Dragon God is also filled with various kinds of pilgrims and five-color dragons who protect it.

With the acquiescence of the Dragon Queen, they built their nest on this endless dragon cliff.

This dragon cliff also seems to be able to naturally adapt to the demonic transformation reactions of different five-color dragon nests, turning them into lava, desert, mountain forests, swamps and glaciers on the dragon cliff.

The further up, the larger the nest is and the corresponding age of the dragon is higher.

At first, there were idle five-color dragons trying to block or collect the new arrivals' tolls, but before they could open their mouths, they saw the lava-like divine power engravings on David's arms and wrists. , either retracting back faster than when they probed like a black dragon, or worshiping on the glacier like a white dragon. Only the red dragons raised their heads and stared at David, the lucky man who had obtained the 'divine blessing', without any trace of it. Do not hide the envy, jealousy and hatred in your heart.

Because further up, those who have not been able to get rid of their attachment to treasure and greed, or whose faith is not enough to support the connection to the Dragon God Kingdom, will see

There will only be an empty nothingness.

Finally, as David's speed became faster and faster, he jumped out of the end of the dragon cliff. At the same time, he finally saw the appearance of the Kingdom of God in the spiritual vision of the material world.

It stands in a crater that seems to stand in the boundless void. The entire fortress seems to be made of black iron, but the surface is covered with undulating scaly lines, and along the perimeter of the fortress, there are continuous lines. Referring to the rune stone pillars in the five directions of the sky, boundless evil energy emerges from the upper level, and from time to time, black and red lightning flashes from one pillar to another.

It's just that at this moment, the Kingdom of God in the void is bordering another boundless 'Scarlet Battlefield'. Countless five-color dragons take off from the wall on the other side and rush towards the seemingly endless battlefield. There are countless "silk threads" connecting the outside of the distant bronze fortress, and the demons are coming one after another along these ladders to the sky.

It is almost needless to think that that is the center of this divine war, the divine kingdom of the God of War - the Warrior's Sleep.

As for the fortress wall, there is a palace complex with no edges visible. The five colors perfectly interact with each other, integrating the evil and ferocious atmosphere with the majestic atmosphere. Five-color dragon believers who died in battle are constantly being resurrected in this palace. , took a short rest and then continued to devote himself to the divine war that was unknown to last for tens or even hundreds of years.

And in the back of the kingdom of God, there are also many conscripts like David, who are receiving discipline in the five-color palace, or feasting on endless feasts, or fighting each other endlessly. With.

Just as David, a red dragon covered in blood scabs flying to the Evil Scale Fortress, appeared in the sky, many five-color dragons were attracted by the overwhelming bloody smell on his body due to his participation in the bloody battle for more than a month. He stopped what he was doing and looked over.

Even from a distance, David could tell through the expressions of these dragons that these people who were looking at him were talking about him.

How could we not know that this was probably because he dug the River Styx in anger and became famous in Baator Hell and even Evil Scale Castle.

Gradually, he discovered that the five-color dragons that originally stood on the high platform of the palace were following him on both sides like guards in a fortress.

‘What do they want to do? ' Almost as soon as this doubt emerged in David's head, his body turned around under the guidance of the divine power and began to fly towards the 'top' of the Evil Scale Fortress.

At that moment, he saw a dark cloud exuding an endless curtain of colorful light. As he got closer, he saw an evil scale fortress appearing in the endless dark cloud that seemed to be upside down in the void. '.

It's just that compared to the one under your feet, it looks even more majestic and ethereal. The dragons that always fall into it seem to have seen the thing they most expected in life. Thousands of them gather together to walk in the sky, shuttle among the five colors of the glow. The dragon roars constantly, like a chorus that resonates with the soul.

Wait until you are alive?

Damn it!

David suddenly lowered his head and saw that his 'other self' had closed his eyes and fell towards the top of the palace. Then he was caught in mid-air by the flying five-color dragons. One of them said without looking back:

"You can report back to Grand Duke Avernus that we have captured the person who 'broke' the Styx embankment." However, he turned a blind eye to the dragon soul flying to the Dragon God's dormitory.

".Trouble! I'm still caught! Tiamat tricked me!" David was speechless and choked for a moment.

But at the same time, I couldn’t help but think of a bardic joke circulating in Ellaria:

A mortal with weak faith once asked the devil in the skin of a priest:

"How can I see the gods I believe in as quickly as possible?"

The devil took out a dagger and stabbed the ungodly man in the chest, and said with a 'merciful' smile:

"Of course he died!"

"Ah, I'm dead!" David said to himself in pain.

"Yes, you are already 'dead', but you have also escaped the harshest and cruelest punishment in hell. Do you still have any dissatisfaction with this?

"Davyutos?" The voice was like a sigh from the other side of the sky, or like a whisper close to my ear. It was like five female voices of completely different styles overlapping together, but surprisingly harmonious.

David suddenly sat up in shock, putting one hand on the ground and the other on his forehead, as if he had just had a big dream.


"My hand!?" David suddenly found himself sitting naked in the cold five-black hall.

When he thought of the previous voice, he suddenly raised his head and saw five queens with different looks sitting on the high platform in front of them like a royal court. The red one was in the middle, with the most bold and bold sitting posture, with twinkling eyes. Facing the hot and dangerous firelight, his lips raised slightly.



"I'll wipe it!" Before David could look directly at the other four, he just blinked instinctively, and his 'body' transformed back into the body of a red dragon.

The royal court in front of him also turned into a hill-like high platform, with a colorful dragon lying on it, its huge colorful wings surrounding itself, and five dragon heads staring at him intently at the same time.

Located in the center and occupying the highest position is still the head of the red dragon. In addition to its majesty, it also exudes fiery charm. The blue and green heads are arranged on both sides. The blue eyes are deep, and the green ones flash with evil and evil. The cunning, skull-like black dragon head is full of mystery, and every move reveals elegance. The white dragon head exudes a pure and cold beauty, and sprays out ice-like frost mist between its breaths.

But as his desire arose, the body in front of him that made the dragon feel extremely majestic and full of power turned into five princesses who also had dragon scales attached to their key parts and were full of temptation.

"I have to say, the desires of you alien dragons are always so direct, and the eyes you look at your god are so naked. Don't you want to be my serving father when you grow up? This is not the case for a young dragon like you. It’s a job that I can do.”

"However, since you are so curious, I will satisfy you."

Like a sigh.

The next moment, David realized that he had become a 'Young Red Dragon' and walked into the five-color palace with a seductive whisper. A cold tail first wrapped around his ankle and pulled him in. In a tomb of destruction.

Then there was the lingering love affair with the five female giant dragons, red, blue, green, black and white, each with its own style.

They were dragons for a while, and humans for a while.

It's like a wedding of five equal parts.

For a few moments, David always felt as if he had had this sweet dream before.

The only difference in the 'dream' is that in the dream at that time, he was the leader, and all kinds of [Slaanesh], [Greed], [Arrogance], and [Sloth] were rotating endlessly, so that he could dominate endlessly. Go down.

But now he has become a servant, like a male ant who obliges to the female ant until similar, and also like an object to be exploited.

It’s just that both the public ants and the exploited will eventually bloom and bear fruit one day.

As a result, dragon eggs containing the essence of his blood were multiplied and piled up into mountains. Countless dragons reincarnated in the Kingdom of God broke out of their shells and became one of Tiamat's true children.

At that moment, David, who was fighting with both sides, finally understood.

This is one of the priesthoods of the Five Colored Dragon Queen.


And the moment I realized it.

He also fulfilled his mission as a 'servant father'.

David once again "sit up in shock in the midst of a dying illness" in the Five Color Palace. Looking at the five dragon heads of the Dragon Queen with their own unique smiles, David quickly covered his cloaca, clamped his legs, swung his tail and begged for mercy:

"I was wrong! Your Majesty! I shouldn't have been so disrespectful to you! Your Majesty, please forgive me!"

Even though he knew that it was just a little trick played by Tiamat, the Five-Colored Dragon Queen, using her divine power, it was just a push against his own thinking, logic and fantasy.

After all, the other party is already a Dragon God. Even if there is such a need for 'reproduction', there is no need for such inefficient means.

Another clear proof is that one's own power is 'unresponsive' to the stimulation of these numerous fantasies.

But the feeling of reality and illusion still gave him the feeling of emptiness caused by kidney overdraft at a young age.

He was worried that if he did it twice more, he would not have time to grow up to a young age in his life, and he might have a psychological shadow on females.

"Where did you go wrong?" Unexpectedly, his own Dragon God actually asked this famous proposition in Blue Star.

For a moment, David and the whole dragon were dumbfounded: "Huh?"

It seemed completely unexpected that a dignified dragon god would ask such a fucking question.

Immediately, he saw the dragon god raising his tail and narrowing his five pairs of eyes. The tip of his tail passed through five completely different mouths in turn, and his blurred eyes seemed to be thinking about something.


When David saw this scene in real life, his tail straightened up.

But when he thought of the terrifying scene of the juicer from before, he suddenly became depressed again.

"Sure enough, only truth can stimulate the growth of your 'ability'. It's a pity." Tiamat said as if she was really regretful.

Only then did David realize that it was the Dragon Queen who really thought his somewhat offensive gaze had caused him before. 'What's wrong with that?'

But think about it, as the five-color dragon queen, she already embodies the ultimate beauty of the five-color dragons in the entire multiverse. No dragon should be able to resist this temptation. If he didn't react at all, Maybe Tiamat will be unhappy instead.

At the same time, he finally realized that the previous 'fantasy' was just a test of Tiamat's own 'power'.

Immediately gave the other party some feedback:

"But I can also accumulate this kind of 'power' in my dreams."

But I didn’t expect that the other party seemed to have known all this for a long time, and smiled pointedly:

"Are you referring to the time when your consciousness was attached to the red scales of my incarnation? That is also a reality."

"." Only then did David realize that he had actually been possessed by Long Ma back then. No, in a sense, he should have been possessed by Ti Ma.

"But that's fine. This just proves that you have the ability to be immune to the influence of divine power to a certain extent."

David suddenly felt something in his heart. This Dragon Queen was ‘asking for something from him’, and the focus was probably on his power.

Sure enough, he heard Tiamat's five dragon heads looking at him at the same time, half-smiling but not smiling:

"I know, Pavla must have told you not to believe in me."

David's heart froze.

"However, I already have your mother Pafula as a believer, and you are a red dragon with a different body that values ​​emotions. Therefore, whether you believe in me or not is not as important as Pafula imagined, is it? "

David sighed silently and said:

"Please give me your Majesty's instructions."

Consider it a transaction.

At least the other party can wipe out the trap they created in Baator Hell.


It hurts. A lot of it was censored and deleted.

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