"Stop being dazed and get to work."

David threw the blue dragon mine, which was dumbfounded by Pavla's eyes, towards the vacant 'charging port' of the fortress:

At the same time, it is like stepping onto the throne of power and falling into the fusion energy core.

"Okay! Boss! Let's go now!"

Bray immediately accepted the offer.

Having just suffered a double beating from the elves and giants, he felt deeply:

We live in such an era of unpredictable and turbulent situations.

It's good to have such a big leg.

Of course, it would be better if you could be gentler to yourself!

Thunder flashed from Bray's mouth as he fell.

Just like sparkling fire.

Tokmak Fortress, which received the last amount of magic energy, finally turned out as David said.

Under the puzzled but dignified gaze of the Frost Titans;

Under the unwilling gaze of the high elves and even the wandering god;

As the dragons looked up together with excited expressions;

Revealing what he should have

Shining appearance.

"Tokamak, ignition successful."

In a frightening reaction of magic energy levels, the energy core in the center of the fortress burst into light.

But before the dragons could recover, the tower spirit of Tokamak Fortress began to issue a red alert:

"Alert! Alert!

"The device core temperature is abnormal!"

"The heart of the furnace is dissolving!"

"Alarm! The furnace core is dissolving!"

And this core of the Tokamak Fortress device.

Referring to David who is among them.

Dragon dad Artilicia, who was originally watching this scene with great anticipation, was so frightened that her tail trembled:

"Did something go wrong?"

He held his head with his paws, opened his mouth wide, and stared intently at the energy core that suddenly leaked energy, looking inexplicably nervous.

But he didn't notice that at the base of his tongue, like an alien tongue, there was an illithid larvae head that had grown out like a dragon's head. It passed through the open mouth of the 'mother body', Looking around at the world, looking at the 'brother' it never dared to face.

Possessing the unique "psionic vision" of the illithids, they see a picture that is different from all creatures:

"So beautiful" she exclaimed sincerely.

In its field of vision at this moment, the body of David, the red dragon who was supposed to be immune to fire energy, had dissolved!

But it is in the midst of rapid squirming changes.

It's like an egg that is rapidly growing and 'evolving' in an eggshell.

It's like being reborn for the second time.

It's just that it was the first time he gave birth to this body.

It was his mother Pavla.

But this time, the one who gave birth to him

It's this world.

With the magic energy fusion law he brought and defined:

Dominated by [arrogance];

Target [jealousy];

Using [Rage] as a medium;

Use [laziness] as a breeding ground;

Use [greed] as the blueprint;

Use [Gluttony] as nourishment;

Finally, with [Slaanesh],

finish this

Measured in seconds, the process of biological evolution that took hundreds of millions of years is crazily compressed, and the upgrading and transformation of life levels are achieved;

In the high-temperature forging of hundreds of millions of degrees, hundreds of millions of trials and errors are repeated every moment.

At that moment, all the dragons, titans and elves who were fighting fiercely on the battlefield felt a stinging sensation like being sunburned. They couldn't help but instinctively paused for a moment and glanced at Tokamak Fortress.

But all of them instinctively raised their hands to block in front of them.

Because the core of the energy core, which was originally the outer device, had quietly dissolved at some point.

But the remaining terrifying heat energy seemed to appear in the sky.

The second day.

However, as the terrifying heat energy converged, it was evaporated by the high heat into the cloudless sky, revealing the majestic and domineering figure of the red dragon.

At first glance, David's appearance at this time seemed to be no different from before. Only on each scale, there seemed to be countless invisible red demons running along the blazing red traces like blood vessels.

Finally, it merged into the chest that was like forged red steel and the heart that was like an oven.

And in the rhythm of the heart, endless magical energy burst out again.

It's impossible to look straight at it for long.

Just like a person who cannot look directly at the sun.

"How is this possible?" As a member of the God of Destiny and History, Valerie seemed to witness the birth of a monster that should not exist in the material world, with a face full of horror and disbelief.

"How could this level of magical energy appear in a mortal being?"

"What kind of power path is this?"

In the eyes of the elves who are the followers of gods, the ‘state of divine presence’ brought to them by the gods’ will seems to be nothing more than that.

No, what she didn't want to admit in her heart was that even her state of divine presence might not be as majestic and spectacular as the one before her.

But under the intimidation of the powerful god Pavla, the wandering god who had already gathered his power in the world did not dare to move at all.

And the god of fate and history she believed in also remained silent.

No, the entire elven pantheon is keeping silent.

Just like the elf Yevgeny who bravely entered the Old World, their actions were tacitly approved by the gods, but not protected by endorsement.

They don't want to start a war with a dragon god at this time.

Because the Spider Queen, who has been secretly coveting it, will definitely intervene!

This strange situation made her, as a member of the gods, feel a little shaken in her outlook.

It turns out that God is also jealous and sometimes afraid.

But the gods are silent, but as mortals, they must take action!

This second red disaster must be eliminated or sealed using magic mystery here!

Otherwise, the whole of Devencell will be threatened in the future.

This in turn shakes the entire high elves' military plans in Ellaria.

It has affected the entire elven community's ambition to restore the glory of the elves since Toril entered Ellaria.

This plane, at least the elves in this plane, cannot withstand the ravages and devastation of the second red disaster.

In their shallow understanding, this level of magical energy is destined to not last long.

"What are you waiting for? Do it!!!"

As Valerie bent her bow and nocked an arrow, she simultaneously used giant language magic to send a message to the entire battlefield.

The chief of the Frost Titan threw away the half-remaining body of the blue dragon and took a deep look at the red dragon that was hovering above the fortress and making the entire sky seem to be distorted.

Of course he understood that this was the elves using them to consume each other's power first.

However, through that portal, from the moment they stepped on the main material plane, they had no way out.

Or, kill the giant dragon, lead the tribe out of the bitter cold hell, and re-enter the main material plane.

Or, be killed by the opponent.

He looked up to the sky and let out a desolate roar:

"Ah Sado——" He was only halfway through shouting the command to charge when he suddenly stopped.

He saw the red dragon, which had been silent in the sky since the melted iron shell was exposed, suddenly opened its scarlet eyes and stared at him.

Under the solemn gaze of Dragon Father Artilicia, David, who seemed to be in a somewhat uncomfortable state, suddenly opened his pair of crimson wings.

Six strips of light like angel wings in Diablo instantly extended, and a circular halo of light suddenly exploded behind them, pulling out a scarlet light track over the battlefield and swooping towards the legendary Frost Titan. Down.

Instantly feeling shrouded in the shadow of death, the Frost Titan's eyes were cracked, and he roared:

"Ancestor! Protect me!!!"

A ray of light emerged from the eye hole of the ancestral skull pendant on his chest.

Even the magical consciousness left behind by the first Titan, who was born under the intervention of the God of Giants 30,000 years ago, felt the terrifying power that was coming towards him.

A divine power originating from the first-generation Frost Titan burst out from the body.

A ring of icebergs towered up from the ice around him, but melted rapidly in the next second.

Because David's four legs had already stepped heavily on the legendary Frost Titan's chest and shoulders, which were protected by folded arms.


The scene on the battlefield seemed to suddenly stop for a moment.

There was a loud bang, and the ground centered on the two rolled violently like boiling water, causing a ripple.

The dragons and titans who were fighting around him could only vaguely see their own dragon lord and frost titan chief still standing in the same place where the collapse suddenly began to collapse in this terrifying light explosion, but they seemed to be far away from each other. further and further.

Even the Tokamak Fortress, which was originally rebuilt by David using his power, cracked and collapsed again under the influence of this earthquake, which was like a magnitude 8 earthquake.

So much so that the Nether Arcanists on the city wall had to use [Dance of the Sky] to fly into the sky, trying to stay as far away from the battlefield of these two giant creatures as possible, and as far away from their lords as possible!

This is no longer a battlefield that mortal beings can participate in.

And in the center of this legendary battlefield, the Frost Titan chief felt as if he had been thrown into a pool of magma, his whole body burning under the light.

If it weren't for the divine blessing of his ancestors, he might have been directly burned into cokes by the terrifying temperature on the opponent's body.

He could hardly see anything, he could only feel the opponent's claws on his shoulders tightening around his neck. He even seemed to be able to hear his cervical vertebrae being twisted and cracked bit by bit by the dragon, moan.

"Ah!!!" As a giant dragon, David has four limbs and two wings, but his hands can only be used to tightly grasp David's pair of spear-like bone spurs on his wings to resist David's bite. .

Just when the Frost Titan felt that his head was about to be ripped off, Elf Valerie fired a series of tricky shots.

With his [greedy] eyes open, David drew his neck back almost instinctively, and the Frost Titan, who had finally caught the opportunity, turned back, raised his leg and kicked the giant beast-like David away. Drawing an arc in mid-air, he landed on all six limbs, then rushed forward again with a maniacal laugh.


So the Frost Titans all charged towards David like crazy even though they knew they were outmatched.

"No!!!" Then in the chief's somewhat desperate cry, in David's swirling dance of death, it turned into flesh and blood all over the sky.

The ice armor that the Frost Titans were usually proud of melted directly before they even got close, and the surface of their bodies was charred and cracked.

That strong and majestic body was as fragile as paper in front of David's spinning claws.

Seeing this image of a cluster of people harvesting life efficiently like death's scythes, even the giant dragons felt a little frightened by it.

This is no longer a battle they can participate in.

They didn't dare to bet whether Boss Long, who was going crazy during the fight, would accidentally kill them.

And this little caution also saved their lives.

Because from David's perspective at this moment, everything was like a dream, and it was very distorted.

The Titans, who were originally a big threat in front of him, turned into a flock of sheep for a while, and turned into a two-dimensional black and white line drawing for a while. Driven by endless [fury], he tore apart one by one like tearing paper, and then reality The giants in it were also dominated by this [arrogance], being slaughtered like lambs and torn into pieces like paper.

In this situation where the boundaries between reality and fantasy have begun to blur under his own power.

He just wants to kill wantonly!

Kill all these blind people!


The two collided together again, like two sliding hills, plowing out a three-kilometer-long ravine in the desert that was directly scorched after the glacier melted, and rushed straight into the ruins of Montero, which had completely collapsed. , and then crashed into a crystal mine.

Just this time, one of David's claws was fully clasped on the opponent's face, and even one of his fingers had dug into Titan's right eye.

Then, under the horrifying attention of the elves who came to support from the coast, they just grabbed the giant's head and hit it on the mountain of the mine more ferociously each time.

During these impacts, fine cracks began to appear in the mine, and then, it suddenly collapsed.

Thousands of rubbles fell on the two of them, but both sides turned a blind eye.

"Roar!!!" The Frost Titan chief turned his head and bit David's arm with all his strength. Then when David came to bite him, he hit him with a headbutt.

In the rain of blood, the giant bit off one of David's claws completely. David, who was suddenly knocked away, broke and tore off both of the opponent's arms.

And this is the most realistic portrayal of the eternal battle that year.

David turned his head and glanced at his missing right claw, twisted the empty claw as if nothing had happened, and then stuffed the giant's two severed arms into his mouth and chewed them while all the elves watched in astonishment.

A moment later, under the horrified and disbelieving gazes of the elves, the severed claw first bulged out with a sarcoma, and then grew straight out.

[Power - Gluttony]

"How is this possible?!" Valerie clearly felt that there was no magic fluctuation in the whole process, and it was neither magic nor divine magic.

This is beyond the rules of the main material world!

Moreover, the magic energy in the opponent's body is still exploding!

At this point, the elves headed by Valerie have already decided to retreat.

With the gods unable to end, monsters in such a state are no longer able to be checked and balanced.

As the instigator, David just shook his claws, then jumped up again, and hit the Frost Titan hard, which was struggling to get up. The bone spurs on his wings pierced the collarbone, nailing the giant who had lost all limbs. He landed on the ground, his claws crossed, and on the desolate battlefield that had fallen into absolute silence, he grinned a ferocious devil-like smile and struck the Titan's chest again and again, like the roar of the earth.

Blood spread like a stream through the ruined streets.

Looking at the Titans who were still running towards them despite this overwhelming madness, the Titan chief, who already knew that the end was decided, opened his bloodshot eyes and wanted to ask the tribesmen to escape on their own.

What spurted out was blood with various fragments.

As the frantic Frost Titans rushed forward, completely covering David's figure, the anxious Artilicia instinctively wanted to swoop down to rescue him.

But it was intercepted by Silver Dragon Princess Alicia.

She felt the terrifying magical energy that frightened her.

Suddenly there was a rhythm.

David, wrapped in layers of giants, opened his huge mouth.

A little red light burst out.

On the ground, a ball of light comparable to the fission breath of Pavla's magic energy rose up, expanding wantonly.

Just like the setting sun sinking into the land.

Bright as a red lotus.

After a while, everyone was staring at him in a daze.

David's demon-like figure slowly stepped out of the raging flames.

The high elves couldn't help but follow the crazy moans in their hearts and began to retreat.

The Frost Titan, summoned by the high elves, has been almost single-handedly defeated by David.

Massacred completely.

So far.

The second red disaster.

Red Lotus Nova.

Name of David Eutus.

Has become a legend.

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