Recently, I have been practicing martial arts fundamentals under my mother's supervision after getting paid as usual in the morning.

Firstly, in "Exercise", we will train you to move your energy smoothly to various parts of your body and weapons.

I've been fighting with energy all over my body, but this was actually a very inefficient way to fight.

For example, the maximum amount of energy that can be wrapped up at once is set to 100.

If this is evenly divided into limbs, it becomes 25.

However, if the limbs are not even and only 5 are wrapped around the left arm or leg without a weapon, the remaining 85 can be concentrated on the right arm.

Even with the same 100 momentum, 25 and 85 have different levels of attack power.

Also, against enemies that are enough for 25, you can save energy consumption with 5 left arms, 5 legs, and 25 right arms for a total of 40.

This is the same with regard to defense, and if you know where to strike, you can dramatically increase your defenses by concentrating your energy there.

It depends on how efficiently you can fight in a limited amount of energy.

In the battle that unfolds at high speed, it seems essential to continue the same exercise every morning in order to move your energy to the area you want to accurately wrap around.

Then, after some training in "Exercise", I began training in "Exercise".

"Practicing Qi" is a technique that increases the density of energy in the body and increases the energy that can be wrapped up.

By way of analogy with the previous example, I usually only wrap it up at 100 hours, but I feel like I can wrap it up at 150 or 200 if I use "practice spirit".

The training of "Practicing Qi" requires increasing the maximum amount of energy and rapidly increasing or decreasing it.

First of all, you can spend time, so you can increase your maximum energy by keeping trying to reach your limit.

Next, the amount of energy that is reflexively amplified can be increased by performing instantaneous "practice" and repeatedly increasing or decreasing the energy in a short time.

I went to church for breakfast after performing strength training, muscle training, and basic health training.

After returning home from church after noon, magic training begins with my father.

Magic training takes the form of lectures on magic theory and magic ceremonies and practical training in the back mountain alternately by day.

Speaking of which, I quickly lost my magic in the Goblin battle, but I learned that it was because of the rather inefficient way of fighting.

Understanding the magic ceremony and discarding it by chanting, I was able to adjust the power and consumption of magic by playing with the magic ceremony a little.

At that time, I was releasing magic with all my might, so it seemed like I was releasing magic with two or three times the power I needed to defeat a normal goblin.

That'll cut my magic soon.....

My father said that my magic amount seems to be quite large, so if I use magic efficiently, it will be quite a successor.

In the lecture, we conducted basic knowledge of magic fighting, operation method of each magic, analysis of magic methods, etc.

On the other hand, are you happy with the practical training? Since there were many goblins in the back mountain, it was mostly a battle against goblins.

"Sirius, try to get rid of them with minimal magic and with maximum efficiency."


I was surrounded by about twenty goblins as a range magic practice that I was taught yesterday.

A few nearby goblins jumped in.

This is good enough for a goblin.


A tiny bullet of thunder will attack the Goblins that are coming at me. [M]

A tiny bullet hits a goblin's chest, killing the goblins.

Thunderbolt is a magic trick I devised.

Even so, since the spherical (ball) system magic was reduced to the limit and rotation was added at the time of ejection, it is strictly a small lightning bulb (thunderball), so it seems like arrangement magic.

When it comes to what is superior to this Thunderbolt, it is simply smaller in size and consumes less magic than the ball system of elementary magic.

And it's increasing its power with high-speed rotation.

If you only reduce the normal lightning bulb (thunderball) without rotating, it will end up hitting the enemy's epidermis.

Also, since the characteristics of the sphere (ball) system have not been lost, it can be exploded inside the body to destroy enemies from the inside by suppressing the force that remains inside the body without daring to penetrate as it is now.

I chased the remaining Goblins. [M]

Thunder Rain

Thunder Arrows rain from the sky, relentlessly ravaging the Goblins.

The advantage of "Thunderarrow rain", a range magic, is not only that it can be released simultaneously, but also that it consumes less magic than the same amount of magic alone.

Therefore, when dealing with multiple enemies, it is advisable to use magic to the greatest extent possible.

And all the goblins around were destroyed.

"Dad, how was it?

"Hmm, I retreated the approached target with minimal magic, and the accuracy of range magic was excellent. All right, next drill!


Then she uses all her magic to the limit and returns home at dusk.

While my father was cooking dinner, my mother came home from Goblin's quest.

Then, after dinner, the night workout starts with your mother.

I used the self-trained "exercise" and "exercise" in the morning to play the team.

Workouts are done by changing swords, spears, bows, hands and weapons depending on the day.

This is to enable them to deal with a variety of opponents by learning how to use various weapons.

"Don't be alarmed after attacking! Attack, Evade, and Defense work together!


"Now you're too conscious of your movements and you're neglecting my focus! Hold your sight wide!

"Kh... yes!!

Mom is really amazing.

I use every weapon in the Master Class, and I wonder who it is....

"That's enough for today. Take a rest."

"Hah... hah... thank you...!

"I've seen the suitability of Sirius's weapon, but you seem to have a sword on you… I don't see much of a user here because it's an eastern weapon, but I think your movements are close to those of the eastern swordsman. I've guided you through a single weapon, so let's train with a sword."


I was studying martial arts based on the Japanese sword as a student, so I'm sure the movement is stained with it.

Even so, Mother, Sparta... it's too harsh for a six-year-old.

Well, I'm glad I can train as hard as I can than get my hands kicked off.

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