Entering the fight, Beatrice's dark magic fills her cheeks with cold sweat.

He's releasing a feeling of intimidation beyond that mother.

Though I thought it might be useless, I tried to check Beatrice's abilities with Insight.

[Name] Beatrice Wizardry

Insights failed due to jamming

... you only know his name...

"Hmm, you don't think it's easy to understand the secrets of a maiden."

Besides, they know. Who the hell are you?

"... I'm sorry."

"Very well. Now let's begin the test. Don't hesitate to kill me.

"... yes"

Firstly, the body is strengthened by "Lightning Aura" and "Practice Qi".

Then, the thunderbolt (Thunder Barrett) was fired in large quantities with all its magic in its control.

"Hoo, 'Thunderball'... no, it's not just a small one."

Beatrice analyzes our attacks while blocking all Thunderbolts in the Wind Barrier, which was activated in one hand without chanting.

"Hmm," Thunderball "doesn't have the same penetration. Because it's spinning... it's an interesting trick to reduce magic consumption and increase power."

Beatrice puts her hand forward and creates twenty tiny 'thunderballs'.

"Here's how it works."

And they spin and eject at high speed.

Yes, Thunderbolt.

"It instantly reproduces the magic I saw for the first time...?

I was stunned as I played the thunderbolt that approached me with my sword.

No matter how simple magic is, it is an unusual skill to capture its characteristics and magic style only once and reproduce it.

In return, activate Lightning Spear Rain, which rains a large amount of the intermediate magic Lightning Spear.

The magic ceremony put a lot of magic into it, and although it was intermediate magic, it was expected to be quite powerful.

The opponent is like a magician, so I would like to create a gap with a barrage, cut it with a knife, and bring it into a melee battle, but I didn't think I could make a gap with this much.

Beatrice looked a little bored and prevented all attacks with the "Wind Barrier" without moving a step.

"Sure, your magic and spiritual powers are both amazing. But do you think that kind of magic goes through your concubine?

Besides, I knew it wasn't going to be an enemy in magic warfare, so I was going to hold it back to bring it into the melee warfare... but I don't think it's going to hold it back this much.

"Your attack is too straightforward. If we're going to hold back, we have to do this."

Beatrice then emitted several "lightning rays".

Because of its high penetration, the barrier and sword defense were judged dangerous and avoided. "Lightning ray" is now approaching while refracting.


When I looked closely, I saw something like a thin barrier at the refraction point of "Lightning Ray".

I'm building a reflective wall at an angle and position that will accurately reflect this number of Lightning Rays... incredible skill.

But then we can do something about it.

Activates "Blitz Accelerator" to super accelerate thinking.

In my accelerated thinking, I was able to see the activation of the reflective wall that reflected in the direction I followed to avoid sewing "lightning rays".

"Right there!

Flash the sword and cut off all the reflective walls.

All the "lightning rays" that lost their reflective walls disappeared backwards.

Reject the rear grief and approach Beatrice with acceleration.

I cut Beatrice with a knife with a surprising expression because she didn't see it very quickly.

But there was no response to the swinging sword, and Beatrice sprayed.

... 'Illusion'!?

The moment I realized it, I felt a magic activation under my feet and jumped out aggressively. A large number of "Earthspears (Grand Runs)" came up from under my feet.

Beatrice stood fairly far above when she concentrated her nerves on magic sensing, which was barely functioning because the whole space was filled with intense magic.

"Ah, let's play with what we've just seen... * giggle *, you're an interesting kid inside..."

It's still the magician's way of fighting from medium to long distances.

The only way to beat this man is to keep his distance and engage in a proximity battle.

I tried to kick the ground again and approach Beatrice, but was interrupted by various magical barrages, unable to fill the distance.

"Hahahahaha! Come on, come on! Over here!

Beatrice seems to have the means to run through the sky, avoiding dancing up, down, left and right.

If you keep it that way, you won't be able to see it, so let's limit the evasion direction first!

It's not supposed to be magic for a single enemy, but it needs to be enough for her to avoid it!

"Thor Judgment"

"Thor Judgment", an advanced wide-area tactical magic, is a magic that pours powerful lightning across a wide area. Its range of attack covers all of this arena.

Flying over this thunderstorm is an act of suicide, and the only way to avoid it is to crawl the earth.

And it was easy to read the movement of the other party, whose avoidance direction was narrowed.

Fast approaching Beatrice with a thunderbolt, swinging his sword.

Beatrice distanced herself with a back step, and someday she used a hook-like magic knife on her hand.


A series of sword strikes to chase Beatrice, who is trying to avoid lightning while back-step.

Speed is almost mutually reinforcing.

Instantly super accelerates with "Blitz Accelerator", stepping into Beatrice's blind spot and knocking on a Special Strike.

"Open (Liberate)" the magic imparted in the same way as the practical test, and release ultra-fast knife cutting.

The flash diving into the left side of Beatrice is too late to defend with the hook claws of the right hand.

--- Pachinko, pachinko, pachinko, Gary, Gary, Gary.

But the blow that was fired, convinced of the fatal wound, was prevented by an invisible wall.

It was a sword that cut something as thin as three plates, but the momentum was completely halted at Beatrice's present time.


Me and Beatrice shouted together.

Magic Barrier...!? But I didn't feel any class magic!? Maybe magic without attributes...?

Beatrice waves his counterattack claws with a moment of shock that prevents a special strike without any motion.

At the moment of aggressive backward evasion, the hook claws suddenly became huge and the range increased.


It was a hook nail made of magic. It was not strange even if it was stretched or contracted.

It was supposed to have been possible, but it could not be considered by avoiding aggression.

While feeling the hook nails swallowing into your chest, activate the "Blitz Accelerator" to avoid fatal injuries with a full backstep.

Understand that there is no time from the blood and heat flowing from the chest, and desperately stroll around thinking.

The magic barrier was probably built in advance.

Some layers are unknown, but the previous blow has broken through the three layers.

But perhaps it will be repaired soon.

And with this wound, it's impossible to fire more than the one shot earlier, and it's difficult to create such a gap.

Right now, this is the only moment.

Only now that the barrier has been breached and an aggressive counterattack has hit, it is possible that you are distracted.

Decide in the blink of an eye and squeeze out all remaining magic for chase.

Then release the most powerful single attack magic of your own.

"Lightning Cannon Absolute Spark"

A dazzling light is emitted from both hands that protrude forward.

The light envelops Beatrice in an instant.

The moment I was wrapped in light, it looked like the corner of Beatrice's mouth was caught.

"Hah... hah..."

Thirty seconds later, the stream of light that had been struck by Beatrice sprays away.

I knelt down on the ground and stared at the magic that was spreading.

There was a lot of blood flowing from the chest wound, and most of the magic was exhausted and it was no longer in working order.

"Fu... fufufu... fuhahahaha! I never thought such a leopard would make it this far! Kufufufu... funny, funny, Sirius!

There stood Beatrice with a rainbow-coloured light and a smile without any dirt.

"You should be proud. To receive my rainbow."

At the next moment, he was surrounded by rainbow-colored light, and was forced to leave the arena without hesitation.

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