There were S-class students gathered in the school arena.

"Today, I will teach you how to handle energy."

Instructor Diacca writes to the blackboard in the corner of the arena.

"First of all, think of energy as one of the life forces in our bodies. As is well known, there are big and small differences between people, but they always have energy and magic. The handling of energy is not only necessary for proximity jobs, but also for magicians to acquire a certain degree. If you are an adventurer, there are many situations where you have to trample forests and mountains that cannot run horses in a short time. The odds of survival are completely different depending on whether or not you can handle your energy at such a time. So first of all, I want Rose and Aria to learn how to sense and manipulate energy."

When I 'insight' into Rose's and Aria's stats, I didn't remember 'fortune' and my energy was very low.

Since magicians basically focus only on magic workouts, there are a lot of people with this status.

But, as instructor Diacca says, the odds of survival will be greatly improved by being able to handle even tiny energy.

It is Streamstone Central that allows the magician to wear it properly.

Incidentally, first-year students receive the same classes in both proximity and magic jobs, and classes are to be divided from second-year students.

During this first year, they will learn the fundamentals of other professions and specialize from the second year.

Rose and Aria were briefly briefed before being handed over to the assistant instructor.

"Now, next up are the proximity officers. I was able to measure my strength in the simulation the other day, but it seems that everyone has mastered the practice spirit well. Energy is a basic use for strengthening physical abilities, but there is another technology that has taken us one step further." Fighting spirit. "

My mother taught me a lot about fighting with energy... but I've never heard of "fighting spirit".

Speaking of which, Muskell's skill was "Fighting: Muscle Control"....

"Basically no one should be wearing 'fighting spirit' at school... no, Muskell was the exception."


Muskel is posing in a muscle pose.

I wonder why I wear only Muskel.

"What are you talking about? Fighting Qi is a skill managed by the State and the Adventurer Alliance so that only those who meet certain conditions can master it. There is a law that only those who meet certain conditions, such as their abilities, age, and identity, may acquire them. And you're doing this class because you're just about there."

"Why is Muskel the exception?

Mr Air raised his hand and asked a question.

Certainly that's what bothers me.

As usual, Muskel answered Doya's face by deciding to pose.

"I want you to tell me too!!

You don't know that either!

"Ah, 'fighting spirit' is the manipulation of energy to create unique skills, and the 'muscle manipulation' that Muskel showed in the simulation is' fighting spirit '."

"Mmm!?" Muscle manipulation "was worn when I realized something....?

"There is something inherited in 'fighting spirit'." Muscle manipulation "would have been inherited. Your family should know all about it."

"Nuu... I didn't know..."

"It's basically forbidden for unqualified people to teach about 'fighting spirit'. It's only natural that you didn't know."

I thought it was a terrible skill to change the body, but was that due to energy?

"Normally," fighting spirit "is acquired using some magic equipment. If the status is lower than the standard, the body cannot tolerate it and there is a risk of death. I don't think there is a problem with your abilities, but only those who want to learn" fighting spirit "are to be taught. Before I hear that hope, I want to show you what" fighting spirit "looks like. Sirius, get up in the arena."

Eh, yes.

Surprised by the sudden nomination, he went up to the arena with Instructor Diacca.

"To put the power of 'fighting spirit' into practice, I'm sorry, but will you go out with me in a mock fight?

Instructor Diacca snorted and pulled out his sword.

Instructor Diacca had a sword of unusual length between the dagger and the dagger in both hands.

I think it was a one-handed sword during Air's exam, but I could see that the stand was in the hall and not a baked blade.

Perhaps this is the true style of combat.

"Okay, thank you."

I wonder which way to put my hands on "Thunderbolt" or "Night One."

From the point of view of demonstrating "fighting spirit", should we refrain from "Thunderbolt"?

When I tried to reach out to "Night After Night," I met with Professor Diacca with a serious expression.

"Don't hesitate."

... you're too proud of your instructor.

Reflect on your own chronic thoughts and follow the pattern of "Thunderbolt".

"I'm sorry."

Instructor Diacca nodded with satisfaction.

"All right, here we go!!

I'll do my best to decide with my first shot!!

"Lightning Aura" and "Blitz Accelerator" are used to strengthen the body, and in an instant, they circle behind instructor Diacca and cut through the knife.

It was a blow thought to have killed him completely, but it ended with a shield that was probably constructed with energy and did not reach Instructor Diacca.

"Wall Slash!

Instructor Diacca shouted, swinging one sword vertically.

With a short sword, I tried hard to take a backstep because I could avoid it with plenty of room, but my spine jumped aside aggressively.

Turning around, an energetically constructed wall appeared on the extension line where Instructor Diacca swore out his sword.

I don't know what happens if I hit it directly, but I know it won't be a busy thing.

"It's a boulder. It has a sharp battle instinct."

Instructor Diacca smiled invincibly.

It is a wall of energy that occurred earlier, but it survives without extinction.

Normally, a sword shooting with energy is temporary.

I wonder if that wall of indestructible energy is due to 'fighting spirit'.

"That was Instructor Diacca's 'fighting spirit', right?

"Exactly. My" fighting spirit "," The sword that embodies (rearized sword) ". As you can see, it is a skill that embodies energy over time. All right, let's keep going!

That said, instructor Diacca kicks the ground and approaches at an incredible speed.

He skillfully manipulates both swords and releases constant sword fire.

Even with a sword, the release of energy cannot be stopped. If you do not shift your body from the extension line of the sword, it will become a prey for the "embodied sword shooting (rear-rise sword)".

Often accelerated with "blind lightning (Blitz accelerator)", he cut his gaze and slashed from the blind spot, but placed a shield of energy in the blind spot to offset it, and was unable to make a decision.

Also, the wall of energy gradually increases, limiting movement.

Besides, Instructor Diacca's attacking through the walls of energy is not the only thing that builds up.

It is possible to tear apart, but if we do not create a space where we can tear apart the walls that are embodied one after the other, we will not be able to evade the next attack, and gradually lose the leeway for attacking and become indigent.

Even if you fight with magic, you will not be able to pull away the Deadka instructor, who is close enough to attack with magic.

"What is it, Sirius?! You got no more hidden balls!?


If we don't clean up the surroundings once, we'll just be pushed like this.

Looking at the gap between the instructor's attack and the attack, he slashes the surrounding area 360 ° by rotating at the same time as cutting the knife.

The walls of energy that had been built around them were instantly torn apart and vanished.

... but in front of me was instructor Diacca, who slashed with a leap and waved his swords slightly from left to right in time.

When I realized it, I was lying outside the arena.

... you lost.

Tightening his remorse, he stood up and was struck on the shoulder by instructor Diacca.

"I could have fought this far without a 'fighting spirit'. It's amazing."

"... yes, thank you..."

"In this way, 'fighting spirit' is a skill with various possibilities. Raise your hand if you want to learn something dangerous."

All of Air, Lancelot, and Muskell's melee fighters, including me, raised their hands as a matter of course.

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