"Is this... a mixture of energy and magic...?

"Exactly. When the same amount of energy and magic is applied to more than a certain amount of pressure, it can be mixed and operated stably. My concubine calls this power" whiteness "and the skill of combining energy and magic" whiteness coat. "

"'White air'...."

Hmm. Let's give it a try.

"I understand."

First activate "Physical Enhancement (Boost)".

I've been practicing here lately, keeping it active, so I was able to activate it as if I were breathing.

"... Master, you've actually been using unattributed magic for a long time, haven't you?

"No, I just learned from Professor Alexander."

"Isn't that weird!? Why is the practice increasing so much in such a short period of time!?

"I haven't been able to use up all my magic lately... I think I've gotten used to it because I've been activating" Body Enhancement (Boost) ", which consumes a lot of magic during training."

"Why would you want to run out of magic!?

"What? If you use up your magic, it will increase the amount of magic when you heal.

Don't you know Beatrice has too much magic to increase?

I think training that even consumes magic is basic training for ordinary people.

"Certainly, there is a phenomenon where the magic capacity is increased by the natural recovery after the magic is depleted... but the mental load should be halved?

"Hmm... it certainly felt painful at first... but if you get used to it, you'll feel a clear feeling of fatigue.

"Haven't you lost something important as a person... hah, that's enough. Keep going."

I'm a little unconvinced, but I'm sure it's not the way people like me train. I think so.

Conscious of compressing the magic inside your body, use your strength to strengthen your body.

It's a critical balance that doesn't seem strange to collapse at any time, but I managed to wear both magic and energy.

"That's a lie... I can't believe this is the first time I've come here..."

Beatrice is muttering something, but I can't afford to hear it at all.

Maintaining this equilibrium requires great concentration, and cold sweat is blowing out of your body.

Hurry up and move on to the next step.

Compresses energy outwards and compresses magic further inwards at the same time.

I desperately push both of them together, but with an incredible rebellion, I think I can still fly.

"Gu... chuck..."

A voice that doesn't make a sound leaks out of your mouth.

I was told to flatten the softball on the ground, and it felt like I was desperately pressing it on the ground.

Is this really possible? and the moment the question came to mind.


The sound of something bouncing and flying pierced my eardrum, and it turned dark in front of me.

... warm.

It feels like something gentle is pouring in the soft sun.

How long has it been since I've been able to sleep like this? The reason that I have to wake up and the feeling that I want to sleep more often make me flip over.

I thought I buried my face in a soft pillow, but I feel something elastic on my face with a different amount of freshness than the pillow.

"Nh... Sirius, are you awake?

"Uhhhn... mmm!?

When I raised my face up, Beatrice's face, which was a little stained with cheeks, came into my eyes with a dope.

Immediately jump out of your thighs and take a distance.

"I'm sorry!! I... oh, I did fail the" white coat "..."

"Uh-huh. After failing the" White Chic Coat "and releasing his magic and energy at once, the owner suddenly lost consciousness due to the depletion of his energy and magic. It was a dangerous situation, so my concubine gave me some energy and magic."

"I see... thank you for your help."

"I didn't teach you because you're my concubine, that's not how it should be."


There is some awkward silence.

"Ah, that was a mistake, but the amount of magic and energy could not be balanced. I couldn't afford to focus on equilibrium, or I was unconsciously trying to release almost all the magic and energy in my body. Because you have a lot of magic, you emit a lot of magic on your own, so you couldn't balance it. In the meantime, let's practice so that we can be a little more stable in the previous phase. That's not true... I'll come back after a month to see what's going on, so by then, you'll have to get used to running around in the state before it's activated."

"... OK, thank you, Professor."

― ― Next day

After school, I combine energy and magic in the training area.

I felt it was easier than yesterday because I knew how difficult it was to experience it once.

Still, it takes a lot of concentration. It consumes energy, magic, cancer, and exhaustion of mind and body.

- A week later.

It has stabilized considerably and is now possible to take a walk.

I can adjust the amount of energy and magic released because I can afford it.

- Two weeks later.

It has become possible to naturally maintain a state of energy and magic.

However, it is not helpful just to maintain this state, so I will start running and stretching my muscles.

Three weeks later.

It can now be activated unconsciously.

Sometimes when you adjust the compression and reduction of energy and magic, there are moments that seem to melt.

While repeating that, I began to think that whiteness is more than simply adding strength and magic to my body.

It is a technique that seeks to achieve more dramatic enhancements rather than additive enhancements by converting resilience into physical energy in addition to energy and magic.

With that in mind, I began to compress my energy and magic again.

The higher the amount, the less compressed it is, the more difficult it is to control.

The amount of energy and magic naturally wrapped around it reliably creates a repulsive force.

And then something flipped over one point to the boundary.

--This is white.

When I noticed, my body was wrapped in a white aura that was neither energetic nor magical.

A raging rebellion mixes energy and magic, united as one energy.

Both energy and magic consumption are very high, but I feel that there is a lot of power to compensate for this shortcoming.

- And a month later,

After wearing the "White Mind Coat", she exercises in a white mind.

The energy and magic that have recently become difficult to use up is about 90% consumed in an hour when exercising by activating whiteness.

In practice, given the use of other magic, is it enough to maintain and fight?

Lie down and take a break where the rest of your magic and energy is less than 10%.

It's a vivid feeling of fatigue... it's like an early morning when you've done a good job of crafting the materials.

When I thought so, I was almost overhead.

"Lord, don't be stupid...."

When she managed to wake up and look at the Lord of the Voice, Beatrice had an expression that shook her head off.

"Mr. Beatrice. Thank you for mastering the White Chic Coat."

"I can't believe you learned it in a month... My lord, it's not a substitute to keep your whites active until they fall apart. Short-term or instantaneous physical strengthening is not the normal way to use it."

"I see... it certainly has a terrible fuel economy."

"It's been activated for an hour...."

"But it consumes energy and magic at the same time, so it's a workout! But certainly, given the time of battle, it would be better to wear instantaneous enhancements."

"That's not wise. But my concubine almost ended up like nothing else... you boring bastard."

(I was supposed to teach you a lot more... this training fool)

"No, thanks to Beatrice, I was able to acquire a great skill. Thank you very much."

Without her, I would not have been able to master my whiteness.

I can only express my gratitude.

"Hmm. If you're grateful, I'm always waiting for a gift."

Beatrice smiles like a child who came up with a prank.

"... I see. Speaking of which, Mr. Beatrice, I've never seen you in the staff room. Where are you usually?

"Ah... my concubine's room is on the top floor of the instructor's building. You can come and see me anytime."

"The top floor of the faculty building...? I've never been... okay, I'll come back."

"Kuku... I'm looking forward to it. I'll see you later."

Beatrice walked away from the high window, laughing softly.

... why don't you just use the entrance and exit?

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