School Festival, it's an event for Rear Charging to cackyaufu... at least in his previous life.

I looked up at my friend's exhibition and went home as soon as I found some food in the blind street. [M]

Honestly, there are no good or bad memories. It was an event of little interest, good or bad.

For that reason, I thought that maybe the school festival at Adventurers School was something like that, somewhere else in HR. Until then.....

"Well, as you know, the school festival of Japan's Adventurer School, the martial arts festival, is approaching."

No, I don't know... I think it's an event that is probably going to be a winning battle while putting a clatter in my heart.

Looking around, each of them has a fighting spirit in their eyes, and there is no sense of being left alone.

... no, Aria is rather awkward.

"What is a martial arts festival, teacher?

Ask the instructor a question just in case, even though you think your expectations are generally correct.

"No, Sirius, didn't you know?... well. The martial arts festival is a festival where all grades are confused and the battle is won. This battle is still a preliminary in the school-to-school contest. The top players in each grade form a team and become representatives in the upcoming school-to-school competition."

Not only is it an event in the school, but is it also a qualifying school match?

Moreover, from each academic year, one person will definitely decide to compete.

I don't want to participate because I don't like to stand out.

"That's open-ended, right?

After asking the questions, instructor Diacca hid her eyebrows.

"It's open-ended, but... Sirius will join, right?

"No, I'm not going to."

As soon as instructor Diacca tried to open her mouth with an astonishing expression, Ms. Rose stood up and grabbed my face and gave me a carcinoma.

No, wait, close to face.

"Sirius, what are you talking about? Your appearance is final."

Mr. Rose, aren't you too willing to kill me?

"Of course Sirius will participate. I have to resonate with my muscles!

"Sirius, I think you can win...."

"It's boring without Sirius."

Doesn't my classmate feel lucky to have fewer rivals? [M]

We're all too militant.

"Hmm. Not to mention the final... but it's unlikely that the best graders in the first grade won't show up."

That's right, I was the best at the mid-grade announcement the other day.

Moreover, as this school was a style of exposing the top graders, it became very prominent during the first grade.

Walking down the hallway or going to school to eat, I hear flickering eyes and a crappy story.

I'm sure that kid is saying something like... I'm getting sad.

"So I'm going to distribute the entry form to everyone. Participants should submit to the box in the faculty building after school."

That said, instructor Diacca left the classroom at once.

Upon receipt of the paper, Rose, Air, Muskel, and Lancelot immediately started writing.

"Aria doesn't (...) participate?

Talk to Aria that she has found a friend.

"I'm not very good at fighting, so I'm thinking of joining a medical team."

Aria smiles bitterly. I'm sure it's because of my mind that I feel like I've been casually thrown away....

When I was talking like that, I was grabbed by my shoulders from behind.

"Sirius, I'll bring you some paper. Write it down now."

Rose said that while wearing an aura that didn't say whether or not she was there.

"Um, I'll write after I think about it in the dorm..."

"Write it now."

"... okay."

I lost my sight of Rose and filled out the entry form.

A cute girl could never have refused to fight with such serious eyes.

I came to the labyrinth (dungeon) the next morning.

There must be a lot of senior students who are wearing "fighting spirit" when it comes to winning the all-year mix.

If I think so, I would like to gain experience in the operation of "White Mind" in practice.

Hopefully, I would like to wear "fighting spirit"... but this will be difficult to be honest with.

I'm starting to build "fighting spirit", but it's going to take a lot of time.

It will probably take a few years to get to the ideal shape.

It would be subtle to be asked if the "fighting spirit" of the baked blade would be useful even if it could be taken to a form that can be used in critical combat by the martial arts festival.

Transfer to thirty levels on a labyrinth transfer board.

This time, I bought wind magic stones for gas control at the Torne Chamber of Commerce.

By wrapping the air generated by the magic stone of the wind around you, you can breathe clean air and prevent bad smells from reaching your body.

It is a magic stone with a great effect, but it has the disadvantage of not being able to understand the surrounding environment because it cannot feel the smell or air around it.

For this hierarchy, it has been reported by past explorers that the concentration of gas has not changed much, so there should be no such problem.

I also bought anti-gas masks and antidotes.

From the previous lesson, I bought tools that could be useful for various explorations, such as the unlimited storage capacity of the "Subspace Vault (Item Box)".

Blast the Mad Golem with a fist wrapped in "White Air".

... "White Mind" is too much to overkill on this level.

I knew it because it was a level I could beat with plenty of energy.

I have become accustomed to the treatment of "white air", but I can't feel how powerful it is.

While I was thinking about it, I arrived in front of the 39 storey boss room.

The boss room seemed to have someone in it, and the light on the door was gone.

I was thinking of going in after a little rest, so I took a little rest while drinking active water and mana potion.

In an environment where I was hungry but still dressed like mud and gas was generated, I didn't feel like picking any food from the bottle.

I thought it was time to recover enough energy and magic, and just a faint light came on the door.

The customer must have gone downstairs.

Open the door without being particularly upset and step into the boss's room.

There was a purple four-legged... dragon. Poison Draco, the top species of the Poison Lizard.

Its body length is about six meters and it is the smallest class for dragon species, and its ability is the weakest class of monsters among dragon species.

And, of course, there were five poison lizards surrounded.

And most importantly, it was different from the previous boss's room... where things like armor, swords, canes, bags, etc. belonged to adventurers were scattered.

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