"You're in the Throne Room. His Majesty the King is waiting for you, please come in. Oops, I'm sorry, but I can't bring weapons in, so I'll collect them here."

Princess Charlotte tried to say something, but she controlled it.

If anything happens, it's better to let them know that there are no weapons.

"Yes, sir."

Give the soldier standing at the entrance a (...) waist (...) only one (...) peg (...) yes (...) yes (...) night (...) one (...).

Prime Minister Verdelich nodded with satisfaction and opened the door with Ki.

I felt it with magic sensing, but by opening the door, I narrowed my eyes without thinking about the magic of dark attributes overflowing.

Princess Charlotte also noticed, biting her lips and distorting her face.

There was a man sitting on the throne, a woman dressed in maid's clothes beside her, and armored knights lined up beside the carpet that stretched to the throne.

And I can't see, but I can see some people lurking behind the ceiling in Physical Detection.

Looking around, he lightly "insights".

All were brilliantly brainwashed, including His Majesty the King, but there was only one person who was not brainwashed.

When I checked the status of one of them, I was nervous.

[Race] succubus (hidden state)


Health: 3500

Energy: 1600

Spi: 5200

Magic: 2900


"Charm" "Iron Claws" "Advanced Dark Magic"

... this maid is a demon... and quite strong...

Probably brainwashing men with Charm.

If you don't brainwash Princess Charlotte or Knight Lynn, it may be a skill that only works for men.

The maid succubus had plain makeup, but it had a seductive appearance, and it also had a sexually appealing body.

... this is going to be "charmed"...

I looked at it unexpectedly, but I shuddered my eyes and shook my head lightly to calm down.

I feel disturbed by the neighboring Princess Charlotte, but it's probably her fault.

Nothing bad, masochist casserole betaita daqueda carane?

While excusing wastefully in his heart, he advances to the throne and hangs his head.

"You saved Charlotte? What a name."

"Yes, my name is Sirius Astaire, and I'm a C-rank adventurer."

"... Astelle?

I heard Princess Charlotte murmuring from behind.

Didn't I tell you?

"Hmm, it's Sirius. Thank you for saving my daughter."

"That's too much to say."

"Finally, I will reward you. Come here."

Step forward before His Majesty the King.

A knight next to him gave the rising King a sword decorated with luxury.

"This is one of our treasure swords. There will be nothing more worthy of you, the sword that saved my daughter."

His Majesty the King pulled out his sword and raised it high so that he could see his sword.

"This treasure sword reflects the light and brings up the dragon pattern. You are as strong as a dragon and bravely protect our country...!!

Suddenly, His Majesty the King shook down the sword he had raised high.

At the same time, the knight who stood beside His Majesty the King came at the same time from the left and right.

You're still setting it up...!

However, no matter how unexpected it is, it was too much to lick because I was a child!

"I understand. I will protect the country!!

"Lightning Blitz Accelerator" "White Tattoo Coat"

Evade the three attacks without difficulty and slash the Made Sucubus that will be avoided later with the Thunderbolt removed from the "Subspace Vault (Item Box)".

I was going to cut my neck, but I was only able to fly with my left arm under a stretched nail.

It reacts faster than expected.

"Hmm, why!!??

The cover of the succubus is unveiled and the maid's clothes are turned into black clothes, with wings and tails appearing.

"Shit! Hidden people!! Charm !"

Succubus' eyes glowed red and purple, and tingling and numbness appeared on his spine as if an electric current had run through his body.

This is "Charm"!?

Shit! They're manipulating me!!


... I thought, somehow, my body was moving normally and jumping on the neck of the succubus.

"Gah!? Na, Nande!?

I'd rather hear about it....

Attractive Immunity activated automatically from the skill "Super Immunity"

Ah, I see... "Super Resistance" did the job for me. Too good.....

He was talking even though he only had a neck, so he pierced his head with a knife and stabbed him.

"Gah!? Shh... t... sama..."

The succubus stopped breathing at the end of words he didn't understand.

Then the magic of the dark attributes that filled the room dispersed, and the kings and knights fell like puppets with broken threads.

Speaking of monsters, flying the heads of humanoid creatures is more sinister than I expected....

With the defeat of the main culprit, the stomach fluid rises with relief.

Even so, I wonder if the security guards are gabber or if the Demons are excellent at allowing such an easy intrusion into the center of the largest nation of humans.....

I think we should think more about the security system in the future.

As she turned her back while suppressing her nausea, Princess Charlotte jumped into her chest.


"Sirius-sama!! Thank you so much for protecting your father and protecting your country...!

Princess Charlotte buried her face on my shoulder and trembled a little. [M]

Not only the King, but also the Knights. I wonder when I realized I was in a strange situation no matter when I was killed.

I'm really glad we solved this before it got really fatal.

I held him back gently and stroked his head for a while, but it was time for the King to fall on the floor.

"Si, Lord Charlotte, His Majesty the King remains on the floor. Let's go somewhere we can lie down."

"... otherwise, you can sleep there until you wake up."

"No, no!? There is!? I care! I will carry it!

"... fuu, I can't help it..."

Princess Charlotte turns away from me. [M]

Thank goodness... I couldn't hold my heart if it was stuck anymore...

He shakes his head, troubles himself and embraces His Majesty the King. His Majesty the King, held by a princess by a 12-year-old boy, dragged his feet on his back and this was the only way. I hope you're not executed for disrespect.

"Father, I can't forgive you..."

Princess Charlotte led me to the king's bedroom whispering something.

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