You've arrived.


It is now around three o'clock in the middle of the night, and we have finally reached the forty-seventh floor.

Anyway, I thought I was sorry to keep Tanato awake, but he said he could afford to stay up all night, so I took a short pause to go this far.

I think the time required was eighteen hours and the speed there.

Returning home will be quite quick if you follow the route mapped to your destination.

Intercept an hour-long pause, and continue exploring 47 levels while crunching and slashing the increasing number of Haigoules as they descend the floor.

I feel Tanato-san's complexion is bad somewhere, but is it okay?

"Tanato-san, are you okay? Do you want to go to bed for a while because I'm watching?

"No! I can still afford it! Well, Sirius, if you want to rest..."

"I'm still fine....."

"... um, me too.... let's move on."

That said, Mr Tanato went along with the Zunzun.

Are you sure you're okay...?

No, he's such a high-ranking sorcerer, he won't go beyond his limits.

It's only been thorough, and I may have worried too much.

"Ahh... how harsh a profession an adventurer is... I've been licking a little..."

At last, Tanato made a noise and decided to take a break at the ex-monster house she had driven away.

"Are you okay? Please, it's warm tea."

I made tea from hot water made with water magic and fire magic and gave it to Tanato-san.

Tanat sipped tea while meditating and exhaled.

"Thank you, Sirius. I don't suppose it's because I've never imposed myself to go through the labyrinth before, it was a tough journey for the old man..."

"I'm sorry, if only I had noticed sooner...."

Think that time, no, that time before that? Well, anyway, you should have taken a good rest when Tanat felt tired.

"No, it's not your fault.... by the way, can you sell the Heigoor Magic Nucleus you picked up so far? Of course, I'll pay more than the fixed price. I was actually lurking in the labyrinth to collect it. I was going to dive a little further after I broke up with you and gather it, but it would be helpful if you could give it away because there have been surprisingly many appearances so far... how about that? Of course, I don't mind if you refuse."

Tanato asked her how she was doing.

From the beginning, I felt sorry for giving me all the magic nuclei, so I didn't have to think about it.

Instead, I tried to give half of it for free, but it was stuck and finally handed over the gold coins.

I don't know because it's the first time I've encountered Haigour, but I think it's quite high given the amount of Alliance purchases I've made for other materials so far.

"Thank you so much..."

"No, no, thanks for saving me, too."

Tanat and I laughed and shook hands. [M]

As I was mapping, I felt multiple magic in a room a little bigger.

This density, the magnitude of magic, this is....

With that in mind, it seems that someone at the entrance noticed us and took up combat readiness.

"You, stop.... an adventurer?

"Yes, my name is Sirius from the Adventurers Guild."

Raise an Alliance Card and show it to the soldier.

The soldier looked at the card and me alternately and frowned. [M]

"Hmm, certainly an adventurer... C rank...? Ha? And small... dwarfs, gnomes... don't you think... children...? What kind of race are you?

"It's a tribe of people....."

"... how old are you?


"... are you alone?

"No, I was solo on the way, but on the way... that? Tanato-san?"

Next door, I couldn't find Tanato.

It does not have magic sensing.

Where the hell have you been...?

"What's going on? Maybe you got separated from the party members?

The soldiers looked at us with a mixed expression of anxiety and suspicion.

Mr. Tanato... feels like he's stuck in a fox.

In the meantime, I don't like soldiers suspecting me any more, so I decided to leave Mr. Tanato alone.

"... no, nothing."

"... hmm. But I'm sorry, but I can't believe you came to a place like this with a 12-year-old in C rank... let me check it out."

That's how the soldiers started calling their friends.

I know how you feel, but isn't it unreasonable?

Does this soldier have the authority to detain an adventurer in the first place?

"I'm sorry, I know what you're saying... but who are you before that? Do you officially belong to the Adventurers Guild and have the authority to bind me to adventure?

When they answered, the soldiers sighed and began to talk to each other.

"Ready? I am a soldier of this kingdom, the Labyrinth Warriors. Children don't keep quiet!?

Mukimki's man, who was approaching after the soldier, suddenly dropped all his tricks on the soldier.

"Hey! What are you doing with the Adventurer?! Remember we have rules that don't interfere with adventurer exploration!?

When the great Mukimki man shouted loudly, the soldiers who were asking him burst into sweat.

"Fu, lieutenant!? No!! I wanted to protect my child because he was lost!!

"Kids? Hmm, I see. You've become a great child to treat this skilled adventurer, haven't you?

A man named Captain looked at us with a flat face while hanging from his mouth.

The soldier who had just heard the words peeled his eyes.

"... fuh?

"That's why you can't leave your apprenticeship. I don't think I can discern the skill of the opponent who is confused by the appearance. Don't fail to observe!

"Yes!! I'm sorry!!

Soldiers yelled at by the Mukimuki man were rattled.

After finishing his sermon to the soldiers, Rough Macho turned around and lowered his head.

"I'm sorry that we got strangely entangled, Adventurer. My name is Warren, and I'm the deputy commander of the Labyrinth Corps. I know you heard me, but don't worry, the Corps won't interfere with adventurers. Well, from here on out, there are a lot of painful people, so it might be annoying in that sense."

"My name is Sirius, thank you for everything."

Warren smiled at me as I lowered my head.

"I don't do anything thankful. By the way, are you gonna dive down here?

"I'm thinking of turning back at this level today...."

That said, Mr. Warren looked a little relieved.

"Well... I know you're a pretty big adventurer, but let me give Jiji one piece of advice. It's better not to think of the same hierarchy from here down as before. The advance party has reached 49 levels, but the monster houses have grown considerably more troubling. Moreover, the fifty floors are unbroken boss rooms. I don't know how many A-rank adventurers have been killed.... don't be so rude."

I'm sorry to say, but Mr. Warren, who only looks rough, lowered his eyebrows and buttocks worryingly without looking good.

"Thank you for your concern. I'm not going to be rude, so don't worry."

"Phew... no matter what I say, what I want to do is stick to his face. Well, be careful.

Mr. Warren shook his shoulders and shook his head.

I really don't mean to be rude... but I want to aim for 50 levels. I'm sure that feeling appeared on my face.

I could only laugh bitterly. [M]

"Hmm... I'm sorry I stopped you. Be a master!... hey, Abel! Captain, did you see that? I can't see him walking around again for the last few days. Let me know as soon as you find it, okay?

Warren turned his back and left yelling at the soldiers earlier.

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