Since the day Lynn taught me, Lynn has been training me for the weekend.

After school on weekdays, in addition to guidance from Mr. Beatrice, he also trained in collaboration with Senpai Zion to compete against the school.

On holidays, there are also meetings to develop new menus and improve store management by showing their faces to the Coffee Astelle and Torne Chamber of Commerce for unemployed income.

In this way, even if I thought that I had finally dived into the labyrinth, I could only dive to about twenty levels, and I could not go to forty levels after that.

Well, I went to the labyrinth to earn experience and practice training, so I had no particular problem with training with Lynn to practice whiteness and fighting spirit.

Rather, it was too valuable for Kensei to practice swords, so I decided to prioritize you.

And as I was living more busy days, I somehow came closer to a school-to-school battle.

School matches are held in the fighting capital Dominius, about three hours by carriage from Central.

Dominius has the largest circular arena in the country, the Dominius Arena, where tournaments usually take place.

Normally, 70% of the seats are said to be filled, but almost all seats are filled in the battle against the school.

In addition to the students of the five universities, their relatives and royal nobles come to watch the game, and Dominius' shops and lodgings are very lucrative.

As a matter of fact, Mr. Torne asked me if I could make a coffee shop in Dominius before the school match.....

I don't have enough time to educate my staff, and I am worried about the safety of my staff as there are many rubbish people, such as gladiators, in times other than school battles.

In this world, there seems to be a black tide that says you can do anything if you just pay the wages, but at least I don't want to run a shop that's so inefficient.

I don't know why people in this country frequently run away with sales because they do that kind of thing.

When I was thinking about that in the wagging carriage, I heard an ominous noise from next door.

Faced with a reality I didn't want to face directly, I looked up to my neighbor.

"... Muskel, are you okay?

"It's okay, it's okay...."

Lancelot and I will stay as far away from Muscle with his pale face as possible.

I just want to get out of the carriage and run by myself.

It is said that carriage travel is also one of the adventurers' training, and it is very resentful that it is not allowed.

"I can't believe that Muskel can't use a carriage... I don't see anyone at all."

Well, there is also a problem with my constitution. Should I faint if it's really tight?

When I put up my knife like that, Muskel shook his head. [M]

"Don't let it go... my muscles will cry when I can't stand it this much..."

Muskel took a muscle pose without force, while releasing the alley.

Lancelot was safe in the car thanks to Muskell's face sticking into the window, but the smell didn't go away and I and Lancelot were desperate to get it, and we managed to get to Dominius at a critical point.

With the exception of Muskel, who went straight to the inn with a pale blue face, when he started walking along the main street with an S-class member for a year, Ms. Airx laughed next door.

"I can't believe Muscle had such a weakness."

Me and Lancelot had no choice but to laugh bitterly, but it seemed interesting to the other carriage ladies.

"I can't believe I let Sirius weaken so much."

Mr. Rose also seems to have a little smell. Precious.

"Yes... I should have given you the antiintoxication potion first... I'm sorry..."

"Aria, please leave....."

"Yes! I have a reputation for my anti-intoxication potion!

It goes without saying that I and Lancelot saw a backlight behind Aria, who was so full of goddesses.

Dominius is home to many gladiators fighting in the tournament.

As a result, there were a very large number of stalls and meat systems, as well as a wide variety of meat, and it was a place where walking and eating were very advanced.

If Muskel had been here, he would have chewed a lot of meat, so I could buy you some as a souvenir.

When I finished eating the steady Madble skewer and wondered what I would eat next, I suddenly got a terrible shock from behind and blew it off.


When I hit my face on the ground and twisted my neck with tears, a fluffy milk tea-colored hair entered my eyes.

Looks like a girl is stuck to her waist.

"Sirius-kun!!! Sirius-kun Sirius-kun! Real Sirius!! Suha-suhah...."

This is... even if I try to get up, I can't get up because I'm being hugged with so much force.

That much strength that I could hold back...?

"Hey, hey you! What are you doing!?

Air rushed in late and tried to rip off the girl, but the girl didn't panic.

When everyone was stunned, I heard someone rushing in.

"Wait a minute!! It's Lara!! What are you doing!?

When I twisted my neck and turned to you, a blonde twin tail girl looked at me with her eyes open.

Oh dear ~

Furthermore, a woman dressed in the same clothes with an adult-like atmosphere approached with her hands against her mouth.

This situation is too spicy for the boulder... I think so, I licked the girl's head.

"Lara-chan, it's been a long time. Maybe it's time to step aside...?

"Shirikun...!? Sirius!? Sorry!!

Lara-chan went insane, or her face turned bright red and jumped out of me. [M]

As I got up and rubbed my cheeks on the ground, Lara-chan rushed in a hurry. [M]

"Sirius-kun, I'm sorry... I'll cure you now. Heal him. Heal him. Heal him.

When Lara-chant chanted briefly, soft light enveloped me and my cheeks ached.

Looking at it, Rosé felt a small, breathtaking sign behind her.

"Hey, Lara! I thought you ran away all of a sudden. What are you doing?

The blonde twin terrorist grabbed Lara-chan's neck and it was amazing.

The woman in the back was watching it with a soft smile.

"Ugh... I mean, there was a sign of Sirius..."

"I don't know what that means!

"Ufufu, Lara-chan is an interesting girl after all ~"

The two students who came after Lara-chan were wearing the same loose dress as Lara-chan, and it was realized that they belonged to the same school.

Lara-chan's classmates and seniors at the Vesten Healing School.

Even so, this woman's magic... this is...

Rose also noticed and is looking for a flicker.

"Hey, hey, Sirius, explain what's going on."

I felt something sharp coming out of Lara-chan's direction at the moment when Miss Air was next to me with a small voice. It was really a moment, but I wonder what it was, it's probably because of my mind... I don't think it's because of my mind that the killer will come from Lara-chan who is so smiling.

"Everyone, this is Lara-chan, a childhood friend from my hometown. Lara-chan, this is my classmate. Er, that's...."

When I looked at Lara-chan's two neighbors, an adult woman started talking.

"You're Sirius the rumor. I'm Cecilia, Lara-chan's senpai or something ~"

"Wow, I'm Lara and my classmate Kino!

After the introduction of the two of them, they all became self-introduction tournaments.

Incidentally, I didn't have the courage to step in there, even though I was very curious about what the Rumor was about.

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