The Reincarnated Wizard Who Will Eventually Become the Strongest

55 - 54 "Self-styled fiancee freak is here" ②

"Who says he's my brother? You are not a stranger!"

Günther brushed back his bangs and cowered as Erica gave him a blatantly disgusted look.

"You're so boring. I've known you since I was a little girl. You're like a brother to me. Besides, I'm going to marry her, so I'm still your brother by necessity.

You still don't know?


"...... ur sister is dead."

Erica told the young man, her childhood friend, that her sister had died.

Günther, however, was not saddened, but rather indignant.

"That's the thing."

"What? What?"

"That's what I came here today to find out. I know that there is an infidel who has taken advantage of you and your family by lying about the death of my beloved Ulrike, claiming to be her disciple, isn't there?

"Günther, your sister really is..."

I believe you said his name was Samuel.

Erica is at a loss for words when the young man seems to not believe her sister is dead.

He is a depressing person who has played the older brother since she was a child, but she does not hate him from the bottom of her heart.

She inwardly tilts her head and wonders how she can get Günther to accept her sister's death.

"Sam. Samuel Scheidt. And Sam is not lying. Your sister is really dead."

Even Erica doesn't want to believe it, but she saw the body with her own eyes and went to the funeral.

There was no way she could say that her sister's death had never happened.

"Yes! Its you Samuel! Fools claiming to be Ulrike's disciples! Why do your uncles allow a child from who-knows-where to take the magical name of Ur?"

"Sam is the only heir your sister found and raised."

"Oh. That's surprising. I thought you would be more emotional about the boy. You were the one who wanted to be Ulrike's successor, after all.

Erika's face contorts as if remembering something bitter in Günther's words.

As the young man had expected, Erica has already gone off the rails, refusing to recognize Sam.

She has, however, been able to reconcile with him as a result.

"I've already been in denial and jealousy," she says. I've already accepted Sam as your sister's successor."


I mean, you came late when you heard the news of Ur-sister's death. I thought you would have flown in that day.

"That's harsh. To tell you the truth, I fainted from surprise when I heard the delusion that Ulrike had passed away, and I just woke up this morning.

"...... you've been out cold for almost a week, how much your brain couldn't process your sister's death."

"I'm an idiot too. Ulrike can't die. I can't find a way to kill her. I'm ashamed that I believed for a moment that she was dead.


The young man in front of me did not accept his sister's death.

I realized that he did not accept it.

That is a very sad thing indeed.

"Come on, let's go see Ulrike."

"That's why he's not here! We've already been to the funeral!"

"-- then! Let's meet this boy, this Samuel boy! If he really is the heir, if he has inherited all of Ur, then I am qualified to meet him."

What are you doing?

"And it's interesting, too. I was going to tear you ...... to pieces to see if you were boy enough for Syscon Erika to recognize as Ulrike's heir, but I changed my mind after talking to you. If you really believe that Ulleke is dead, then I'd like to meet him, the heir."

"I would never let a dangerous man like you meet Sam! What are you doing?

I knew it would be dangerous to let Günther see Sam because of his obsession with his sister.

Even Erica knew that if Günther, who had not accepted his sister's death, and Sam, who had accepted and moved on, met with Günther, there was bound to be some problems.

"But I'm sure he would want to meet me. If he really is Ulrike's successor and protege. After all, I am Ulrike's fiancée.

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