The Reincarnated Wizard Who Will Eventually Become the Strongest

6 - 5 "I'm going to try magic" ③

The next day, Sam slipped out of the house under the watchful eye of the Reinbachs, bypassed the town, and found himself in the woods.

"Well, let's give it a try."

Sam, who has promised Daphne that he will not use fire magic, has chosen to try out the magic that strengthens his body.

As a child, his body is out of breath and fatigued by the slightest movement.

This is what he wants to cover.

(If he could strengthen his body, he would not be beaten unconscious by his brother.)

I have already read the grimoire and learned to chant.

Once I had activated the magic, I could feel the magic inside my body.

She takes a deep breath and casts a strengthening spell.

"Soo-Ha......--Give me strength, you who fill my body with magic power."

Body enhancement magic is the use of the magical power residing in the body - internal magic power - to improve one's physical abilities.

I tried to cast the rudiments of this magic, a simple spell to improve my physical abilities.

Then, I said to myself

"Oh, oh? Oh, oh, oh, oh!"

The effect was immediate.

The body of the nine-year-old, which had been heavy, became light as if it had grown wings.

His immature body had been difficult to move, but his arms and legs moved as he wished.

"--Okay! Taaaaahhh!"

Kicking the ground, he was able to make a big leap.

He succeeded in flying higher than the trees around him, high enough to command a view of the town where Sam lived.

"Wow, that's high!

Surprise and emotion overtook me at the same time.

Biting back the joy of having succeeded in the body enhancement magic, I enjoy, if only for a short time, the other world that spreads across my field of vision.

After a short time in the air, Sam lands on the ground without any problems.

"Wow! I never thought I could jump like this!"

Sam's heart was pounding with excitement.

Unlike yesterday's pillar of fire that had gone out of control, he had done the strengthening magic on his own will and had succeeded.

His joy was different.

It was also good to have a panoramic view of the world we live in.

Once again, I could feel that I had been reborn in another world, and I could think about my future now that I could use magic.

"I think I can make it as a magician, don't you?

It seemed more efficient to use his enhanced body as a weapon for punching and kicking than to fight with a sword, which he had no talent for.

"Okay. Let's try it again!"

Sam readies his fists and drops his enhanced body low.

He turns to face a towering tree nearby,


With all his might, he delivers the coup de grace.

--A roar.

"Yeah. ...... lie."

Sam was stunned.

His fist had easily snapped a large tree and knocked it to the ground.

His fist felt no pain.

Normally, if you hit something seriously, your fist would hurt more or less due to the recoil of the blow.

"So this is the effect of physical reinforcement. ...... is amazing."

In a fit of anger, he fires his fist at another large tree.

Just like before, I was able to break it off with ease.

And there is still time to spare.

"I didn't know how much magic talent I had, but if I can do this, I should have no problem fighting, right?"

There was enough simple power to make it seem sufficient.

It is not clear whether this power would work against monsters, but it is hard to imagine that so much power would not work at all.

There are many people in the world who cannot use magic, and yet there are many adventurers.

"Maybe I can become an adventurer with this!"

The ability to use magic raised expectations.

Sam does not expect that everything will suddenly go smoothly.

First of all, he was able to take the first step. That was all that mattered.

I will treasure this step and train myself until one day I become an adventurer.

"...... problem is, I don't want to stay in that house forever."

My excited mood quickly cools down.

The environment in the house is so bad that Sam, who was an adult before his reincarnation, is fed up with it.

The father is not interested in his son who cannot use a sword.

His mother-in-law comes to his room to sarcasm at the age of nine, and she is so unkind that she tells him to his face that he should have died.

Her half-brother is a monster who beats his brother unconscious with a wooden sword.

Today, he punched me on the cheek as if to say hello.

I am worried about the future of my brother who can do unreasonable things with a smile on his face.

I have a feeling that he will become an out-of-control problem child, just like a child who was raised by a poisonous parent.

No, it may be too late for him because he has already grown up to be a problem child.

"Well, I don't really care what happens to them."

Sam does not have any kinship with the Reinbachs.

Whether it is because he is a reincarnated human being that he feels like a stranger to them, or whether it is because he was treated unfairly before his reincarnation, Sam himself does not know.

The only people Sam feels affection for are Daphne, the maid, and Derrick, the butler.

Without them, Sam would have suffered from loneliness.

We can only be thankful for that.

At best, we can only hope that the people of Reinbach will not give Daphne and her family any trouble.

After that, the sun was quickly setting as we continued our training in body strengthening magic.

"Daphne will get angry with me if I don't go home soon..."

I didn't want to worry Daphne, who was kind and friendly to me as if she were my sister.

I was still tickled to be called "Botchanma," but I did not want to be called "Manion-sama" as casually as my brother.

It is obvious that Daphne and the other servants have a different attitude toward her and her brother, but her brother seems to think nothing of it.

The arrogant brother does not care if the servants hate him or not, but rather he does not care what they think.

Therefore, he is selfish and violent, which makes the servants hate him even more, which is a vicious circle.

This will continue until the brother himself realizes it.

Sam, who has prepared himself with sympathy for the servants, says to them

"Come on, let's go home."

Just as he turned on his heel,



A roar came from the trees.

Reflexively, I turned around and saw a huge bear behind a large tree, a bear I had never seen before in my life.

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