The Reincarnated Wizard Who Will Eventually Become the Strongest

75 - 12 "I sold the fight to the strongest." ④

"Sam, a duel with a court wizard is a fight for your life. And since it's Albert, he's not the kind of man who would forgive you even if you admit defeat."

"I don't mean to threaten you, but in a duel sanctioned by the royal court, no one will complain if you kill him. They will kill you for sure."

"In other words, if I kill Albert, no one will blame me?"

"That's true, but ......, so why is that what you're worried about! You don't know what he's capable of! That son of a b*tc* is the most powerful man in the kingdom!"

Both Fran and Delight are sincerely concerned about me, whom they have just met.

(They are good people, I must win for them.)

"But, Mr. Delight, you were the strongest in the kingdom, too."

"Idiot! Sure, I was the best at one time, but back then I was outclassed by that son of a b*tc*! In front of the King and my colleagues, I was beaten and beaten inhumanely!"

"...... father."

Delight bit his lip, a bitter look on his face.

"I'll never forget the humiliation. I still have nightmares about it. That's why I try to drown them out with a drink."

"...... Mr. Delight."

When Sam learned the cause of his drinking, he could no longer forgive Albert.

"Look. My arms shake just thinking about all those years ago. It's f*cking disgusting. I'm still scared of him."

"But you're not just afraid, are you, Mr. Delight?"

What the hell are you doing?

"I can tell from the books of magic scattered about the room that you are still learning magic. Perhaps you were planning to fight Albert again someday and win?"

"- You're looking at me all wrong."

"Father, then, after all..."

"I'm scared of Albert for sure. But as a wizard who once called himself the strongest, I want to take back that title. But you know, no matter how much I relearn magic, I can't imagine how I can beat that bastard.

Delight clenched his fists and shook.

As a former court wizard and one of the most powerful wizards in the world, he could clearly see the difference in power between him and Albert.

It is too painful to want to win and to know that you can't win.

I can only imagine what he was going through.

"But I fought him and he didn't kill me. Well, that son of a b*tc* couldn't have been so reckless if he didn't have power and backing then, but not now."

"If it comes to a duel, you'll kill me, won't you?"

Sinatra and his son nod their heads in approval.

"If anything, Albert was so hostile to Ulle that he'd be more than happy to kill you," they say.

I don't intend to lose in the slightest.

You can say that because you've never fought him.

"Now, let me ask you, who is stronger, Ur or Albert?"

Delight did not hesitate to answer Sam's question.

"I'm not trying to favor my apprentice, but Ur is stronger. There is no doubt about that. I wanted to give up the top spot to Ulle. But he's not interested in that kind of thing. I thought he was... ...... I didn't know he was sick. What a woman to die before her master."

Sam spotted a glint in Delight's eye, but pretended he didn't see it.

But he did hear some good things.

Delight, who had fought Albert before, said Ur was stronger.

Then Albert's strength, as Sam perceived it, was just as he had imagined.

With his personality, it's not like he has a hidden ball, and even if he did, he should not be allowed to play it.

"I'm sorry, I'm getting a little wet."

"No. I'm the one who's being rude.

I don't care. So, what's the big deal if Ur is stronger?

"I don't mean to brag, but I fought beside Ur and with her and saw what she was capable of. I've been in mortal battles with her, sometimes to the death, and I've fought with Ur too. I have never met a wizard stronger than Ur."

What do you mean?

Even though I was ill, Ur has recognized my strength. So even if Albert calls himself the strongest, I am not afraid and I will win.

"Ha, you've got some guts. But maybe that's all right.

Delighted at Sam's fearless comment, Delight smiled.

"If you're scared from the start like me, you can't even win. I think it's better to be like you and only think about winning.

"Thank you very much."

It's not a compliment. Well, hey, Sam. Go home today.

Yeah, but...

I'll think about it if you want to talk about who's going to nominate you to the Court of Wizards. But first let's see how the duel with Albert goes. It's no use recommending him if he'll kill me in a duel. But if you can win, then you don't need my recommendation in the first place.

Sam agrees with Delight's words.

Although it was assumed that they would duel, there was no doubt that Sam's future would be determined by his victory or defeat.

"Wait a minute!

Just as the conversation was about to end, Fran spoke up.

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